how based is this guy?
How based is this guy?
Based midget papa smurf, didnt Gillette get the memo? sjw's are neckbeards with little care for grooming
fuck gilette. over prized razors. and they hate on their customers. dont buy from them. let them go broke. they deserve to
You guys don't understand that niggers (and, by extension, women) have to be displayed as the good guys in order to instill a sense of pride in them. Whereas you can count on whities to just be good guys either way. Hence this type of ad.
anybody got the pic of his balding head ?
Exactly, boys will be boys no need for faggy mach 15x super power with velvet touch razors.
He's a centrist grifter.
This. Bald men < men 5'11"and less < betas < alphas
>there's only two brands of autistic koolaid!
polniggers are dumb as fuck
you misspelled 'bald'
what does being bald have anything to do with his content?
why are zoomies so image-obsessed and body-dysmorphic despite being ugly and chinless themselves?
bald manlet detected
faggot zoomer btfo
Focus on products and services and quality
Don’t let marketing steer you in deranged directions
Based and baldpilled
why does he take these uncanny Myspace tier selfies?
That's what Tim is though. If he isn't faking the naivety to grift then he's truly retarded.
They stare at instagoy and faceburg 24/7 so anything not super aesthetic frightens them.
>steal content from people putting actual effort
>get 10x the views than them
Parasitic as fuck, but works for him. Won't last long term.
your appearance has to do with everything you do
why does he wear a cap indoors instead of just rocking the BGC?
he is ashamed of it and therefore should be mocked for it
Why doesnt he just shave the fucking shit off and embrace baldness like Stefan?
lol no they fucking didnt
Not at all
You don't understand how right-wing grift works don't you?
You don't understand how to form coherent sentences, don't you?
So long as there is outrage to be had, there is money to be made. I'm saying that so long as you speak authoritatively and can blather on for hours on a time, you'll be able to make money out and also clicks out of sheer fucking nothingness and drama. Which all of these jewtube political hacks fall back on when their slice of the pie starts getting dimmer.
It's all just a game where the only move to play is to be as narcissistic and vapid as possible. The more you can stroke the egos of your own audience the better too.
Would pass if their commercial was targeted at women. They're the main consumers of SJW bullshit, not men.
Yup. By the next political fad, you'll find him riding another train courtesy of another group of political cumbrains