Lowest in ranking among frens

Taking the train like a cuck. All my frens have cars. I am the lowest in financial and social ranking. FML. One day anons, I’ll make it. I just need to go all-in on crypto and btc has to reach 50K.

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Just by some VID buddy, have you not seen how much this has risen in the last month or so??

Ugh, I went once with Public transport promised myself to never do it again

I've always been curious about public transportation like trains.

Doesn't it massively increase your commute time? I can't imagine how long it would take me to get to work if I had to get to the station, wait for my train, then wait for it to go through all the stops until it was close enough to work and then walk to work.

With my car my commute is only 25 minutes, with a train it would be like 3x that.

It all depends.
If your destination is close to a station and your highways are traffic prone, like those in LA, then the train can be quite rapid by comparison.
>t. former LA commuter fag

Car is just an unnecessary expense if you can get to your job with public transport. Buy BPRO, get rich and later flex on them with a cool car.

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Bpro is in a buying zone. MM will pump to 0.035

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wtf bpro seems popular. how much to make it?

it does but no monnie for car how much to make it?

Your friends are fucking wagecuks with no future spending all of their paycheck to maintain their cars. Don't fall for the car trap and invest the money you save by using public transite in crypto. You could be retired within 5 years if you invest in quality like Ultra, Fantom and LINK

Get in cheap, while you can. Ubisoft partnership announcement coming, and many listings too. Easily 3-4x EOM

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OP one word: Jews and currency

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objectively this. if it's no trouble, fuck driving. I have been too lazy to bike lately, but if I was, I'd be doing pretty well. Like, if you work weird hours (I worked 2-10 at whole foods), I'd still drive just because traffic doesn't matter, but bus winds up being about the same time because traffic is fucking gay anyways.

Take some time, read on the train, enjoy your time to yourself.

Don't buy BPRO though that shit is gay nigga

How are you so sure about being the lowest? Nowadays peeps like to show off, spending their entire wage or even falling into debt to buy things to impress others. Try the next IUO on xFutures, you can login with an OKEx account fi you have one.

Bpro has actually been trading steady between ranges. Bottom being now and top about 75% from here.Seems like an easy trade I am right?

well they all have higher salary
better future prospective and waifus

me single shit job shit wage

I have OKex tho, i’ll take a look user, gracias

I'm here for the shill gangbang


Op is a whiny bitch. You think your friends in their cars are better off? Your mistaken. I took Publix transportation for years and through that experience absorbed the wisdom of a thousand years in books and audio not to mention physical fitness from walking and riding a bike.

I guarantee you as years go on the car commuters will degenerate mentally and physically

Your friends waste money on cars. Plus its better to be lowest rank than highest.

I did my research and found out that ULTRA team met with their undisclosed Chinese gaming partner on China Joy which is the biggest gaming conference in Asia. This leading Chinese gaming company which is rumored to have more than 100M+ users is going to operate the Ultra gaming platform in Asia and will boost the Ultra ecosystem with tens of millions of users.

thanks OP, always monitoring these threads to find out what's the newest coins to avoid like the plague. all the coins that get mentioned in these threads are literal paid discord tranny pajeet shills.
sorry if you feel like missing out. let me tell you, owning a car isn't as convenient as it may seem and is a money dump. also, when driving a car you're busy driving. when riding a train you can use the time doing some work or anything you otherwise had to do in your freetime. use the time wisely and get more out of your day

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if you're buying ANY of the shit being shilled to you in this thread instead of chainlink then you're gonna get burnt just like all of the other 2018 & 2019 newfags, and a lot of the 2017 shitcoin bandwagon moonkids
if you want a guaranteed ticket to some level of wealth, you buy chainlink and you NEVER sell

PoW cryptos are never really a bad idea; bitcoin isn't falling out of style anytime soon
that said, start worrying about BTC when the supply's a few decades from running out and blockstream turns it into a PoS shitcoin as the next step to all the stupid off-chain shit they're implementing

if you wanna get a car, buy a used toyota corolla, camry, or celica
these cars are reliable as fuck and pretty good on gas; you'll barely spend a damn thing maintaining and running them
buy it for under $1000
lexus is the luxury subsidiary of toyota and their cars are generally even more reliable, but maintenance could potentially run you a bit more—and certainly, they tend to burn a tad more fuel than any comparable toyota offering
no matter what you decide you want from any make, watch chrisfix's "how to buy a used car" video on youtube as a pretty decent general guide to getting your first automobile

>undisclosed partner
>leading coimpany
>boost the ecosystem

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one more thing, OP—
don't fall for the "OMG HE DEOSN'T AHVE A CAR???WHAT A LOSER" meme by buying some new nissan or chrysler money sinkhole shitbox that will literally fucking bankrupt you—but perhaps even more critically, don't fall for the "all cars are money sinkhole shitboxes" meme
having your own personal transportation opens up an entire world of opportunities for you, from getting around town or the countryside, to getting OUT of the city (if you're in one)
it makes getting a decent-paying job a hundred times easier—and while a new job may only pay enough to cover the cost of owning and driving the used car you just bought, it is because of owning this car that you can now move in somewhere *cheaper* than you were before
so, you save money in the end, AND you have a car
you'll be a lot more attractive to the kind of girls that would make good wives, and you'll damn well have earned the feeling of pride and responsibility that grows within you, knowing that IN SPITE of seeing the world for what it is, you STILL overcame the dirty tricks that were designed to trap you in an endless cycle of degeneracy and misery
but don't feel that pride yet—i want you to earn it, user
you can make everything work

train travel is comfy af

These jews will make shit happening. COTI will get more and more fuckfollowers on twitter.
At a fucking mcap of 2million for a jewish project. What else do you want?

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>complains about riding a train
Your inner child weeps for you.

You must be american fren. You have no idea how optimized are railroads in Europe. Train actually goes underground (no subway, real trains) just to leave you in close center of big european cities. And you got 5-6 trains/hour. Why not using them?

I want a Tesla after flipping my Coti bag

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You need to hold at least some good coins to get out of your shithole you fucking raper. I know types like you. Cry Cry Cry. Get some ULTRA and shut the fuck up you dumb shit.

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>Doing every xFutures IEO
>Doing profit every single time
>rinse and repeat
>fuck you all

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This is good advice anons. Oh and don’t forget the staking rounds of xFutures. I’ll be grabbing a Jaguar soon

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Get your shit together for the coins of the coins. Or at least the coins of the coins which are on a good support. COTI. Yes its the fucking jewish coin COTI. Fucking buy the shit out of it or regret it later. I will fucking piss my anus off if someone comes up and tells something about: Why didnt i listen to you guys..........

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