Inflation is dead, Deflation reigns supreme

You idiots are losing money on altcoins with billions of tokens and no demand. Even if your project takes off users need to hold the tokens or increase the user base for price gains. Buying and selling won't do shit if there's no scarcity of sell orders. Deflation tokens self-destroy their own supply to increase the odds of scarcity.

SHOCK is the only deflationary crypto with 3% self-destruction rate and 3% staking rewards for SHOCK holders. Claiming rewards is 24/7, requires only eth gas, can be done on their site, etherscan, metamask and more.

The 2 biggest problems with good DFL tokens is the big % of volume on CEX (no selfdestruction on trades) and unfair distribution to indian CPU farms and bots. SHOCK has been the most thorough DFL in vetting bots in the discord and telegram groups for a healthy distribution. The team built incentive into the smart contract by blacklisting all exchange wallets from dividends. You have to keep it off an exchange to collect rewards. It's the ultimate crypto lesson, forcing people into holding their own keys.

They have a planned holder drop, 4 months from now that will keep it mostly off CEX until they do something else for holders. The people who buy now (@$0.11) will receive 3% from all the airdrops being sent out, in proportion to their Shock held. It's the only airdrop with incentive to buy before the drops get sent out. The game theory is strong here.

Attached: BTCgods.jpg (1024x768, 581K)

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Kys fag

You have to learn to read to make money. Sorry I can't condense complex market dynamics into one sentence.

Most will feel the same way as you and miss out on this until it hits $10-20. I hope there is a few people who can read out there, tonight.

Good project. Deflationary AND staking. Still early in the development as well, many good news incoming.

and what real world usage does this have?

the meme is over, sorry you got caught bagholding but thats the way it is

I love SHOCK but how many Econ, math or crypto nerds are there? No one else gives 2 shits about inflation and deflation or game theory. You should probably shill to a smarter crowd

Deflation tokens can go up without much work. These things are just starting on ETH. It’s only dead if STO ICO or IEO. Becoming compliant and easy to use.

It's a social economic experiment built around market psychology. No real world uses except for those of us interested in economics. Utility won't give you gains unless combined with massive demand or holders. Utility coins have high velocity like currencies.
Math is meme to you people? I have coins on other platforms with no volume but they are a over a 100x for me in gains. Deflation is greater a creating scarcity and scarcity is more important to price than US markets realize.
Where though? I'm open to suggestions. I'm only going to shill it while I think there's money for others to make in it.
Airdrops are healthier for token price than selling your tokens to a bunch of whales

Attached: AftershockLogo.png (239x239, 18K)

I agree but dumbfucks like this refuse to read. SHOCK needs a youtuber to educate cryptoidiots on real economics, not just central banker fiat tales

Too many negros.


I hold COSS, what's up with supply? After the CFT thing did supply increase?

not a lot of COSS talk now but back in 2017 there was a ton, into early 2018 too before many figured out we'd be bear for a year and left.

They had much more tokens and volume and tokens than Shock does but right now they're 1/3rd the price. Why? Demand never outstripped enough sell orders after BTC crashed. COS is down 99% from ATH right now.

IDEX does huge volume but is down 95% on it's token. 500 million tokens and less demand after KYC.

KCS is burning massive amounts of extra tokens. Why are they giving up profit to destroy their own token?

Best crypto over the last year is BNB. Because they're the most popular exchange for crypto buyers and they funnel profit into destroying BNB. Less BNB makes price go up. BNB price going up brings more users to Binance. It's a reinforcing cycle.

I guess airdrops are better for price. I like this shit because deflationary math contracts are cool to me. I’m a goldbug

Global currencies are devalued to record lows. Bond yields and interest rates too. Cryptos with massive inflation rates are crashing.

No one understands why our views on inflation are biased from our current system.
SHOCK seems silly to people who don't get what I'm talking about.
Just launched reddit today, under a month old, $0.11 now. You'll still ignore this until it moons

Attached: blondetits.jpg (640x640, 41K)

This will never list on big boy exchanges, so it'll never be more than PND at pajeet prices.

Buy CRUZBIT, brainlet.

I got lucky and jumped into this at the start. More than happy to sell to idiots for $10 a piece

Deflation definitely rules supreme but Aftershock is a scam. FUZE is the real deal.

blockstream pay shills.

Attached: eyhqgnoy54u01.png (400x273, 175K)

These tokens have come a long way in the last few months. We'll see.
FUZE has a nice supply but the price has been crashing from the beginning. The community on that one is weak. The SHOCK distribution and community have been better so far.
Don't call things scam without saying why. You guys are killing the word.

Satoshi put them in power. He left them the keys because they understood BTC value. I bet you think it should be BCH or ETH. BTC is fine and blockstream is ok too

>Bomb/nuke clones
There was some Australian Brainlet who blew 150k on deflationary crypto. He now has 5k worth.

Yet another useless deflationary shitcoin. Why would I use a token that burns itself when moved around?

I'm not reading your post.
I'm not selling my Chain Link.

So basically shock is a gay scam for retarded faggots? Got it, glad I never put anything into it. Always had a feeling something was off with them, nice to see it all laid out like this.

he bought NUKE not BOMB. You're looking at a 1 month chart of a coin with no community, no game theory and nothing new added to BOMB's dfl contract. That was only a month ago too. This shit is just starting and deflation compounds with time and use.
The idea is that people won't use it. If no one moves to an exchange, no sell order will exist until price forces weak hands.
Do you get why I'm smarter than you yet?
I buy BTC not because of it's use case as a secure and semi-fast crypto. I buy it because price goes up. Price goes up when buyers eat all the sell orders. For over a year and a half, cryptos can't find enough buyers, these ones cut the supply in hopes of cutting the selling pressure. You guys make this harder than it has to be.

at least read the etherscan's. You'll see every time LINK dumps on you. God it makes me so happy to sell link at $4 and watch you idiots bleed. While my LINK did a 4x BOMB did over a 40x. Here's why, Billion vs Million.
>basically shock is a gay scam for retarded gains
buy what you want, I never lose $ in crypto
You can also get this shit for free if you're just interested in airdrops and dumping, I fucking welcome it because I make $ on every cash out.

You guys are turning down free money not because deflation or airdrops are "scams". It's because you're lazy. Do your own research, and learn something for once.
I own RSR too, should I shill things with no chance at moon? Idiots here act like free 10 cent tokens are a scam. They love faked volume on centralized exchanges and then cry when nothing has made profits.

More dumbfucks with no contributions, post here for me to make you feel dumber

>The idea is that people won't use it. If no one moves to an exchange, no sell order will exist until price forces weak hands.
>Do you get why I'm smarter than you yet?

You're forgetting that there won't be buy orders either lmao.

buy orders from utility aren't great for price if no one holds the tokens too. You think people only buy for utility? You ignore human greed. We buy for profits.
You're clearly playing stupid. You understand supply and demand are 2 sides of the same coin right? Decrease one and you change the other.

How do I explain this to you guys in a way that you can grasp? This is what I'm really doing here. If I can teach you losers market dynamics I can teach anyone. I should just clone LINK and call it LINKSatoshi'sVision. You guys would eat it up.

Here's a change of pace. Shill me something with a shot at moon in the next 6 months. You well learned crypto traders, give me your best shill

>You think people only buy for utility? You ignore human greed. We buy for profits.

That's just called a ponzi scheme. You're just buying to sell to a greater fool later on. What if there are no greater fools then? You'll be the one left holding bags. You're a degenerate.

>You understand supply and demand are 2 sides of the same coin right? Decrease one and you change the other.

Lmao no. No matter the supply if there's no demand no one's gonna buy.

>That's just called a ponzi scheme. You're just buying to sell to a greater fool later on. What if there are no greater fools then? You'll be the one left holding bags. You're a degenerate.
My god you need to look up charles ponzi and traditional investments.
Math is literally a ponzi to you but if sell you a billion shares of a new company its not a scam.
>Lmao no. No matter the supply if there's no demand no one's gonna buy
These coins go from free to $100's, every fucking week.
You can call things you don't understand. How many months or what % of gains will you reevaluate your opinion at? You already look foolish to anyone comparing alt prices and DFL token prices.
I'm better at this than you are because I dissect all of the information I can get. You're right about demand usually being small. There's actually a decent group of econ nerds doing this shit for years on many platforms and exchanges. I've seen deflationary tokens grow a lot since 2017.

The biggest part you missed is that central banks pump deflationary assets through the natural flow of money. ETH is bleeding and these alts are mostly holding up or going up. Inflation of BTC is so transparent, controlled, and gradually lowered that it makes BTC the greatest asset of my life.
It has no intrinsic value outside it's security and track record as a digital ledger.
You think BTC goes up because it's a great cryptocurrency. Where's NANO? NEO? EOS? ETH? BCH? compared to BTC? a lot less then they were in Sats last year.
Good currencies have never been good stores of value

this fucking image

blockstream is a mining/ layer 2 company
no real commits to BTC code

I’m glad they haven’t fucked with Satoshi’s code too much. I have my own thoughts on what would be best from current design but it’s mostly me guessing.
Eventually I want BTC to scale but right now I like its volatility and long term predictability. More adoption and better UI are needed before we scale.

Plus no one has impressed me with their scaling solutions. They lack in at least one area, like security, scale, ease of use, functionality etc I could go for days.
High velocity and large supply with high inflation makes huge volumes not prices.
Please buy XRP if any of you doubt me. XRP will have huge numbers of new and old buyers when BTC hits 10x ATH. Paid shills too. Not some nerd on biz like me

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KCS is a great dfl to me. They have exceeded the % of profits they said would burn. The market maker discount I’m not happy with, but I feel like they’re making up for it.

This exchange puts high volume and creativity into destroying its token. Very similar to aftershock

Right now the market is starving for gains outside BTC. What has done well the last year? LTC, who cut its supply. BNB, the biggest exchange puts profit into burning its token. BTC with low inflation and scarcity. And hyperdeflationary tokens.
I’m sorry these are the only things doing much in 2019.
If someone buys now they get the token at $0.11 and the dividends from wave 3, 4, and 5 of the airdrops. They can sell their token at the same and still make a profit if the dividends collected are more than 6%.
Dividends and deflation shouldn’t have to be explained as use cases. Wall Street eats up derivatives that don’t have use cases besides speculation. Embrace making $.

>You think BTC goes up because it's a great cryptocurrency. Where's NANO? NEO? EOS? ETH? BCH? compared to BTC? a lot less then they were in Sats last year.
>Good currencies have rarely been good stores of value
These need to be highlighted for a lot here.
Even in stocks and traditional assets you see the same thing. Tilray was the highest reaching MJ stock in less than a year.

Peter Theil locked up 75% of supply and it was listed on the NASDAQ. Scarcity and demand did this

Have you guys used Kucoin play? I'll send an invite to anyone who wants to post an email, probably should use a throw away or airdrop email. I haven't used any invites yet, I think I get a bunch. The airdrop's task count is a lot but they're very easy tasks. A few tokens available too.

Attached: kucoinplay.png (1104x530, 300K) is already running a stake claiming feature on the site. Real world I’ve found the dividends to be between 2% a day and 2% a week. That’s really good for an airdrop that is less than a month old. Timing is everything.

Hopefully someone reads through my ramblings and takes something. This thread is a gem.

First month or few that you hear about something you’ll be inclined to hate it. Think it’s a scam because it’s new and different. If airdrops were flashy, pricey, marketed traditionally, and centralized like ICO’s, would you buy more? 2017 is gone, returns every 4 years. Smart money grows faster each cycle.

Most of you turn down new airdrops as scams and then live on some form of support. Your Mom will be pissed if you tell her you didn’t sign up for airdrops that became good $. Fucking crypto nerds don’t want to learn stock to flow. BTC is like gold more than the $
t. me/aftershock_token