How do I into coding when I'm an idiot. c++ is the goal because I'd like to make a game or some sort money

How do I into coding when I'm an idiot. c++ is the goal because I'd like to make a game or some sort money.
Pic unrelated.

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Start with python and watch a couple of YouTube tutorials in how to do it. Try scripting a bit too to just be around it. Why do you want to learn to code?

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>doesnt know how to code
>wants to learn c++
>wants to make a game

pic related is you op
you are a cookie cutter NPC right now, its disgusting

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Eat a giant penis

>making games

you're such a faggot. Why are all you faggots obsessed with video games? How fucked up was your development into adulthood? You wonder why you can't have sex..

depends on your end goal , if you want to build a career at a software company you'd be best off getting a degree in CS

if that is not an option, you can try studying and weasel your way into a front-end dev position using javascript

lastly if you have some kind of base income from somewhere and dont need a corporate job you can try teaching yourself with youtube tutorials and build a game as a solo dev ,

then you'll need to market and monetize the game and grow it, but all this information can be found on youtube if you're willing to put in the effort. best luck senpai

You must into math, LOTS of fucking math.
Then to Jow Forums, they're actually good peeps.

show us your billion dollar video game you made and sold legally? oh wait what's that you're just another fast virgin shitter on Jow Forums and actually cant back up anything you say? welp off you go to /shitterqueersonbiz/ where you'll fit right in.

of course you could also link us to your billion dollar video game company website so we can be jelly of your mad wicked coding skills and AAA game you put out.

i write python/html/js to interact with a SIEM tool for work
going from 0 to game dev is one of the most retarded cookie cutter decisions a brainlet can decide they want to do
on top of that its incredibly difficult and demanding, most game companies are known for treating their devs like slaves

meanwhile im treated like a literal god at my job because nobody can code worth a fuck, and i just make tools to interact with pre-existing data. shit is cash
pic related is you

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>pretend-a-cool the larper has arrived

why are you so mad at the world?

which part of my posts lead you to believe i am larping?
the fact that i write 3 of the most common and easy to understand languages? or that my coworkers believe the work i do is difficult?
this is incredibly common in tech, almost every single one of my friends have similar gigs where everyone overestimates the difficulty of what we do
you clearly have never worked in any sort of capacity in IT

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>too dumb and lazy to even google

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kek i'm not but nice attempt at putting me on the defensive with a shitter question like that. faggot shit talked op for having ambitions and I called said queer out for being a shitter... if anyone is mad it's the shitter and you for defending the shitter. what's with all these underage shit posts lately. did someone talk about Jow Forums in fortnite or something ?

that's a cute assumption you made about me. I noticed you still havent linked to your billion dollar video game web site.... guess you're just another shitter running his mouth while proving nothing... business as usual with johnny larpers

hardly even need math. programming is similar to math in that it's just a way of communicating logic, but its not math. you don't need to know math to be a good programmer.

which part of "i work in security not game development" did you not understand, nigger

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Games are mostly made in c# now a days
Well at least non AAA studios.

Unity3D is the choice of small teams and single people.

pretty much this, unless you are a moron like me who is a data science fag who uses R, STATA, and a smidge of SQL

Wait, this isn't Jow Forums...

yet you shit all over his game wants while not being a game maker. So I was right you're just a shitter poster shit posting to drag the board down. back to your larp user nobody buys your "big man in money" act. in fact since you outted yourself as being a shitter to shit youre cred goes completely to zero. kek my co-workers worship me... yes yes everyone is the hero in their mental fantasy we get it