Why do so many people go to the casino? They are literally just handing over their money to the casino

Why do so many people go to the casino? They are literally just handing over their money to the casino

Attached: Treasure_Valley_Casino_3-1280x640.jpg (1280x640, 275K)

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Because it's like an adult version of Chuck E. Cheese....

I've been in a big one and it truly is a sad maze of thievery. The patrons are ambitious dumb people.


This. Plus they set aside a certain amount of money to have fun with. Its just about fun. If they lose everything it doesnt matter because they didnt expect to make much, if they end up being extremely lucky and 10x what they bring they will not have just had a good time but also have money for many more good times

Why do people go to gamestop when they can pirate the game for free? Literally handing their money to gamestop.

Seriously when i went i just saw old people taking hundreds out of their wallet and inserting it into a slot machine over and over. Its pretty sad 2bh

That would be Dave and Busters friendo

Well when u spend money for a game its yours and its tangible.

Majority of people have a IQ under 75 and are very easily attracted by flashing lights