Small talk with poor people?

Biz, is it necessary to make small talk or befriend poor people at work or even in the general public? Should I just pretend they don’t exist and focus on my own deeds? I’m asking this because as a non poorfag, I always come across people below me who get jealous of my success and what I have to the point where they eventually get resentful towards me and try to find ways to bring me down or even get rid of me. What should I do?

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>I always come across people below me
kek get a rope psycho

You are obviously poor or those things wouldn't bother you

A king who is resented by his subordinates is an unhappy king

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The rich man has many friends

But even a poor mans neighbor hates him

Proverbs paraphrased

Wait so you're really rich and successful but you work next to poorfags? Are you sure you're not a poorfag yourself or else why would you be working with them?

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only if you need something from them like illegal drugs

You sound like an autist with no real world communication skills

This image is 8/10 bait

>Worried about what poor people think of you

confirmed not actually rich

God are you me? I can't stand the poorfags I work with, their jealousy is toxic and poisons my air. What I did is just hired a couple secretaries. Whenever the rabble has something to say to me, I filter it through my secretaries and have them write up a report and email it to me. I skim through some of it, and as expected the inferiors rarely have anything of value to say.

When I have to go to a social gathering of some sort, I make sure to steer the conversation towards stories of my successes so that they might be able to benefit from being in my presence, if they are even capable of listening. I've found most of them to be rude mannered and offputting; their clear resentfulness of my success is the sugar in my morning cappuccino.

But what can you do? There are so many plebs and so little of us. If we expose ourselves they'll tear us apart. Better to keep the rabble outside the gate so we can actually get something done, unlike those lazy idiots.

In the amazing tv show Succession, billionaire son Roman Roy went to drinks with some underling hipster coders at one of dad's companies. He got them drunk and found out they were going to unionize, so they all got fired and he gutted the company. So, that's one reason for talking with poor people.

Based and richpilled

Okay kids enough larp for today time to go to bed

as a poorfag with barely any food(300$/month), 8 grades of education and 2.5 world country im still not jelous of people who earn good. i try to learn, collect as much information as i can so that maybe one day i can do my own thing. i have not yet gotten inspired or actually attempted to earn sidecash, for a lack of extreme nepotism in my country. im thinking of turning to crime. at days i feel very helpless.

* P O W E R W A L K S T F A *

I pretend to care for their problems etc and i guess they prettty much like that i care for them.
But some of them are really strange to solve.
There is 1 guy at my work who thinks im autist because i dont like spending time with coworkers in outer city trainings.
Man its my free time , and i dont want to see you poorchads after 9 hours of training whats the deal i want to rest in my free time and dont want to deal with you faggots.

One day i talked with coworkers in break room about stocks and crypto and all financialy independence stuff.
NEVER i repeat NEVER EVER TALK WITH POOR PEOPLE ABOUT FINANCIAL STUFF. Their brain is totally brainwashed with the consumer spirit and are not capable of understanding financial stuff.
So i said " you user frens who of you are into investing some of your wage to stocks etc for getting free of current job?"

Coworker 1: " But OP user i dont have money left at the end of the month " ( lives with his parents has a leased car how the fk you dont have money left)

#2:" I hate the rich i'd never invest in stocks . They're all thiefs. ( smokes third package of cigarettes this day and also pays 1k€ in rent)

#3:" Yo man you're right but my rent is too high (1k€ in rent and lives from earnings of gf)

#4:" Eyy man i need these consumer stuff , i need my netflix after 9pm and my amazon prime for fast order , my spotify premium for workout and the newest iphone every year" (is there more left to say?)

Plus every single one of them are complaining that we earn so less.

So to me , im making currently 1 month worth of wage in form of dividends per year and have over 50k$ of savings.
Hopefully next year 100k and 4 months worth of wage in a year.

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Small talk with anyone is cringy reglardless of their financial status. I know because i have a big brain and only converse in deep meaningful discussion with my fellow biznessmen

You and you seem like you need to investigate the field of temperament and trait psychology
You (and I'd guess most on Jow Forums as a whole) are likely to be analytically minded, and while it's easy to look down on those that are not because 'thinking about things' comes as a mental imperative to you, other people do show important traits that you lack, which keep the society running smoothly
Being unaware of these traits in other people will make you a less selfactualized person, kinda similar in a way to autism

Seriously go to bed kids!
This larping became too cringy





Is that so Dr. Phil?
Why the fuck would i be interested in those maggots living from day to day with their hand to mouth bringing me no noticeable profit of creating a possible network of connection between those individuals?
Yea i can talk with them no problem. But i dont want to be friends with them thats all.

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Important thread. I’m super successful making 450k a year 4 days a week having to work in harmony super wagie 65-70k a year poor people that are consumer driven as fuck. I save over 150k a year bc I have a side job as well but have to pretend to struggle like them otherwise I’d have to deal w more shit than I feel like. Anyway I’ll probably buy them some doughnuts for Monday to make them happy. Just try to fit in so you don’t have headaches but don’t try too hard

Being polite is free user.
Just pretend to care but actually don't.