The president is a fucking actual cuck LMAO
The tweetstorm that arises as a result of this will almost certainly plummet the market. Short immediately
The president is a fucking actual cuck LMAO
The tweetstorm that arises as a result of this will almost certainly plummet the market. Short immediately
Excuse me sir but this is the buisness board, youre looking for >>>tumblr
scomo lurking in the background
The Dons going to nuke someone over this Public Slight, preferably someplace cold and full of maple syrup slurpers. Screencap this
Trump is every incel’s dream. Fat, ugly and white who needs to buy a mail order bride and dreams of fucking his daughter
Isnt that the "french" greeting?
and Trump the self proclaimed king of debt has neither lol
I don't think America can ever recover from this. Their president cucked on fucking global television lmao.
Macron is a faggot so no. And they were cheek kiss greeting pussy.
is there a link for this?
He is like 80 years old, he used to be considered good looking.
Born rich, tall, and good looking while self made even richer who’s fucked tons of chicks and done it all including become president of the greatest country on Earth. Sorry, you jealous cuck, that’s everyone’s dream.
>good looking
You faggy poltards are taking your Trump daddy fantasies too far now
>good looking
imagine being this dumb
>Jow Forums
>supports Trump
Pick one.
Trump was never considered good looking. Rich and confident, yes; never fucking good looking.
Absolutely delusional, yet again. Trump was never considered good looking.
melania soo sexy
he's a pathetic loser baby. Voted for by cry babies who act like they do more than they do.
Trumpers are the worst fucking lazy complainers
Child molesting amphetamine addict just like his BFF billy clinton
>self made
I bet you think Buffett was self made too you dumb boomer