I’ve been selling chink stuff on eBay for a whole year now, money is good and it’s basically free money right

I’ve been selling chink stuff on eBay for a whole year now, money is good and it’s basically free money right.

Everything is steady, and now I’m ready for the real adult world — Bizfags, care to give some insights to this newfag?

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get a job find wifey
get children no use to do risky stuff

yeah crypto can be cool but know what you invest
if you wanna invest you should check btc or eth but for long term . If you want to buy ETH then you can also stake it in xfutures , backed by one of the biggest exchange of the world okex. you can check it our yourself xfutures.io

I'm doing it the other way around, I can give you good tips regarding crypto if you help me set up an ebay shop. What kind of items should I be looking for and how do I promote my shop? Is promotion needed on ebay?

Do you want to grow your business or do you want to invest your money?

Accumulate crypto.
My current bags are FTM MITX BNB
Take it from an oldfag.

About crypto, you can use TA on btc. Btw don’t try it on alts, most lack the liquidity to be representative. Personally I’m adding big COTI bags, because it’s so dirt cheap.

Buy some ETH and stake it on xFutures, they will do an IEO on OKEx very soon.

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well ideally you do both

Chink nepotism kek, well you can login with an account on either platform, guess it was expected

COTI is in a big dip, basically free money if you get a position at this price.

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Agreed. Its been oversold heavily.
Pumping now and will continue as weak hands are shaken out.

Attached: cotiiii.png (280x400, 102K)

Accumulate BNB and BPRO, these two will be amazing in the coming alt run.

Work on your career and make ready for your life as an husband or a bachelor. Hope you already started investing to support you on your old day OP.

I started trading and investing back in early 2017 when ETH was still being shilled. Currently bought some COTI because it was so disgustingly low. Definitely oversold alt but it's now reversing. prices are already up 30% up from the bottom.

Attached: Please sit down.jpg (284x177, 11K)

A real adult know when to act decive and fast. COTI is an opportunity that rarely comes by. These kikes have a partnership with Visa, and are ready to break into the top 100 EOY

fuckoff with your scam, why would okex touch that shit?

Funny to call xFutures a scam, when you basically can have an OKEx account and use xFutures, and the otherway around too.

If it is working for you then don't quit. By the way what do you mean you chink stuff?

TOPKEK he doesn't know that OKEx unironically build this ''shit''. Projects listed on xFutures have a big chance to get listed on OKEx itself you tard.

>chink stuff on eBay

You bought stuff in websites like Alibaba and you sold at ebay? Are you making monies?
Dropshipping doesn't work

You bought stuff in websites like Alibaba and you sold at ebay? Are you making monies?
Dropshipping doesn't work

Buy MITx

> He doesn’t know

The fucking insight is to get more money of your free money. This works with investing into fucking good projects like Morpheus Labs. A fucking nice service provider for business n shit.

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>he doesn't know
what? why are you faggots so ironic? What do I need to know?

Do you search an automatic platform which is doing arbitrage for you? Just use Bitcloud Pro and the hot asian pussies will suck your dick!

What does of so important bitcloud?