Are christian values a net benefit or loss for a corporation?

are christian values a net benefit or loss for a corporation?

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>he thinks a corporations has christian values

loss only value is profits

Chick fil a hatea fags and thats good enough for me to keep buying their delicious chicken sammies.

>chik fil a hate a fags
lol no they fucking don't. They still let them come in and order food you stupid faggot.

I still see faggots in chick fil a.
They're probably ecstatic that they only have to say a few words and you'll suck Jew cock for it

chik-fil-a makes good chicken sandwiches. Go buy one, you'll like it.

That is really just an execution problem. If they had a reliable way to detect faggotry they’d stop them from entering the parking lot.

God hates fags.

Oh and yes, following true Christian values is good for a business. Chick-fil-a keeps the Sabbath holy, and their per store revenue is about 2x that of their closest competitor. This is a big fixed cost business so revenue is critical.

Depends on where they do business. In many leftist strongholds, corporations have to pretend to like faggots in order to stay in business.

yes its pretty dumb to pander to just one group, thats why they will always stay in the south where all the religioustards are and never expand elsewhere

I live in the most liberal costal ca city on earth and they had to make a roadsign on the street our one chickfila is on to not use the road as a drivethru line. that's how packed it is every damn day

can confirm. It's the one place liberals check their ideology at the door and say fuck it because the sandwich is that good

lol they wouldnt turn down faggots.
>following true Christian values

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Chick fil a is popular here in Los Angeles

Oh yeah I’m sure if this business could detect who gays are then they’d definitely choose to not make money off a bunch of people who are trying to give them money, you stupid fuckng Mexican.

They don’t hate fags, they have never donated money to anti LGBT organisations, they donate money to churches, who use their total wealth on a variety of of community outreach programs and so on, and one of those things those churches have done is participated in gay conversion camps/therapy. Whether you believe that’s damaging or it’s not, nobody is “hated” in that situation, it’s the opposite, they believe they love everyone and are trying to HELP these people. Why would you throw money at people you hate, it doesn’t make sense. They throw money at these programmes because they think they can help these kids from going down a path that will make them unhappy, and that if they can be straight then they will be happier and healthier.

So, they really do operate using Christian values. Got it.

hmm yes christian values.

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cucks don't have money

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There's a Chik in Manhattan too, it's packed 24/6

OP misspoke though. Should have said "projects Christian values" cuz that's definitely a thing. Chickfila, Sweet Frog, both very successful.
You're stupid. Libtards are the most hypocritical political group in existence.

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you mean like how dumb conservatards use liberal silicon valley tech and websites, watch liberal hollywood movies and go to liberal universities?

"libtards" are not real, you are the dumbest political group in existence, easily manipulated boomer gentile

Why not use the enemy's tools against them? I'm a programmer so I write my own tools, trade the fuck out of bitcoin with them, and have made a mint. It literally fills me with am almost sexual spasmodic glee when tech libtards REEEEEEEEE about muh divershitty and how their special snowflake language community hates white males and "muh fascists" when I turn around and use those exact tools to get rich. The more REEEEEing the better. Thanks assholes, build my free shit so the exact thing you hate gets fucking loaded off the back of your work. Hahahahaah.
>"Libtards" are not real
Kicked dog hollers

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Now thats some A grade coping there. Keep seething useful idiot of zionist boomers

"libtard" is a boogeyman invented by MIGA Trump supporters, they don't exist, blue haired disney tattooed tumblr users who complain about gender politics are like 1% of what actual left wing voters are, who actually don't care about any of that shit. it's a media created false narrative because the right wing feeds off outrage and self victimization and matyrdom as badly as the left wing does, you need a big scary boogeyman to beat you up and "fight back" against. but it's not real, it is just created by ((them)) to manipulate (you)

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>Should have said "projects Christian values"
What I am saying is that these corporations are no better then what leftist do when they want to virtue signal. They will take your funds just as much as everyone else but to say that a corporation gives a single shit about faggot shit or christian shit is ridiculous. They might SAY it but the only thing that really matters is money.
>Libtards are the most hypocritical political group in existence.
At least they actually get shit done where as with the supposed conservatives they attack there own fucking people constantly for not sucking nigger dick constantly.

Libtard is simply a derogatory term for liberals. It doesn't mean le blue hared feminist.
Get IQ tested.
Liberals don't exist? Hmm you might be wrong about that one, doge posting chief.
Only 1% of left wing voters are fans of AOC? Are you sure? Are you sure she isn't getting more retweets than any other Democratic politician ever, even surpassing the former president? Are you undoubtedly sure?
Are sure there aren't new gender laws getting passed in many different states across the country?
Have you even looked at one single survey about voters opinions on gender politics?
Is the doge posting incel 100% about all of this?