
I don’t know how to start or where to begin with. I feel so stupid and desperate and angry at the same time...
I just lost €15k in a casino, I was winning at first and had almost enough to buy a new car and pay off my whole college tuition but now im so fked and really dont know where im going any more..
There will probably be no more glory days like the 100x ico’s back in 2017 And I will probably never get out of my debt. God...

My best advice for biz, DO NOT GAMBLE AND INVEST WISELY

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Holo is your last chance

Damn... i feel sorry for you but you gotta know this is all your own fault.
There’s nothing that can be done to the past but you can definetly earn that money back just invest in smart ways.
Do research about those new tokens and get them on xFutures before they hit the market then dump it when they are about to pump on release day

buy hard cap mature proof of stakes coins, name is bitcoin.

Damn what did you play in the casino bj baccarat roulette?

If you invested the 15k into link you would be rich

Look for coins with small mcap man, goodluck

Coti, Ftm, Bpro, Holo
Those are some potential dor multipliers by eoy, take time to do research and invest what you can afford

Gotta say that you’re a dumbfuck tho omfg

But gl with life tho, dont give up and suicide or smthing that shit stupid


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Lmfao I just came back from vegas and won 25k, just dont let your emotions get to you when you play

>15k fiat instead of investing in crypto
>in debt
Nibba you a fuccen joke

Man stay away from gambling, i lost my dad bcuz he was addicted to gambling, shit is dangerous and wrecking life’s and family’s

Lmao only lottery can save you now,
Check out bitcloud pro, they got a powerball lottery online might be your last hope

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Invest in gold, silver btc eth some reliable stable sources

Lol casino is where you sell your soul to the lucifer

while I can't help but feel bad for you I also feel you failed at the first rule of casino "if you win, its time to stop"...

This ultra thing will change the gaming industry and probably also will change your life.

You’re welcome

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Whats your daytime job? Maybe talk w your boss and take therapy

Greed got you good

G r e e d b o i

Learn your fkin Lesson and stop being greedyass modofo