Burger here, is my link safe on binance?

Burger here, is my link safe on binance?
Should I get a hardware wallet or move to coinbase?
t. 13k Master Sergeant

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fucking retard, if you don't own the private key you don't own the crypto you filthy crypto nigger.
people who leave their stacks on exchanges should be called the niggers of crypto

Only deposits and trading is stopped on Sept 12 for us burgers. Funds are safu to leave on the exchange, can withdraw funds anytime even post Sept 12

that meme is so god damn effective, how do linkies do it?
must have some sort of state backed meme generator

Linkies derive their meme power from the same source as 2016 Jow Forums: anti-semitism

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why the FUCK would you not put your link on an ethereum wallet? it costs 0.000000000000001 cent to move ERC20s
anyone that leaves any coin in any exchange DESERVES to lose everything

are hardware wallets safe?

Your linkies will never be safe while I'm here

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That just reminded me to get my crypto off binance

But it's only posted on FUD so clearly they did read it lol

DUDE, Link, right? yeah that's so cool.

welcome to early 2019, too bad it's august.
Saturn bags on sale now. dude buy up some: XRP, XLM, BTC, ETC, TEL, ETN. get a win bag while you're here. ha!

Kek I have 10k on Binance rn

Put them on coinbase you tard

Thank you for your service, Sergeant.

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lol idgfa

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depends on what you mean by "safe"

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hey DR;NS fags, your link is worth 15% less than 3 days ago =)


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But how do I stack my ChainLink cryptocurrency so that it gets multiplied without stacking it on something like coinbase. I know stacking isn’t implanted yet, but I heard coinbase custody will do stacking, so maybe reggular coinbase will do stacking too. Gotta get thise mults

crypto.com has staking but that means locking up your link for some extra tiny gains

check the 0xdad address lol

actually -2.77%

Nigger, just spend the money to get a ledger. Literally took like ONE WHOLE HOUR to get them off binance, and im clinically retarted. Im also a true marine, either going to be filthy rich or dying with ~10k link.

Also, there isnt a soul that knows i have any of this, i recommend not telling anybody. I pretend that usb stick and papers are worth 10+ million, close to the point of paranoia.

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Jesus Christ how can people afford to invest that much. I'm barely at 2k and questioning if it's too much

Spotted the r*ddit spacing newfag

Yup, if it ends up being worth silly money I'm just going to disappear and live comfortably somewhere less shitty.

Definitely move to Coinbase.

Sir, Will there be airdorp?

is 500 link enough to make it?

That's like 6 big macs everyday for 65 years

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