Why is link always the only thing that's dumping while everything else is pumping? This is fucking infuriating.
Why is link always the only thing that's dumping while everything else is pumping? This is fucking infuriating
Also, why is there no link threads tonight? This board seems dead right now.
It pumped for a fucking year. It will be dumping for a very long time. Everything big is priced in, the autist summits and conferences are nothing but a rehash. No one cares about 50 oracle startups, most of which wont even be in business in 2 years. The only thing that will pump link now is big, silly announcements, and there arent really any on the horizon. Everyone knows SWIFT is not a thing, wait for 2020-2022, when the system is producing gains. The pump is over.
>It pumped for a fucking year.
No it didn't it. It pumped for like 3 months and then proceeded to dump right after that. Meanwhile BTC and other literal who shitcoins have actually been pumping for a whole year.
stop stressing, leave biz its a fucking shithole now
It is over user. the pump has been ongoing ofr months, if you didnt sell arounf 4-5, you are a pajeet. Now you will have to wait minimum 12 months to revisit ATHs again. The whole market is about to implode for awhile and link will be dragged down with it.
I was on cmc and binance. Then I came here to bitch and moan like a pussy. Link is in the best position right now compared to other coins, but I don't understand why these absolute mongoloids are still selling. I know I should just leave it for a year but seeing my profits drop for no reason makes my blood boil.
greedy cunt, it went from 15c to 50c in a year then pumped from that to almost $5 in two months
meanwhile the whole rest of market was dumping the whole 2018 and until btc hit 3k
unironically kys
>original content
Link is dead. Iota is the next big thing.
Price suppression. Look at the fucking trades being made, you can literally see it.
>Price suppression. Look at the fucking trades being made, you can literally see it.
Why tho? What's the point of suppressing the price to accumulate if it's not going to go up?
And also, why only link?
lol fuck off faggot my thread has more reply counts.
It will go up, that's the thing. There have been a few threads about stuff, but the chinks lost the trade war in other manipulation bullshit, so they've changed tactics and are trying to get ahead of the next thing, which is crypto markets. They've cut off US ag imports, and they're being hit hard by bad weather and insects/diseased crops and they need to boost imports and trade in other areas. You're going to start to see a huge increase in manipulation, and now it's going to he blatant. We're watching the first ripples of it now.
>why only link
It isn't just link, but that's a focal point. Link has always been a long game, which is why it's not always a favorite around here anymore. There's emotional responses and conditioning that comes with trading in cryptos from the rapid cycle everyone is used to, but link was always a long term play, and people are getting bored/not seeing what they wanted from it. There's no "high" from that day trade/week or even month build up and sell off. The chinks don't care about that though, and aren't playing for today, tomorrow, or even next year. They're playing 5-10 years out, just assuming they can fake it til then. So they manipulate markets they feel are susceptible/have long term potential. And it's going to get a lot more blatant, because no one is stopping them.
this... chink bots as one other guy said or group trying to keep it low for reasons... annoying cuz it happens at some point no matter what to every single coin
Board was packed with link threads like a day ago no clue what happened lmao. Looks like everyone has gone back on a break and the trannies are busy fudding that's all.
>You're going to start to see a huge increase in manipulation, and now it's going to he blatant. We're watching the first ripples of it now.
What do you mean by this? Sorry I’m a brainlet
>They're playing 5-10 years out, just assuming they can fake it til then. So they manipulate markets they feel are susceptible/have long term potential. And it's going to get a lot more blatant, because no one is stopping them.
I know 1k eoy is a stupid meme and obviously we’re not going to see any huge pricing for a while. But what do you think the price of Link be in 5 years?
ANKR is also dumping :(
Literally noone is actually selling, it's just chink bots trading with themselves bleeding the price down by shaking out nulinkers
Look at the volume
Look at the trade sizes
Look at the order books
Market buying 30k LINK would pump the price like $0.10. That is absurd.
No other coin is manipulated this hard, even BTC itself. You should realize how bullish it is that groups are so desperate to secure every single LINK possible that they are willing to suppress and manipulate the price downward for YEARS on end in order to accumulate as much as they possibly can, instead of just PnD it like normal.
>What did you mean by this?
China uses all sorts of market manipulation, it's the only way they can stay viable on the global stage. It's why Trump's hardball bullshit is working, even though they pretend it isn't. I'm saying the Chinese are getting desperate, searching out new markets to cheat, and they can't afford to even be subtle about it at this point. So from the outside, if you can't see the forest for the trees, it will look like "China numba wan!" While they're resorting to cannibalism to avoid starving to death.
>price of link in 5 years
My hope is that it will continue to grow. It still has massive potential, and that's my marker. I expect to see good returns on this investment no sooner than 2025. The memes and things helped get us this far, now I expect to be a lot of low to mid level adoptions for various purposes as people come to grips with it's utility. We're moving towards a world that will REQUIRE a chainlink solution in the near future, and they're positioned to fill it, if they can sell the idea.
So price? I dunno. Maybe 1000. Maybe 1000000. Maybe 1 dollar. Realistically, I think somewhere between 100-1000. But that's not really the point. The point is that it's the future.
why in the FUCK would the owner of the majority of tokens.. want the price to dump? This makes no fucking sense.
>no one is selling
>bots are shaking people out
>"Shaking out" refers to people selling
SHUT THE FUCK UP FAGGOT and get ready for school tomorrow you literal child.
Why are you being retarded?
THanks for clearing that up fren.
I dunno if the owner of it does or doesn't, but it's irrelevant. Even if he does, you build slowly and create manageable growth, not fucking explode out the gate and then fall off a cliff. That's day one, famalamadingdong.
because tahts how markets work after going up 1000% you stupid fuck
>no sooner than 2025
based on? a hunch? how did you come to that?
you are joking right? that shit isn't a pump you fucking newfag
>how did you come to that?
You can’t. It’s the market. You can’t predict shit. But Link does have the potential to be big. That’s the only thing everyone knows
I plucked a taint hair and did some calculations based off it's length. It's a new technique that only the top execs in the most high end trading firms are doing.
Seriously, pulled out of basically thin air. I consider it to be a long term hold, which is in the neighborhood of 5-10 years from where I'm sitting, so I split the difference and I like multiples of 5. But judginf by the ever increasing amounts of data exchange, and the reliance on it all to be super accurate, we have to have something like it, and soon. Even .gov agencies are starting to catch up to 2002 and realizing that it isn't feasible to have people fax signed sheets in all the time, or wait for it to deliver by mail. Car registration. Property taxes. All needs to be shifted online, and in a hurry.
Actually, it's less random than I made it sound. Track related tech developments and roll outs. Look at 5g. Have you Ever seen a government body move this fast to implement anything? Do you have any idea how long we've all been waiting, and when fiber was supposed to be deployed nationwide, and how much money disappeared into that pit? Something is afoot. And it involves INSANE data flow. The kind of data flow that doesn't actually exist right now. What could possibly change that would necessitate a fast deployment of this kind of connectivity infrastructure?
Like the other user said, no one fucking knows. A lot of dots, and a few lines can be drawn. It's a pattern, but my autism isn't powerful enough to fully unravel it. yet.
acktually link only dumps when serg dumps a fat 700k. usually link is following bitcoins pattern.
>Why is link always the only thing that's dumping while everything else is pumping?
Because it's usually the only thing pumping while everything else is dumping.
like i said
>greedy cunt
you all are, you'll never make it in this hot potato game
He's fucking retarded. That would mean 8 fucking years of LINK being out there. It only took BTC 4 years to get to $1k. And that was when crypto was a totally new asset class unlike today. $1000 eoy is fud. Fuck that guy
>greedy cunt
Being greedy is how you make it you fag. How do you think rich people got rich? By being nice and giving money away?
>That would mean 8 fucking years of LINK being out there
It's most likely between 2-4 years, but 8 years is not that bad dude. Or would you rather have boomer stocks and wait 20 years?
no dumbass, being greedy in the market is when you wait and never sell always expecting something to go higher and higher
consider that link took a year from 15c to 50c, then took 2 months going from 50c to $5, peaking with a 2 dollar increase in 2 days. anyone with a brain and some experience sold at that point
What the fuck are you talking about retard? If LINK only ever dumps then why have we been crabbing at $2.00-$2.60 for the past month?
This price isn't dumping retarded pajeet. Every time we pump above $2.60 another 700k gets dumped to push the price back down, is that not price suppression?
>implying the US isn't N°1 in term of market manipulations and various others jewish tricks to racket and steal from everyone worldwide since the 60's
Bc I keep buying LINK.
Bs. Chainlink cannot go above $3. And it will go lower once the rest of the tokens are released. With current supply @$3 LINK sits at 1B marketcap. AFAIK apple is the only company valued around that. for chainlink to be $1k with total supply sets it to $650T MC. If you believe this is realistic even in 5 years you are setting yourself for big disappointment. Premainnet LINK threads were bad but linkers were putting some serious effort when posting. Now OG linkers have sold the top and sit by the sidelines watching nulinkers and nolinkers flinging shit to each other while enjoying their gains.
probably because BTC is all that matters you shitcoiner faggot
This nigga gets it
>With current supply @$3 LINK sits at 1B marketcap.
>apple is the only company valued around that
Because it's an over valued scam token. The fact that it pumped during a bear market is an anomaly and evidence that it's a manipulated heavily shilled pump and dump
>AAPL is the only company valued at $1B
You are a very simple person with a small mind and have no idea what you are talking about.
A lot of shitty reddit nulinkers got absolutely btfo by web3, many link marines are long gone, the time of real discussion has passed now we’re all just waiting for adoption...
Other cryptos don't get 700k dumped on them every time the price goes up by a little lmao.
Should've sold at $4 now get shit on
Let me translate that post for you - a discord tranny is telling you not to sell.
>With current supply @$3 LINK sits at 1B marketcap.
Yea, it's $773,355,086 according to cmc. Wrong but I got close
>apple is the only company valued around that
I probably missed a few zeros bc i was phoneposting while my anus was literally bleeding. AAPL hit $1T, which makes LINK $1k probable. I would be convinced about that price if Jow Forums hadn't gone to shit after the mainnet pump. All we are left with now are pajeet shills and the discord tranny boogeyman. Assblaster is gone, so is oatbro, along with other larpers. I'm not saying Jow Forums was good b4, it was shit.
Sub $1 LINK Jow Forums was mostly linkmarines vs nolinkers, which led to decent discussion despite the shitstorm. Now it's a cringefest of nulinkers and nolinkers shitting on each other while OG linkmarines and semi-smart redditors laught at these threads while jerking off each other
lmao no go fuck yourself there have been link threads and im one of your link marines.
have you actually looked at the shitcoin charts? most of them are hitting new sat ATLs all the time, while link is still up 7x over the past year in USD and 4x in sats. you can't honestly be this retarded.