

Attached: DAI.png (1024x538, 7K)

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based as fuck

also cDai is the real deal

Is cdai actually worthwhile?


Another bump, really curious

You faggots if this was LINK id have a million replies

to convert to DAI or USD?, now that is the question

Attached: wojack_thinking.jpg (452x450, 28K)

gains that is

It's the only stablecoin I'm ever gonna store my money long-term in. Looks alot more legit than the others

The best part about this stablecoin is that it takes ethereum out of circulation. This is how new shitcoins should be. They should only be possible to be issued on ethereum if they are backed by ethereum.

I got some free Dai on coinbase but I don't really understand what makes it a better option than USD

i like it, and mkr, and defi, it's not just a meme

Attached: 1552487999721.jpg (867x685, 96K)

Because you can loan it to defi platforms at around 10% interest.

nice based thread here. too many scam erc20's being pushed down everyones throat on this board. supposedly the erc20 coins are going to kill eth.

Can the nerds behind DAI freeze or blacklist your wallet if they decide you are involved in "suspicious activity"?


if you take advantage of decentralized exchanges to protect your privacy, DAI is the way to go.
If you want to spend your money, USD is 2nd to none.

Ok. Which coin are we shilling now?
Dai will soon get hacked just like binance.

Best place to loan dai

10% apr ide say so
