Looking for projects with strong TA and/or FA

I know these threads end up like the river Ganges full with shit and curry, but I'm gonna try to pick through it.

I have 2200 dollars in savings that I'm willing to put on the line. Butcher boy that is also willing to put 10% of my salary on the line. Looking at low-medium cap projects which I plan to trade or hold depending on my technical and fundamental analysis. If you have some shit I would gladly read up on it. Godspeed

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OK we’ll do this your way




BNB is good but it's already 5bn marketcap

Take a look at MITx OP

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Skycoin (SKY) - massive platform project, here's a flavor:
>development ongoing since 2013 - consistently in top ten github commits across all projects
>fast/free transactions (Skycoin) - web-of-trust consensus
>decentralized internet (Skywire) - incentivized mesh net, already 10000 nodes globally (more than TOR)
>blockchain programming language (CX) - dapps, games, gambling, etc.
>blockchain platform (Fiber) - infinitely scales using side-chains
>parallel currency (Coin Hours/SCH) - internal currency of the ecosystem, paid hourly to SKY holders
>binance listed
>$0.80 / 16m circulating / $12m mcap

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Only MITx. These chinks work with the Government of Singapore. How many crypto projects can say something similar?

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MITx is actually so undervalued. I’m 50% BNB and 50% MITx, they have so many good things coming. Can’t wait till it all get announced


Evolution of DLT

2009 – Immutable transactions
2015 –Immutable smart contracts
2019 – Immutable real-time on-chain (Big) Data

DATA = value
Quantifiable data = metric
Value flow + metric = quantifiable business > speculative

Big Data’s bad data problem is stalling the evolution of IT worldwide. $DAG will take Big Data from life-support to lightspeed ahead into the new distributed future

Constellation is building a network for the data throughput of today but also for the demands of the future to come. It is the only network that can process big data securely and rapidly on-chain, providing a marketplace that monetises this data as it is validated and exchanged.

Constellation is very actively engaging with government agencies for contracts and they have built out a solid partnership and BD pipeline with new announcements being expected. The University of Illinois is now a partner and Constellation is exploring research opportunities with automotive OEMs and other large enterprises. Big things are expected!

The Constellation Network is powered by Proof of Reputable Observation (PRO). This is a novel consensus which incentivises nodes to act honestly. A reputation score is assigned to every node, which is based on an autonomous machine learning algorithm which assigns a higher or lower score depending on each node’s contribution to the network. Nodes with the best reputation score benefit from throughput and validator rewards while nodes with less reputation still get to contribute to the network but get less throughput and rewards. Continued bad reputation results in removal from the network. The immense win here is that this consensus is ‘not computationally heavy’.

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bpro is a street shitter coin

Little does this one know they are enabling gambling through US lottery.

Prices 2x in a week and still calls it a street shitter coin TOPKEK

Recently i was researching some gook projects. Found Bitcloud Pro. Checked the price and said: WTF???. Bought a portion. it went down first and then 40% up like wtf. Sold. Thank you BPRO. Next time i join in again. Good project!!

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exchange coins
still early trendy biz coins

50% LINK
50% RSR

i did that job for a year. learned a lot and i am full time animal friend now. everyone should do it for a while.


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You want some bags to fill? You get some bags to fill!! Strong TA: COTI, HPB, ETH

At least op was right that it ended up with shit and curry.

Legitimately look at Harmony ONE
Look at the team, read the whitepaper. Check out recent news.

>I plan to trade or hold
Sounds like you have no plan at all.

You should first look at expanding your wealth because you have almost nothing. Check out IEO's especially those on Binance, Huobi, OKEx and xFutures.

xFutures is doing something really interesting selling private sale tokens IEO style. Recently did an event for Perlin which managed to do 4x

Attached: xPERL.png (520x240, 25K)

xPerl was a nice flip, personally only got 2.5x out of it, but still nice. I’m already ready for the next event.

Exchange UTILITY tokens are the only tokens you should be looking at if you want to HODL for a prolonged amount of time without the hassle of trading. The liquidty is very good so you won't get hit with 20% spreads unlike some other shitcoins. Some exchange tokens like BNB, KCS, BPRO and BTMX have utility to them that allows you to only use the services they provide with only those tokens thus creating demand. Those tokens are the only tokens that will drive up price because people will constantly need them. Speculation also plays a huge roll and IEO's currently have been driving exchange token prices up.


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BTC and RSR.

Is a scam with a huge drama going all. It will not be alive in 2020. Just check the telegram rooms yourself

Those are good choices fren, I have all the things you listed plus Dusk

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Very strong fundamentals, Dero, good shitcoin, the only shit this shitcoin lacks is recognition and adoption

I'll help some poor anons who want a chance in life, unlike these faggots shilling shit to take your btc and fuck you in the ass.
>BBP - Biblepay (if you dont see religious coins in the future, you are retarded.)
>DVC - Devcoin
>IXC - Ixcoin
>BTX - Bitcore
Your welcome. $1,000 invested between these coins should get your set for a while in the next ATH.