Get ready for the next 500x in crypto

>US air force partnership is imminent.
>DAG Constellation Labs upping in volume
>All star team of Chads
>Tidal wave of trolls, shorters, hashgraph holders and presale buyers out for revenge with hilariously stupid fud
>They are completely impotent to stop it
>Silicon valley proximity to fortune 500s make this one of the most im demand projects in the space
>Strategic focus around data is Link tier next level forward thinking.
>Data is the new oil. Moores law times 100. everyone positioning around data right now are the new oil sheiks.
>$10 dollar dag in the next run is not only possible but likely. That is 2000x.
>It has already begun. It's too late to stop it.

Attached: 071011-06.jpg (386x500, 61K)

>US air force partnership
Dude stop.


Attached: justdoit.jpg (1280x720, 51K)

More money for me.

> he isnt partnered with the United States

Attached: Girls.jpg (600x536, 81K)

>air force partnership

And how again will this do anything to the price? These guys going to use blockchain to train plebs now? rofl DAG is top tier shitcoin.

trolls dont realize how significant it would be

they need data for radar, sonar, missile coordinates, all the shit like that

you have less than a week

Attached: IMG_20190825_202059_444.png (745x768, 482K)

Seriously, anyone trying to promote this as USAF partnership is straight up fucking retarded. Fucking vaporware shit coin. Damn it you people are so fucking stupid.

DoD barely uses sectioned off highly secure cloud platforms. You really think they are going to use your shitcoin Abhishek?

>they need data for radar, sonar, missile coordinates, all the shit like that
I remember we couldn't call in airstrikes in Mosul unless our platoon leader had enough internet beans. Good call.

Read their us air force proposal, I suspect it was approved because they posted themselves in top gun glasses

fuck me

Attached: herewegoagen.jpg (474x355, 15K)

where are teh glassses

Don't worry, biz will fomo buy in at 200 sats OP.

Lmao you're still trying to shill the USAF thing because they sent a response letter back to a contract bid, like they did to every other company?

Get fucked, mods ban this scammy fuck

DAG is nothing more than red flags and FUD. Any information you see here as "answers" to FUD have not been said by actual team members but made up by their lying community of misinforming bag holding shills. There is nothing to back up any claims.
When the USAF RFP failure ends up being the 1000th lost project for DAG this token is going to zero fast. The team has a 100% failure rate and is know for lying to everyone who enter. Know that while you consider investing in this vaporware scam.

biz has no money, some of these guys are sitting around waiting for hashgraph tokens to make them rich

Silicon Valley based scam led by PHD holders. Righhhhhhhhht.

Cope harder pajeet. While you are at it, take a showet. I can smell your curry from here.

0 good memes. Just that fucking random picture.
last week pajeet used to call it "DAG constellation " until someone had to tell him

It’s hilarious when pajeets call other people pajeets when they are scamming people. It’s like it makes you more trustworthy.

>they need data for radar, sonar, missile coordinates, all the shit like that

Breaking news, they already effectively have and move this data and a bonus - it's encrypted. There's literally no reason to move this data on the blockchain.

and its harmony one

OP here changed ids as im on phone

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ever notice how not a bit of the dag fud is legit

The key to buying good mooners is the smell of strong FUD, a strong horse always has funky dung.

The smell of $DAG's horse dung is off the charts.

Load up pajeets!