I have to admit

when the neets and autists of Jow Forums began spamming chainlink memes nonstop 2, maybe even 3 years ago - I thought it was a stupid meme, didnt even bother looking into it - all these idiots in this shit board, they cant be right about anything , at the time chainlink was worth hardly anything, and no one that 'mattered' really talked about it.
but , it was real, chainlink and sergey are legit one of the biggest alts in crypto now, their is massive volume on the coin and chart has been one of the most bullish in 2019.

I admit , biz, i fucked up, I was wrong , you were right

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Lmao it's going back to fifty cents and dying there. Don't worry. You were right.

Same thing is happening atm with ONE. Eveverybody on board while you still can.

Just wait until /fatigue/ sets in user. You dont want to fud and you cant be bothered shilling

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But it was a stupid meme
Chainlink started in sept 2017 and did fuckall during the golden bullrun
People who bought other coins back then already made it and dont have to post here

its late, but not over user. i wish i had more cashiolo to go in hard when it was atl. i knew it was the atl, just didnt have the capital unless i sold other cryptos..

>coin goes from $0.10 to $5.00 back to $0.50
>good thing I didn't buy at $0.10
>me smart
fucking retards, jesus.

thing is , I made money in crypto all through the bear market, and even way before, but just never paid attention to chainlink

this post isn't about regret over missing out, its more just an acknowledgement for the endless chainlink shills, dating back as long as I visited this board, and when chainlink was irrelevant

First week of October 17, I clicked the shiller thread, couldn't figure out why cubes and this Russian philosophy major was being spammed Non-Stop. Best move I've made this far. Besides, never selling at $5.

>got trump elected
>predicted elite child trafficking ring
>predicted Brexit
>predicted ETH moon
>predicted Epstein death
Come on OP have you learned nothing? Jow Forums is always right

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the power of a meme, must be something we cant fuly understand yet

youre a good man, realizing and admitting this honorable. Are you going to but some now? We have just begun, people like you JUST realized link is legit recently

And Jow Forums will be right about chainlink too. I’d be surprised if Link DOESNT reach 1k

Look at this marine larping as a nulinker to harvest some (you) and get it's hopium fix.
Press S to spit

>must be something we cant fuly understand yet
COPE. You’re a brainlet and you fell for the ‘Link is a meme’ meme. The autists used this gambit to hide their gem in plain sight and it worked like a charm.

Its not just the meme, it's the power of insane fundamentals plus a indeadivly passionate community of expert mememakers

ive never owned link, and ignored most posts about it because it was spammed in a pajeet like fashion - but in the past 3-6 months I have come to realize it wasn't a joke, or a pajeet scheme .... when legit funds are buying a large amount of chainlink OTC (which I know personally has happened), then I have to admit I was wrong af about it all along


Pajeets aren’t smart, creative, and tenacious enough to meme like this

>pajeet manner
Can you expand on that? I always thought the link shills were very different from the pajeet shills. Theres was also a huge amount of research threads too, especially summer of 18

>I admit , biz, i fucked up, I was wrong , you were right
One of the best statements written on Jow Forums in 2019

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pajeet in the sense that the threads were endless, repetitive and the sheer volume prevented me from really paying attention

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Bend the knee.

All of you filthy no linkers will bend the knee. One by one.

this website is truly a work of satan

Predicting or caused. Hmmm


1. can you tell us more about the funds buying Chainlink

2. Do you plan to take a position in LINK now?

Not OP but

1. No sorry I don't know anything about that

2. Yes I already own chainlink thank you for asking

1) us based firm , initials CC - funds buying alts otc is nothign special user i wouldnt worry about it
2) no i only trade derivative products

Shut up faggot I know what firm you're talking about. And no they aren't buying link. They have more than 3/4 custody of BTC right now and literally nothing of link.

Derivative products like options? Commodities or equities?

CC? hmm. like an investment firm? How large is this fund?

>Shut up faggot I know what firm you're talking about.
If you know it say it.

He doesn't.