We need to stop fudding. Serious thread. You need to understand that the price and growth of chainlink can be massivly boosted by us if we decide to stop fudding this coin. Ultimatly this will not matter, as Sergey Nazarov is one of the most connected people in all of crypto. However we are all cucking ourselves of green candles at the moment. I have been holding since November 2017. I have also have contributed to FUD for the lols, it is also easy to see that most fudders are actual LINK holders, or else why would they be so obsessed with our investment? There is no reason to keep the price down. We all had 2 years. 2 WHOLE years to accumulate. All we are doing is preventing people from momentarilly surpessing people from openly announcing any partnerships with LINK because they are afraid of us. I am announcing a new movement I hope some of you will get behind. #Fuckfudders. But ultimatly I hope you nulinkers DR;NS
Thank you for your consideration.
We need to stop fudding. Serious thread...
>I have been holding since November 2017
No you haven't. Why can't you larping nulinker faggots figure out that Link doesn't need normies and that your constant shilling on twitter cut short the opportunity to buy Link below $1? You nervous attention whoring cocksuckers need to neck yourselves.
You had 2 years to buy below $1.
Link Twitter kikked link discussion here. Everything said is post on twitter for everyone. Fuck that.
This. Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth. Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons. Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story. The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes. In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team
I fud because some people dont deserve to be rich and i want to be richer
it's not enough that I succeed, others must fail
what if i told you that the "FUD" is nothing more than people who actually are able to see that link is a scam shitcoin? what if i told you that youre actually fucking delusional?
Go back to your discord shitstainlinker
Don't forget to thank me for this
I fud for fun. not gonna stop, but I also don't actively post fud threads, only contribute.
In truth I just hold and buy when I can.
You really dont understand- fudding is a core ego defense mechanism for true human failures who piggybacked off smart anons to buy link
They literally are nothing in life. If link fails they have to accept the totality of the failures that they are.
If they fud and it fails they get the pathetic joy of saying i told you so
If they fud and it succeeds they get to be better than those who are better than them in every way imagineable, if only for a second. And then they descend into the endless pit of failure that is their lives.
They secretly know the best thing they could do for them, for fellow link holders and for humanity would be to have the courage to kill themselves. But they wont, because they are parasite cowards. Their literal only hope for survival is to ride the train of true human innovation and prevent better people from taking a seat.
I dont fud, but I believe it helps keep the price steadily rising long term while shaking out weak hands in the process. I believe this will create a higher potential top in the future than it would if there wasn't so much fud.
I mean I am self employed as of this year. It would be truly epic if we all made millions like the ETH boys back in the day. If LINK were to fail I would just continue what I am doing now.
i got in almost exactly the same time as you and i'm inclined to agree, but you have to understand that we are not all in this together. the people here will do anything in their power to shake you out. when link is pumping we're one big happy family, but when we dump the fangs come out. they only see times like what we're going through now as an opportunity to get you to sell.
do not be deceived. these people are not your friends.
Read my words
The people who are fudding dont have jobs
They dont have relationships
They have no moral compass and are net negative human value
If you were them it would make sense to you
This shit is fudding itself sadly. The fud was laughable until they started dumping at ath and when link rose in price a few percent. Who the hell is going to want to buy while they are radio silent on the issue?
They try to act like they don't give a shit about the price and only care about developing great tech but then obviously watch price like a hawk and dump at the best opportunities. But don't you dare try to bring that up in the telegram or you'll get banned. Stick to tech talk only.
Suck my dick Sergey.
to really think, people worshipping Sergey... an overweight beta nerd.
Your post is very insightful, you have a lot of vitriol about nebulous ‘people’ on a meager uygher worship forum.
Me thinks the neet doth protest too much.
The ability of a site like Jow Forums to influence price, though noticeable, will not change market sentiment about the movement of funds from the dev wallets.
This network, and the value therein is only going to be discovered by use.
Shilling, fudding it matters not in the grand scheme because this isn’t valuable by words but in spite of them.
Everyone could fud the steam engine until it connected the continent, chainLINK will be the same.
Fudder's level is pathetic. Whoever falls for it deserves what it's coming and we don't need brainlets to be rich
Yep, sold my 83k link 2 weeks ago because of that bullshit. I'm glad I did, it's dishonest and made me wonder how they timed it so perfectly
they deleted the MOAB tweet because of community backlash so it's obvious they know about the questions everyone has about the 700k transfers, yet the remain totally silent
>we need to stop fudding
meanwhile link team is fudding super hard with their 700k moves
>he thinks the fud is ironic
Sergey had dumped $30MM on your sorry ass. Cope harder.
Prove the dump. Not transactions, but actual dumps.
still ERC20 token
>serious thread
>implying that everyone that shits on link is just an accumulation fudster who wants to keep buying low
Hey retard there’s actually people who fud link just to get rid of their cancer on this board with the 100+ link threads a day. They deteriorated the entire scope of this board entirely. Fuck you ponzimarines
Oh yeah, remember mid 2017 before LINK when Jow Forums was awesome? All the Digimarines and Swarm City being the decentralised Uber and LBRY?
No you don't remember that, because if you'd been around that long you would know that Jow Forums was always shit.
I fud because I'm bored.
t. 250k link marine
Thanks for coping harder.
And we’re about to get two more
Stay in your gold thread, boomer
>using hashtags on biz
Hmm. Well get fucked (((nigger))).
The smartest comment on biz everyone
You said the same thing when you posted traps on /b/, you little piece of filth. Just admit you do this because you're mentally ill.
It's too pervasive to be unpaid. It's intellectually dishonest to assert that a band of trolls who get off on breaking sensibilities has a staggering number of people who are independently taking on a round the clock crusade to help out by fudding.
The simplest explanation is that the FUD campaign is paid for + some trolls who get off on annoying people are piling on.
Agreed. Chainlink is PARADIGM moving tech and people.