How do I start to invest my savings? I don't make a lot and I really need to start making my money work for me.
How do I start to invest my savings? I don't make a lot and I really need to start making my money work for me
I would eat her legs literally eat them AND suck the sweat from her armpits and DRINK the juice from her pussy after being in a sauna
I'll drop more pics to anyone with actual advice, I guess.
Put in earn account and make 8% annual interest, you can convert to BTC, LINK (bad idea), or USD backed stable coins
Keep 50% cash 25% BTC 25% CL and yeah win
Thanks, Satan
Holy fuck, absolutely MADE for breeding my fucking God NNNNNNGGGGGGGGHHHH
I would literally put a funnel in my dick tip and make her spit and piss down my urethra
Jesus christ
no fap ruined, i fucking hate this board
I've already tried prayer. Didn't get me any gains
Here you go:
y u do this?
Buy silver and gold put it in a safe at your place and forget about it for the next few years.
Metals aren't a meme?
Fuck no and if you decide not to just watch where it goes in the coming years with regret. Only brainlets are the ones fudding.
WORST PART IS ANONS, I TOOK A GIRL'S VIRGINITY WHO LOOKED LIKE THIS and she had big titties! AND she was #1 on the dean's list at her pharmacy school and made fun of her classmated for being dumb AND I LOST HER because she said she wanted someone who was well off and rich! She had the tightest pussy ever and I WILL NEVER fuck her again! KILL ME KILL ME KILLLL MEEE
is it weird if I wished her boobs were a tad bit smaller
Will start putting a % of savings into metals
How am I supposed to get advice with you giving pics away for free?
bring us this girl irl and we will give you all the advice you want
If I had that power, do you think I'd have money problems?
same girl boobies over here
Buy silver. It’s the most undervalued asset on the planet. If you buy PMs check Craigslist for the best prices. Another great thing about silver and gold is it requires you to hold onto it and acts a barrier between your urge to spend it like you would cash. Silver and have been a store of value for thousands of years. If you want to SAVE and make a little money go with that. If you want to RISK losing it all buy crypto. The dollar is tanking, the markets are tanking, interest rates are tanking, this is all great news for the best hedge known to mankind. Take this opportunity now and buy real money.
this woman is perfect FUCK THE OP showing me such a beautiful woman I will never have!
yeah, I Google searched that and found her Twitter hashtag to be #ちびボイン
The thread that saved Jow Forums
I have no idea
would you anons?
Damn bitch you live like this?
I want to commit white genocide with her
Anybody else not feel anything if they’re Asian?
daaaaaaaaaaamn i gotta make her pregnant
I really need an Asian woman. I need one who looks like Vina Sky.
should I just get the highest weight for the lowest price, or does the mint, coin, etc matter?
I'd do anything to have this in my life. I'm so fucking lonely.
why dont u go out and try talking to some people user?
セックス、 チンコをマンコに入れたいな
ギブミーセックス 、僕はセックスやりたい
How many LINK to suck a fart out of her ass?
what the fuck
Women only want Chad. There's no point.
You're getting memed. Keep your savings separate from your investments.
not entirely true...
But there's no possible way for me to actually just store enough of my paycheck to actually make it. I can literally only save about $100/mo if I'm lucky.
Well...I went through her entire twitter...Im outta here. Got some good jack of material. See yeh lads
もしもし?Sex please
I love セックス
もしもし?Sex please
I love セックス
セックス、 チンコをマンコに入れたいな
Being able to pull bad bitches is no indicator of wealth. You can be wealthy with no game and broke with plenty.
God damn at this whole thread. If I had a genie I would wish that every single white woman on the planet was replaced with an asian woman. How can anyone be attracted to a euro bitch with such beautiful east asian women on the planet?
i mean.. most asian girls aren't thicc like her
even w/out the massive titties she still beats most white women
Well you're also not gonna make it big gambling on shitcoins with your savings. Keep piling away money, you're in a position where you should be finding ways to get more income, not investing. All it takes is one bad move and you're fucked.
I won't say metals are a BAD idea but probably not the best
>that horrible organizing job
>those bangs
incel alert
I miss you 2005
But only because I could of mined BTC at 1c instead of 50 bucks
are these fucking filthy frank lyrics
She fucking doesnt have nudes god damnit fuck you OP for showing me such a divine creature and I can't even see her butthole!!!
>Vina Sky
Based. That Tushy video of her getting railed in the ass hhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnngg
Open a stock brokerage account and buy vanguard stock etf.
Just open an account with Fidelity and start putting money in a no load/NTF mutual fund and just keep adding to it.
what kind of account is that?
>no load/NTF mutual fund
this is just letting someone else invest with my money, right?