Is it normal to have no friends?

Is it normal to have no friends?

Is it more alpha to have friends or not? Can you be an introverted alpha? Sometimes I look at the best MMA fighters and realise that they often have few/no friends. But then there are others with plenty. How many of you have literally none?

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you are a fucking loser mate

Have sex incel

I have 0 friends and I intend to live out my life with 0 friends. but but but, in order to do so and have people accept you for who you are and how "unique" you are, you have to fucking make it, and I plan to make it with my stinky LINKie

to be introverted alpha you at least need 'friends' which serve some purpose to you or for their connections. Nothing alpha about being a complete loner, unless you're some hermit surviving in the woods or something

>Can you be an introverted alpha?
Ryan Gosling

You can only be introverted alpha if you're knee deep in female booty

You're on Jow Forums for a reason.
That said, it's better to have no friends than bad friends.
Bad friends can fuck up your life if you let them.
Don't focus on gaining or losing friends.
Focus on yourself. Let everything else fall into place around you. Do not adapt to the world, let the world adapt to you.
And lastly, fuck normalcy and everything it represents.

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I have acquaintances that I deal/work with, and the conversations are pleasant, and I talk to a lot of people. But no friends as in the kind to go the pub with or do other stuff with. Maybe I'm just missing a woman instead.

>is it normal to have no friends?

the fact that you are asking this question, in addition to the fact that you are using this website, proves that you are not alpha

>t's better to have no friends than bad friends.
Bad friends can fuck up your life if you let them.

Thanks fren

>Maybe I'm just missing a woman instead
yep as you get older you start giving less of a fuck about your supposed friends, its your genetics pushing you to breed and settle and to focus on your career/potential. Thats what normal people did for centuries, by 25 already kids and just hanging with other families with kids, no club or pub nights or other shit

Maybe you have a point. I'm 31 now and the loneliness gets worse every year. The only saving grace I have is I look 25 and keep in top shape. But the urge to find a wife has really kicked in lately.

i have one friend. i dated a girl for a few weeks after not dating for a year and remembered why i stopped dating. it's nice to have people to spend time with. but the overwhelming majority of the time, they aren't as attached to you as you are to them, or they're more attached to you than you are to them, or they just want someone to listen to them ramble on about their bullshit without returning the favor. i'm content with just having Jow Forums for my social interactions outside of work. i stopped getting close to people a long time ago. it's more trouble than it's worth

No worries.

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im you basically except im 29 and jaded with dating/marriage. why do you want to get married so bad?

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Because there's no point in life if I can't have a family. What more could a man want than a happy family? I'll see myself as a failure if I never have children. There's a big gaping hole in my heart and nothing to fill it with.

Try filling it with a tampon

I hope all the anons in this thread can find a fren

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All anons are already my fren. We share a bond like nothing else

I literally have 0 friends. But I am married and have kids.I wish I had friends but it is what it is.

this. online frens are just as good as irl

I definitely share more with anons than i ever shared with "friends" that's for sure. even tho a lot of anons are massive cunts. At least there's some mutual wavelength we can communicate on.

Im 39... imagine how jaded I feel after a few failed relationships I had great hopes for.
I'm starting to be quite tired of the dating game desu; it's so much time spent on essentially nothing meaningful. The current trend of hookups and such isn't helping any. Sure I could sweet myself into many women with enough patience but at best, and this is based from experience, I'll temporarily get a wet hole for my dick and that will be it... at the end of the night I'll still be alone...
Last two women I actually got along with and was hoping to start something long term: one was cheating her rich beta boyfriend but didn't want to leave him, and the other left after we fucked saying "thanks for the sex; it was fun. bye" and I never heard from her again.
Oh now wait, there was also the british woman with whom I got along 1000% (no rose tinted bullshit we really were like the male and female versions of the same entity), but it turned out she was still living with her "ex" and didn't want to move in together (duh!)....

Likewise but I'm not a faggot who wishes he had friends.

>Maybe I'm just missing a woman instead.
This user
Once i got a wife i literally don't care anymore and am 100% at peace

Married w/children user here as well. I have "friends", but they're also married with children so we seldom get together, and rarely talk. I think anons itt are expecting adult friendships to be like high school/college friendships.

I like to have no friends, i chose to stay away from people. I actively engage to make people dislike me so I dont have to bother with them anymore. I do what I want when I want. Leave me be alpha in peace for fucks sake

Yea but it is kinda cool to call up an old friend and talk about stuff. I can get along fine with people at work but I'm not gonna call them after dark and half drunk to talk about some bullshit show I'm streaming

>one was cheating her rich beta boyfriend but didn't want to leave him
Yup so you went and gave him this information right? Or are you a cuck enabler.
>the male and female versions of the same entity
You don't need this in order to have a partner.

90% of being alpha is forging self respect and keeping social interactions on your terms

I don't even have those. The last time I hung out with friends was 19 years ago.

Sorry mate you aren't alpha. Spending most of your time doing solo shit is fine but most girls would be weirded out about you not having any friends at all.

or if you buy link and become financially free, it's like if you're an hermit and you survive in the woods, more alpha even

I have had the same group of my 4 bros since highschool- im 30 now. Getting married in 2 months and they are my wedding party. I wish the rest of you anons could know this feel. We started from the bottom and now we are here, millionares.

How old are you and what do you do with your friends?

I can tell you don’t actually want kids. You’re just virtue signaling to yourself.

I almost feel survivors' guilt since I grew up on the path to NEETdom but ended up with a bunch of friends and a good relationship with my family.

Damn that gif is blessed.

I am 27. I do not spend much time with friends but before I stopped drinking that was our primary activity. One of my friends was visiting the neighborhood and we just walked around for an hour or two shooting the shit.

Making friends would lower my intensity as a human.

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Basically my friends and I have been through a lot over the years. A lot of drinking, a lot of drugs, a lot of fucked up and ridiculous stories that we bonded over. No one will ever replace my day ones. There's less than 10 people I would go out of my way to hang out with.

>druggy "friends"
ok m8

That makes no sense.

A very good percentage of us are now sober and have our shit together. Keep coping with the fact that you have no friends and missed out on teenage shenanigans

It's natural to have great expectations for teamwork and understanding, after all we used to live in tight tribes or people all doing the same thing and sharing the same struggles. Can only get that kind of bond in the army nowadays.
Anyway, every bro in this thread watch this video and feel better:

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I have a solid core group from middle school. I think most ppl and almost all girls don't have real friends

I barely see them though. Too busy with life, and trying to make it, let alone wife and family.

But it does give me a layer of feeling security that I have people who have my back as I have theirs.

funny how you dont spend much time with each other now you're sober isn't it.


Even if LARP that's based.

Hurts to think of all my friends in HS, who I would've considered brothers at the time, that I'd feel weird about even contacting now

>Is it normal to have no friends?

Friends are overrated. At best they'll treat you like family. At worst, they see you as a tool or resource.

That's just what happens when you get old, young zoomernigger, obviously we aren't still chilling every day we all have shit to do and don't all live in the same neighborhood anymore. People are either in graduate programs or working fulltime. Not sure why I'm bothering explaining this to you since you have no friends and won't understand this anyway

this is the truth you were seeking OP

Isolation and friendless is as bad for you as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Get some companions, dawg.

you seem very easily TriGGErd my friend

keep coping. you have nothing in common with your old "friends" now that you don't do drugs together.

Talking to people is gay

Lol just scrolled up and read that you're 31, it's a little too late for you to make livelong friends homie. Best case scenario is you get hitched with a 3/10 gril and make friends with other parents. There's nothing wrong with that though, in fact I encourage you to seek a meaningful relationship with a woman

>too late for lifelong friends
Well that makes 2 of us.

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My buddy in Florida called me out of the blue the other day and we had a 30 minute conversation. Another friend was in the area last night and also called me up and we ended up chilling for 2 hours. You on the other hand have no friends and are so insecure that you feel compelled to make a thread on a Croatian dog breeding forum asking if it's normal. It's not normal, but there's nothing wrong with that. Most people are scumbags anyway.

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I live in Florida and when your friend was done talking to you he got on our special Florida resident chat forum and said you were a fag.

>we dont spend much time together because we're all busy now but we also have long, out-of-the-blue phone chats and hours free for short-notice meetups cuz we're just all that busy with our lives
sounds plausible m8

>I live in Florida and when your friend was done talking to you he got on our special Florida resident chat forum and said you were a fag.
this is why i don't have frens

I am bisexual, so it's not entirely surprising

This is either entirely a bait thread or maximum cope.

Listen here, youngins. Go ahead and try it all. Run the gamut. Smoke, drink, fuck, travel, have friends, you should even try marriage just to see what the fuck it's all about.

When it's all over and you're my age, 47, you'll realize that it's all bullshit. All of it. I'm hermit mode. Done with people, don't with the kike society. I work, I hang out with my family from time to time. But there's nothing out there that will sustain you into your older years.

You'll end up like me, and that's a good thing. I'm happy because I've accepted that there's no one out there who will ever love me the way I need to be loved. Once you realize that you'll never be fulfilled by another person or a friendship or anything like that, you can be happy.

Says the mentally ill homosexual druggy

How many of us exist here? 29 and in the best shape of my life and eat incredibly clean. Most girls think I'm around 22 to 23. The only good decisions I made were with my diet, basically only whole foods since 19 and it has been heavily refined from there. No alcohol either. The urge to get a girlfriend has hit me hard as well...its been almost 2 years since the last relationship, which was 3 years. Fuck I hope LINK takes off, and I'll open a buisness instead and just work 16 hours a day. Lol

I remember being young (13 y/o) and playing vidya all time instead of going to do things, I moved to the city and met a group of guys, 30-40 guys who just spend all day outside on the streets broke as fuck. If they're like minded people, it was great contribution for my life. It's not that introverts really crave social contacts, but you'll notice good conversations with people and doing things and adventures together, will make you happy afterwards. We're chilling together for over 10-15 years and everytime i want i can call guys who's chillings together and where I can go, it's pretty unique and I'm glad I can experience it. Would highly recommend, user. Probably depends on culture too, west and north europeans are pretty reserved in general, but if they form friendships it's mostly for a long ass time

No bigger cuck than having kids

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holy shit that's crazy

If you think of your daughter as a sexual object while simultaneously throwing around the word cuck then I'm glad that you're removing yourself from the gene pool.


comfy gif

28 here. Had a lot of 'friends'. Varying groups.

Recently went through some turmoil. But basically; we talk when we break up with girls, have each others backs, help each other move house. Doing small and larger things for each other.

Dude you're fucking 40, you can't be so damn picky. Why would you let ONE non-permanent problem stop you from pursuing a relationship with any of those women?

That sounds immature. Why would you want to do that. Projects should be self-fulfilling.

men have gone to boozers, conservative clubs and fraternal societies to socialise with other men for centuries. it’s part of the modern decay for men to not have social activities solely with other men.

Used to have plenty of friends from home, jobs, travelling, hobbies, uni, but ultimately these people are locked into their position and don't follow you. If you live your life without compromise you will find that most people don't have time for you and you don't for them. I'm married with two kids so I don't mind. Besides there is literally no point in venting anymore. If things are so bad I need other people in my life it just means there is something wrong with my little family.
Also I don't really have the patience for NPC cucks. Some of my "friends"betrayed me with ex gfs after we broke up so it's like a deterrent: I could burn their existence with a casual spill of information and they learned their lesson and keep away due to fear. These people are meaningless and will never make it. Even during my masters degree I felt like I was surrounded by clueless NPCs.

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what non-permanent problem are you referring to?
also they just want to fuck so... meh...

26 y/o boomer reporting in.

Nobody has friends. As people grow older, their "friends" just become sidelined by their own lives (kids/wife/ex-wife/their job). It's better to not have friends imho because you can do whatever you want with no consequence. Want to pick up and move across the planet? Go ahead, nobody cares about you anyway.

Underrated post here.

user is correct, military is one of the few remaining places where men can be men and form bonds with other like minded adults.

That isn’t to say that there aren’t plenty of retards and idiots here also, but If you are a man seeking adventure, true brotherhood and money for college then please join.

I’m here, ready to be your brother. (No homo)

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this. user. is actually a real fren. the wisdom and unexpected kindness of the great hive mind has got me through some dark times.

few right cunts on here too, mind.

kek. yeah, this.

INTJ master race up ITT- I despise the meaningless and tedious vocalisations of the herd. shut the fuck up and let us listen for the approach of predators!

>Alphas fight, winner takes the female.
>Betas watch from the sideline
>Omega males sneaks up behind the female and fucks her in the ass, >Alphas and betas are cucks.
I'm an Omega, fuck all of you, I'm out.

if you are 26 you CANNOT by definition be a boomer...
boomer applies to people born in the 50, 60s, you know from the post-war baby boom ?

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I know plenty who have embraced the boomer ideology. Most are born into it though

Alphas don't have friends. They have people that want to be their friends. They have people that look up to them. They have people that want to be around them.

If there's no one in your life calling and asking to hang out, you aren't an alpha nor chad. Basically, none of you are alphas, or chads nor ever will be.

t.alpha chad

No you need a couple of real friends to be alpha although you don't need to see them all the time. You could just be the elusive Sigma male who forges his own path on the border or outside of what is considered normal society.

This. Too many people are NPCs to begin with. If you find an actual true friend that's a very rare commodity. Also doesn't help that the current culture in America is to drop everything and move across the country to a place where you know no one for no good reason.

if you think in terms of alpha/beta you're already a loser, sorry.

>Sigma male
oh lol i learned a new greek alphabet incel term today. all those concepts of greek letter males are complete bullshit and low iq incel bropsychology

>Bad friends can fuck up your life if you let them
Protip. Almost always the 'friends' you have are bad

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>Protip. Almost always the 'friends' you have are bad
they are a just a reflection of who you are. my close friends are awesome.

Imagine being this new

Your goal in life must be to work hard so that people around you have no opportunity to think you're a 'loser'.

> You're still a virgin.
> You have no friends.
> You are ugly and/or unfit.
> You're gf/wife is ugly.
> You are poor.
> Your life's a mess.

The alternatives are to cope and lie to yourself that you don't care about normies or you're better than them,
and/or consume cheap dopamine hit like vidya and the internet to forget about the gravity of your current situation.

Everyone is fragile and so do you. Self-programming your mind into believing MGTOW is 100% better is dangerous. Some where along the lines, the thoughts of being a beta loser will haunt you down if you don't take action and recognize the elephant in the room.

Sometimes it's better to be vulnerable and face your fears.

Life is a work. And the pain of emabarassment and self-disgust is a gift from your subconsciousness to let you know what work is needed to be done.

Be in a good company.
Learn to laugh and have a good time with others.
Have sex.
Fall in love.

Experience all the good feelings all the normies experienced.

Godspeed, my frens.

In 20 years time look back and see how they influenced you.
You will understand