Why do so many people go to the casino? They are literally just handing over their money to the casino
Why do so many people go to the casino? They are literally just handing over their money to the casino
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Because it's like an adult version of Chuck E. Cheese....
I've been in a big one and it truly is a sad maze of thievery. The patrons are ambitious dumb people.
This. Plus they set aside a certain amount of money to have fun with. Its just about fun. If they lose everything it doesnt matter because they didnt expect to make much, if they end up being extremely lucky and 10x what they bring they will not have just had a good time but also have money for many more good times
Why do people go to gamestop when they can pirate the game for free? Literally handing their money to gamestop.
Seriously when i went i just saw old people taking hundreds out of their wallet and inserting it into a slot machine over and over. Its pretty sad 2bh
That would be Dave and Busters friendo
Well when u spend money for a game its yours and its tangible.
Majority of people have a IQ under 75 and are very easily attracted by flashing lights
Dave and Busters is for incels who still live in their moms basement and have no fucking life outside of playing vidya and masturbating.
Literally the same as crypto
>TFW last company event was to Dave and Buster's
Damn are my coworkers all incels?
Not everyone are smart and logical as us, so i hope you also invested in Telecoin and other coins as well as me, cause that is the smart move..
When Maryland Live first opened up they had a machine based on the movie Airplane! Every time I played that one I always came out ahead. So of course they pulled it out after a few months.
Gambling should be banned. It doesn't create anything except misery.
It really is a sad sight to see so many people literally throwing their money away
It is. Not to mention all the personal tragedies it creates.
When one is ruled by subhumans who think that it's OK to exploit the stupidity/weaknesses of others we will just have to deal with it i guess.
why do so many people buy link? They are literally just handing over their money to sergey
Over the line!
So i heard about a guy who made it in 2013 by using the martingale system in richguycasino.com. He made like 100k and bought btc with it. Now owns a private fucking jet. Apparently there was a roulette table with no 0. I'm not sure what it means but i guess it has to do with evening the odds? Oh and martingale-ing is actually frowned upon in many physical casinos you might end up being asked to leave
When you get to a certain age you are penalized for not spending your retirement so these old people just yolo.
of course. someone has to help Trump buy jewelry, cars, fine art and expensive dinners to the first lady
to shoot up a concert
Whats sad is you think those hundreds are life-changing amounts of money.
If I had millions of dollars I would just sit at the penny slots all day. They're designed to stimulate your senses so it's better than doing something boring like golfing all day. It's like an anti-depressant but costs 1 cent per hit. Also you get free drinks and can socialize with other degenerates to pass the time. This would be my ideal retirement. Watch slot machine videos like this and you'll see what I mean youtube.com
If you know how to play table games you can go on a streak and win money. Or you can get lucky on a slot machine. Last time I was there I came up $600 on slots.
you could just burn it to a disk if you need to feel it
It's the same as crypto, just on a shorter time-frame and with less potential reward.
I used to work in one of these places, and nobody is having fun. You get some occasional young people who just put through $20 and leave, but the regulars who spend hour after hour there are not happy in the slightest.
Why do so many people buy crypto? They are literally just handing over their money to the developers
>put $100 into video roulette machine
>leave casino with +$240 profit
>invest winnings in crypto
I go there because my wife inherited a nice amount of money from her prick dad when he died, and I hope that cocksucker watches me from hell losing all the money he set aside for his little princess. Eat shit Casey.
>It really is a sad sight to see so many people literally throwing their money away
reminds me of a certain board on a certain website
But isnt that your money now? This seems like a bad investment, user
He's larping
Office wagies are incels, even if they have, or even are currently having sex.
I didnt think that much into my story, you're right next time I'll just say that in smg
This if I'm being quite to be honest with my senpai family.
>You don't start gambling because you were raped, or because you had a bad childhood, or because a sibling died in a spectacular way when you were young and you witnessed it right in front of your eyes-
>The reason you start gambling is because they're straight up SUICIDAL.
>Gambling is a self-destructive deathwish. People who gamble, I don't know if they have a low opinion of themselves, if they hate themselves.
>Or if they just... are wired up, like Russian, Ukrainian wired up to... crave suicide, crave death, crave burning. I want to see burning in my life.
>I want everything surrounding me to be burnt - ashes - APOCALYPSE.
>That's what gambling is.
I raped bodog for $1500 martingaling blackjack back in the day. Eventuallly i lost about 8-9 hands in a row though and blew what I had left on the site.
Pirating you either get malware or you don't get all the features. You also get support if you pay, and games are dirt-cheap. Comparing gaymes to casinos is something only an idiot would do.
It's not hard to make money at a casino, it's just hard to walk away once you do
In Niagara falls, Ontario, the casinos are basically used to funnel money from wealthy Chinese and Indians to the regions' revenues. Generally speaking the roads are mostly pretty good, and all the 5-0 are driving brand new fords.
Why is it legal to force people who win out of your casino?
Why do people go to them despite knowing that even if they by some miracle make it big despite the odds being mathematically stacked against them, they're just going to get kicked out?
Is the basis of gambling addiction just the idea that you might eventually win?
I had TWO LONG posts written and which I then deleted, because you are obviously too fucking retarded to understand any of it. FUCK YOU ARE FUCKING DENSE. FUCK YOU AND YOUR KIKE MOTHER FOR WASTING MY TIME FOR THIS SHIT.
Just go and neck yourself.
T. Casino worker for 17 years.
Pretty much. Also you always remember the wins, and not the losses, or you might intentionally downplay them just because you don't seem like a loser, although in these case your usually not a totally degenrate gambler. For example,you might dump couple of k in couple of hourse, then brag about leaving the table with 700. And it's actually pretty fucking obvious when you are downplaying and when you just have a "memory loss".
This is the biggest sin in my life.
>Have lost around 50k to gambling in last year.
I know how financially stupid it is, any money I gamble I consider spent. I just enjoy it so much. I think it would be accurate to say I am addicted but I have plenty of money to fund it so its never caused any issues.
Because Adderall and blackjack is a winning combo
Instead of gambling on the slots, why not just gamble on high-leverage crypto? You'll have much better odds.
Make a LINK today this Friday at least, Jow Forums
I'll give everyone who signs up with a legitimate profile one LINK, I can check, post address when done
why do you enjoy losing money? wouldnt you enjoy more you know, spending it on stuff you can at least use/consume? the dopamine rush is not worth it user
At least play poker instead of pit games.
Expected this to be a bitmex thread
I allocate a certain portion of my BTC profits to "fun" they either go to fortunejack (online casino) or to bitmex for 50x trading. Depends on my mood.
I already regularly skydive, have a helicopter and plane license, travel overseas whenever I can and own a sports car.
What gets me is that Australia has pokie (slots) at every single pub open until 3am every night. If I get bored on a regular day I can just go to the pub and get that sweet dopamine rush. If I had to physically drive to the casino I would probably only gamble a few times a year
Because they enjoy it. Its just cheap entertainment.
Unironically, a good idea to get out of your gambling habit could be online games.
I totally get what you're saying about the dopamine rush, because I used to play a ton of Runescape. Fighting bosses to get rare loot triggers the exact same part of your brain, except you can pay for your subscription for a lot of games with ingame currency.
Thanks for the suggestion user, it really is a dopamine thing. I was a big gamer in my teens but havent been able to get back into it. Any games you can suggest?
Because they are retards. At least we have a chance with crypto.
Why do people go to work? They're literally just hanging their time over to Shekelstein.
When you see the same person come in everyday and spend 6+ hours on the same slot machine putting hundred after hundred in for years, and never hit a decent come up, makes you wonder what could have been.
>Why do so many people go to the casino?
its no different then bitcoin, so why would anyone on this bored care.
I mean, I played Runescape, but they're all the same. It probably has more of the really big ultra-rare items worth thousands of dollars, but it's also a really grindy game in general. I'd say try it out, but it's not for everyone. This is of course Old School Runescape, the main game is shit.
Thats never happens, stupid. You seem like a little bitch that's never even been to Vegas.
Casinos and the lottery are fucking based, the stupid don't deserve their money.
I had a job interview at a casino and the waiting room was overlooking a high roller room. I watched a couple lose over $10k on blackjack in the 45 minutes I was waiting to go in.
You could literally be parasailing behind a boat, vaping dmt for an hour and it wouldn't cost you close to $10k. Is that seriously the best use of their time and money that those stupid faggots could come up with? What an absolute waste.
Obviously the sad addicts he's talking about go to their local casinos, not to Las Vegas. They couldn't afford the trip.
you could do the same right now, but here you are on this board on a friday investing in shitcoin.
bro yes.. my dream after i make it is to retire in vegas or even mesquite -tax free- and spend all my savings on slots and endless hours in front of the screens. then come home to my lay-z-boy chair.
What the fuck is fun about a slot machine it doesnt even require a strategy you're pressing a fucking button
What exactly are we doing with crypto?
I made $4k martingaling on luckygames.io no larp. Then lost $2k in two hands and called it quits. Your odds are much better for dice game than roulette.
dont have time to read the thread, watch the louis therouex documentary on gambling, its good
Wtf? Source?
Just watch porn for a bit to stimulate senses
The Goy cattle have been trained well.
They just hand their money to us. It's really quite hilarious. And if they have no guns, they can't complain
Well not for the ones that ownes the machines and the ones makes the laws to allow it
How come prostitution still illegal and pot
I was in Vegas for work a few weeks ago, had a free night so I sat down at a Baccarat table and threw down like $60. No idea how the fucking game works but I heard it has a very low house edge so I just kept betting on dealer.
Got lucky and after literally 2 minutes I was up to like $150, everyone else at the table was losing. I said "I'd like to cash out now" to the dealer and literally everyone at the table looked at me like I had fucking murdered their child. One of them said "you literally just sat down, fella". And I said "yes?". And he shook his head and took a drink.
What the fuck is wrong with these degenerate gamblers? Someone comes and wins and wants to cash out and they look down upon them, kek.
Pokemon Emerald
Nice larp, kid. Great friday night you're having.
casinos used to be classy and only for rich jet setting globe trotting sophisticates
now casinos are everywhere where you find a depressed economy, crawling with people high on meth wearing clothes from Walmart
because Mr. Jackpots
If u win a lot in a proper casino u will get free room, food, spa and whatever u can think of. Just to keep your action.
T. Black card holder in 5 star casino resort
Because Vegas is the only place that has casinos
lmao no, the mafia run backroom casino existed since forever
I was down one time about 400 dollars then I went to roulette and hit 700 and left and the table was like you're just leaving? They were legit angry. Hit and runs is the only way to win but you get people really mad at you when you leave kek.
poker is fair.
Are you talking about biz?
Because this is unironically a gambling board
Casinos are for boomers. Millennials are too rational for this shit.
what you think you can just exercise self control and choose when you stop?!?!?!?! NOOOOOOOO
lol you're a larping bitch. There's no "black card," worthless loser.
t. actual Mlife gold member.
More larps from losers. No one cares when you leave the table, cringe little bitch.
gambling is a strange phenomenon. i have never done it and never will. the possibility of giving money to someone and getting literally nothing in return is disgusting to me.
>Got lucky and after literally 2 minutes I was up to like $150, everyone else at the table was losing. I said "I'd like to cash out now"
lol kid thats not how it works, little larping loser. The dealer doesnt cash you out, stupid little bitch. If anything, they color your chips up to large denominations so you can take the to the cage to get cash.
Really say how worthless you are as a person. I bet you're fat, poor, and a virgin.
Thats fine, nerd. Stay home where it's safe and your mom will bring you pizza rolls.
Actual successful people don't get this aggressive while defending their addictions on the internet.