wow college is useless.
Wow college is useless
Enjoy inceldom, trumptards
Any nigger monkey can learn React (glows in the dark!) in a koding bootkamp but you need college to learn divine intellect (C, Rust).
[citation needed for the last part from a source that isn't affiliated with a bootcamp]
Do you honestly think you can learn computer science in 14 weeks? Do you think a bootcamp gives you the same networking opportunities? Do you really think a bootcamp looks just as good on your resume?
>Visit the website of any top coding school and you'll find some eye-popping numbers: Some promise to turn people into software engineers in as little as 12 weeks and most claim job placement rates of 97, 98 or 99 percent within months of graduation.
>But those claims are largely unaudited by third parties and based on differing standards, which makes it difficult to compare the effectiveness of programs. For example, schools tend to omit the completion rates for these programs. New York City's General Assembly, for example, boasts a 99 percent job placement rate but does not disclose its completion rate. Denver's Turing School, meanwhile, touts a placement rate of 98 percent but has a drastically lower completion rate, of 71 percent.
>98% job placement
>71% completion rate
Oh wow it’s almost as if people who are motivated will be successful
And it goes on to say that these schools make up the numbers and twist and turn the numbers in all sorts of ways to make their placement rate seem much higher.
There's no fucking shortcuts you can't learn 4 years worth of courses in a few months. That is some bullshit sold to women and borderline-illiterate minorities who will take out a loan thinking they'll get a $200k job in silicon valley immediately afterwards.
1% of the population can go from zero to useful programmer in 14.1 weeks
im talking about the upper echelon of above average individuals. the extremely motivated and disciplined.
tried to teach my pharmacist friend a little bit of python and he couldnt write a simple API request on his own after 4 months, let alone literally any front end work
Do you know how much bullshit they pack in those 4 years?
Science requirements, liberal arts requirements, a bunch of calculus classes you won't need...
The actual programming requirements are just like 4 courses.
maybe in 3rd world countries like the US
Uneducated no degree software engineer making 180k contracting and doing site reliability on the side
Software is best learned via discipline and self study, taking a bootcamp isnt enough and a CS degree is literally 80% irrelevant information
Based and redpilled
>software "engineer"
>thinking those are actual engineers
>thinking you can become an engineer in 14 weeks
You are a code monkey and not an engineer. Engineers NEED college level math and science classes as a bare minimum and need to pass an FE exam even after graduation from an accredited insitution.
How does one get into this?
>learning Calc 3 and Electromagnetism in college makes that nation 3rd world
Would love to be in a first world nation that teaches "1+1" and you get a Doctorates for it.
>yes goy attend our (((coding bootcamp))) where we teach you to build widgets in our narrow framework that doesn't apply to anything outside Noseberg, Inc and since you're not a real engineer we can pay you shit wages with no upward mobility
I am in my final year of college and I'm still a kissless virgin
false, i know someone who did a bootcamp and got placed at a 6-figure job within a month of completion.
my dad wroks at nintendo
I know someone who died sucking cock but you're still alive
No you don't, you need drive and the right mental capacity to pick up monkey code quickly. college is a waste of time unless the school has a stellar program and those are few
mfw my dad actually works at nintendo
larps are strong today
You're free to test my knowledge while I'm here. I'm a full stack developer on contract and part time devops for a data backup and restore company.
AMA about virtualization, web apps, distributed systems and machine learning.
Why are you implying that college level math is difficult?
Go read a book if you think differential equations and laplace transforms are difficult, lol
design me an api and backend system and that supports pagination for 1 billion records. I expect an additional 1 million new records to be created daily and have approximately 5 million daily users each using my application 10 times per day.
bullshit average CS degree requires like 15 programming classes in addition to all that other shit
Yeah this is bullshit, I have a CS degree from a Big Ten school and I had bunch of programming courses....
Java, C++, numerical methods, compilers, system programming, data structures, algorithms, etc. I had to program in many different languages, some not even programming but things like MATLAB & R
fake and gay
most schools are garbage and 100% of online bootcamps are garbage
Theres a reason high iq people only apply to top 10
>full stack developer
full stack is just another way of saying im an expert at nothing
To CS majors it apparently is. Most can't handle trig sub in Calc 2.
Are you saying software engineering doesn't count as engineering because there are no nuts and bolts? That's stupid, do you know how much design and architecture goes into making a trading system?
i regret college. the internet exists teach yourself. make a portfolio and attend conferences. do free work for companies to get your foot in the door. only do cs if youre also premed and want to get an MD or JD
t. bs and ms in cs
Cbf splitting it up over many posts but there is your strategy
Small clarifying point, line 13 of the pastebin is referring to the fact that executing queries and reading from 100000 connections at the same time is infeasible, not that connecting to 100000 hosts concurrently is. Actually you can multiplex connections to reuse ports and I believe unix machines already attempt to do something like this out of the box.
Top kek, i also got a job only through self discipline and portfolios, making 130k a year working from home, those CS fags are coping hard right now
Depends how far you get with it. Working on apps interfacing with distributed big data systems can be a mind fuck at times. For example, think about this... can you ensure that nodes in a distributed network all receive the same data with preserved order?
Can you further ensure that querying node A for record X passes iff querying node B for the same record passes? For all A and B in the network of course
At the highest levels, full stack development is one of the hardest fields in computing because of the vast problem domain you may face during your career.
It's easy to call yourself a full stack dev if you know flask and jquery but let's face it that's just a pajeet.
Wow, can you really get a job in murica with just a 14 week bootcamp in your CV? That sounds bubbly af, no way that shit is gonna last.
This graphic game from a boot camp company. It's obviously going to spout this type of shit.
You could literally learn this free from tutorials.
I think he understands that.
Besides, if you can't figure out how to perform simple shit like that you have no business going anywhere near the codebase for a trading platform.
Don't you agree?
Software engineers aren't real engineers
i'm confused about your writeup. shouldn't your database have just a few users for whatever data domains you have, not 1 connection per customer?
if the databases are horizontal, and each is being written to at capacity, then how will they synchronize? they have no bandwidth left
where do i read more about how gateways work? if a website only has one IP address isn't all traffic going to one computer?
i know oracle does some database synchronization but is everyone using their db vendor's syncing utility?
Yes the point of distributing databases is to lessen the load by having N instead of just 1 centralized database.
Database connections can be persistent, think 1000 pipes from backend server instance to any particular database instance. So the relationship is 1 server to many databases, with each "connection" in this solution actually being a large number of persistent asynchronous connections. Depends on the vendor, postgres for example I believe allows 100 persistent connections only.
Anyways, the server uses that connection pool to the database to execute many many read queries.
Databases are not being read and written to capacity, you will need enough instances of databases and servers to not only handle the average case, but also the worst case, which could be 10 or 100x the average load. By "handle", I mean the connections on average are being used lightly, and during spikes approach but never touch 100%. That is maximum resource optimization which probably wont happen in practice though
Also, I didn't know Oracle db has distributed sync, that makes this much easier as you don't write any of the code, it just works.
Lastly, API gateways are just additional backend servers being used as proxies for your distributed server instances. I personally use Spring a lot, so I can direct you to some resources so you get the main principle. Just ignore the java and look at the concepts if you aren't familiar.
Google "Netflix Spring Eureka"
Also, interesting to note that Netflix serves petabytes, maybe even exabytes of data through a scheme sort of similar to this one. They created a relatively flexible and extremely powerful cloud platform you can use in the Spring Framework if you're familiar with Java. Here is some info if you're interested.
One last thing to note is Netflix users average something like 15-40% of all Internet downstream bandwidth, and if Eureka is good enough for them, it's good enough for *any* application.
Lol, last thing I promise, eureka does not provide routing. So you'll have to use something like this
Would rather hang myself than code. The fucking tedium.
Both are retarded. Teach yourself for free, put your code up on GitHub, attach to CV, get the same or better jobs as idiots who wasted money.
This guy gets it. Drive and some intelligence is all you need.
COPE, how deep are you in loans stemcuck?
>There's no fucking shortcuts you can't learn 4 years worth of courses in a few months. That is some bullshit sold to women and borderline-illiterate minorities who will take out a loan thinking they'll get a $200k job in silicon valley immediately afterwards.
If you get a four-year degree in CS, one or two of your years are spent wasted on general education like Western Civ, Freshman Composition, Western Lit I and II. Probably have to take a fine arts elective. The CS is the last 2.5 years, and that's a scatter shot of Computer Science in general.
Coding camp is 12 weeks of strict coding.
With that said, if you can't pick it up on your own watching YouTube and reading the official docs, then coding isn't for you. College and Camps, both are memes.
The best program would be to combine the fundamentals of CS with a coding bootcamp
great business opportunity to the lurkers
>That sounds bubbly af, no way that shit is gonna last.
Most Americans think any type of programming is wizardry. But, we do have pajeets arriving every day to soak up the excess jobs.
Neither are Electrical Engineers. Fucking frauds.
I think if they were to do this then they'd be worth something. 6 months is literally all you need IF you are diligent and persistent.
they already beat you to it
>oh wow, it’s almost as if people are good at something, they’re more likely to feel motivated to do more of it!
communists absolutely livid over the idea of people skipping their bullshit indoctrination and going directly for marketable skills
college is indeed a waste of time
What do you guys saying to learn it on your own for free recommend using to learn it?
Whatever you do, I recommend you learn from something that has some kind of STRUCTURE. An actual learning plan. Don’t just google a bunch of random topics or you won’t get far.