Spend 20's travelling the world

>spend 20's travelling the world
>spend 20's saving up for a house

Which one is it?

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>spend 20's doing nothing

The house, i know the people who travelled, they're still living with mommy and daddy at 31

>spend 20's destroying body with drugs

>spend 20s buying link
>spend rest of life bagholding

that image is contemporary art

>using your own money to buy a house

>there are people literally saving for YEARS to waste money on a house when they could get a loan

hahahhahahahahahha. The poorest people are the ones most afraid of debt

based. you beta fags scared to death of debt disgust me

spent 10's saving for a house
spent 20's building your family

It's a tough call user.

What will you do when you travel the world? Just see tourist spots and go to bars to get drunk in hopes of getting vag? I'd take the house route, although you shouldn't be "saving" for a house when you just get a mortgage during your 20s. The nice thing about your 20s is that it's expected to have roommates, so you can have roommates pay your mortgage for you. With the money you get from your roommates, you can travel the world or buy more houses.

You'd have to be a fucking retard to chose traveling. Fuck traveling. The most over rated bullshit.

>t. poorfag coping

>choosing traveling over a house
Now THAT'S poorfag logic

My family and I can do both.
I love travelling with my family

T. Chad

Kind of this.. travel is not a journey to self-discovery or enlightenment. It is just another hobby, something you do for fun, like playing video games or sports.
Might as well choose a cheap hobby if you are poor, like trainspotting or flute play.

Traveling is retarded if you can't aford it. Teenagers wage cucking for months just so that they can burn it all on some 2 weeks trip because their favourite instagram thot was there. Cmon

What does virgin listen to?

literally both

Saving for a house. Stupid question, user.

Traveling around the World is a meme. On less you're living in some 3rd World shithole, most places you want to go are going to more of the same you've seen back home but smellier

Well said. Debt can make you rich as fuck very quickly if you can borrow low and get good returns.

>Asking this on a business & finance board

Of course the people here are going to say to save. Hell, these are NEETs who've probably gone abroad once or twice in their whole lives. They can't possibly understand what leaving your home country can do to you.

And yes, I'm talking about MOVING AND FUCKING LEAVING YOUR SHITHOLE HOME for a while. Learn new perspectives through experiences faggots. Not some bullshit two week vacations partying in Thailand, that's not what it means to travel.

Unironically do both.

My (((wife))) and I are living with her mom and we’re both 26. We don’t give a fuck. We’re milking it and waiting until we reach our goal to travel for a year and buy a house when we get back.

>tfw VA home loan
>tfw gibmedat money from Uncle Sam

Feels good to save up while not paying rent

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>Learn new perspectives through experiences faggots
did you know that there is almost a perfect correlation between being smug and obnoxious, and having gained new perspectives through traveling abroad.

You fucking lowlife nigger.

So what, it makes me better than you

its a tremendous waste of money. I'll get the fucking house

Traveling hands down. You can buy a house in your 30s but you can never go back to being young with no responsibilities.


>Spend 20’s learning sales and entrepreneurship

Traveling the world is for roastie thots and cool wine aunts.

This. Mortgages are cheap as fuck.

If you're an ugly introverted sperg then obviously traveling won't be fun


this. time is more valuable than money. if you don't have fun in your 20s wtf is the point

i'll pick saving up for a house it's better for the long term

what the fuck is travelling the world going to do for me?

>you have to blow money flying from smelly airport to smelly airport to have fun

I spent my 20's travelling a house.

Go all in on knowledge and skills. Fail miserably at starting a business instead of buying a house.

Saving for a house

Dumb question. The best thing is to do both. Borrow as much money as you can then let some other sucker pay your mortgage while you slum around Se Asia. Whats great is you can travel like a bum knowing you are accumulating wealth back at home.

There is a gigantic difference in using debt to fund a house for personal use and using debt to fund something you are going to rent out.

Also the problem isn't that mortgage rates are low or saving for a down payment. The problem is people get very emotional when it comes to houses.

I was trying to buy this one house to rent out. When the deal feel through I felt really bad because I got attached to the house. Despite everything in me saying not to do it.

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Why not both? "Traveling" in the modern sense is a scam. I own a house and just spent 3 weeks in Italy for around $2000, half of which came from plane tickets.

House makes more sense.
Tons of my friends spent their twenties travelling and now there's super pissed that they didn't have any opportunities to settle down or manage their careers.
Life is ruthless.

early 20s: Dive instructor. Worked in tropical paradises, always in a summer climate. Never stayed in the same place for more than 6 months.

mid 20s: Got into programming. Making simple websites as a freelancer. 1 year later I was working in the industry full-time, 2 years later I was working in Silicon Valley.

Now 30. I work remotely for about 13k usd/month from Okinawa, Japan with a lovely girlfriend. By saving where I can I have joined the 21 BTC club.

Get what you want out of life, anons.

Spend your 20s browsing Jow Forums to save up for for a house.

This is your last chance to get on the property manager before you become perma-renters.

I recently bought a huge 3 br house near NYC, and my mortgage + taxes + insurance will come out to $2700/month, which is the same as a typical studio's rent here in NYC.

10 years from now, my monthly payments will still be around $2700 + a slight property tax increase while renters will be at $4,000/month.

Sibos conference stream

Why not both? Travel some but not excessively, while saving to buy a modest home (ie, likely a townhouse or a condo). My wife and I travel by flying somewhere with great scenery and nature and camp. When we stay in Canada we find crown land to camp out on, which is 100% free. It's great.

shhhh... user, you always have to pick one extreme or the other, checked.

>if you don't have fun in your 20s wtf is the point

Life has more meaning then just having fun. You sound like a retard rostie.

dual action larps on queue

>tfw spent 20s having sex
have sex lol

Seriously though, travelling is gay and used to be for old people and women. If you want foreign diamond dozen pussy travelling to your nation's capital is as far as you need to go. Besides, women wont fuck you because you travelled but will fuck you if you have a house.

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You also are building up equity and your property is an asset that is likely to go up in value. Owning is 100% more chad then being a cuck renter. Unless you live in Canada. Canadian landlords are cucks to their renters.