What are the most profitable but LEGAL scams?

What are the most profitable but LEGAL scams?

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your mom's gaping anus


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the student loan system

Cui bono?

The Third Septuagenarian Wholly Congregation of the Ninth Octogenarians and Hundredths of the Only Pleonastic Order of Mickey and Donald of Pluto.
>A tenth of one's monthly earnings admission fee.

>easy 1000x

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>Wholly Congregation

"debt" collector

How is that a scam?

Most debt collecting companies buy your debt for pennies on the dollar then try to get you to pay the full amount so it’s huge Jew profit for them.

gov printing money... like pic related... so shiny

But how is that a scam?

Loans and interest i.e. usury... Banks pay rich people to do literally nothing but be rich.

becoming a politician at any level. municipal, state, federal, doesn't matter, you get free money for being a professional useless retard.

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Banks pay rich people money for the ability to loan poor people the rich people's money.

Well how can anything legal be a scam either by definition. It’s still shady as most people in debt are unaware of their rights or how much they are getting fucked dealing with collectors and unaware they can negotiate or even stiff them completely in some cases.


fractional reserve banking

central banking

Pharmaceutical companies paying doctors to shill their drugs to people
Ultimately getting them addicted and spiraling their life downhill for years until they decide they want to seek help and the road to recovery
Which involves purchasing a drug to ween off of opioids that was made by the very same pharmaceutical company

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white slavery ring

Churches. Non Profit. No Taxes. Free money from the goyim so they can feel good.

Getting on disability


Bank in a third world nation.


Multi level marketing

This, especially if its medical debt, people just don't know you can pretty much get this shit wiped out in a few easy steps even after it goes to collection (debt collectors) & they straight up try to reason with these retards & end up paying 2x the amount they owned on the debt to start with after the debt collectors tell em " oh you don't own that amount anymore, you own this amount now cuz our fee this & fee that "


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what are the few easy steps you speak of

If the world worked like that, it will be a better place.

Deposit a fake check and act like you didn't know if you get caught

Selling land on the moon and mars.

step 1: don't pay and let it go to collections
step 2: youtu.be/oD2gXY4piF4

How has no one said insurance yet? Bunch of underage fags.

this video was entertaining, but that's about it. Maybe good info for people who don't care about their credit... but for me, my credit score is extremely important. Thanks for the share anyways.

Holy shit, why hasn't YouTube removed such an antisemitic video?

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Selling shoddy merchandise that doesn't work, but can't be returned.

It's China's national pastime.

never gonna make it


Student loans

>Charge whatever you want to "remain competitive"
>The tuition fees are paid on behalf of the government or bank so you always get paid
> Loans are guaranteed. No need to worry about a loan bubble triggered by mass defaults
>Generation ponzi, lobby feedback loop and fudged statistics ensure you have no end of yearly applications

JNJ did nothing wrong.


get a job


>get a job

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this user is right but in order to be a politician u have to be a socialite. and thats pretty gay

workin scams are not gonna get posted . extremely rare to get mentioned. in years i only learnt 1 workin scam from here. it has to do with crypto and cashing out as usual is a nightmare so i never did it

cashing out meme is not a meme. you'll end with huge useless crypto bags

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Start a liberal art school. Force them to take bullshit classes. PROFIT!

Shitcoin #1234

>cancel your TV/internet/phone subscription
>the company doesn't stop charging
>after a while they sell your debt to collecting agency
they're part of the scam, in my country it was even more elaborate because there was some speed up court system where the debt agencies could actually get the money with police's help giving the court wrong address so you wouldn't even find out about the process

Fiat money
Government regulations

If you want to wipe your debt, (((they))) are going to mark you as a bad got, of course you credit will tank but it's better than paying in most cases


tell me which 1