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Post ITT your retirement plan
Dylan Reed
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John Long
Investing in property and renting them out. Get passive income, retire
Ian Russell
Xavier Howard
Start accumulating BTC every month. BTC will be worth millions before your retirement.
Jordan Roberts
Staking FTM.
Owen Butler
running a stargate. $5k monthly income till death
Gabriel Anderson
10k a month from properties, 10btc and 10 million COTI
Julian Scott
when i can't wage one second longer, become a drifter and hope to not die.
not even exaggerating. s'all i've got.
Colton Cruz
how passive is passive when renting properties?
what about keeping up with reforms to fix potential stuff, what about mold problems etc, what about taxes? what about pro-okupation laws? (I live in spain and if some fucker gets in your house you have to wait for a fucking trial and it can take a long ass time, meanwhile you can't legally kick the guy's ass out of your property), how about potential communist governments with increased hate for people owning more than a couple properties thus massively taxing it or even confiscating it? (unlike bitcoins)
how much do you really make?
David Cook
I thought about renting out my flat in Central Europe. But after taxes, it's just not worth it. I already work more than full-time, meaning that the additional income would be taxed at 42-48%. At the same time, if I quit my job, I couldn't live off the rent alone as social security payments would be around 300-400€. And it's not truly passive in that you have to find good tenants and fix things around the flat if they so happen so occur.
I guess to really make this work you'd need multiple flats and hire someone to look after them.
Ryder Bennett
Probably just staking DAI or something else for passive income.
Jonathan Nelson
Enough COTI to stake on the network and sitting comfy.
Levi Perry
Staking my ETH and FTM on xFutures getting free exchange tokens
Jaxson Perry
here in freedom land contractors are cheap enough to take care of most issues and taxes aren't high enough to take away all profit. non-paying renters are an issue but you can get lawyers/cops involved fairly quickly, most it can go on for is probably ~2 months after first check not received. Not passive, but my landlord just mows lawns and took a 4 month road trip recently, shes much older but said she'd been doing it since the 70s starting with a good inheritance.
Jonathan Wright
a stargate in Minercraft?
Andrew Smith
Unironically dying young, I mean let's get real
Hunter Jenkins
a billionaire could so effortlessly save me and never miss a penny, but this really is my fate. rekt health leaves me with fuck all practical alternatives. why the hell was i dragged from an eternity of blissful nothingness just to go through this fucking poisonous labyrinth?
Jeremiah Price
Staking 500 eth unironically
Landon Sullivan
I'm going to build up my credit to astronomical levels and pay back increasingly sized loans to the point the banks would loan me their unborn child. At that point when my credit history is so great, I'm going to exit scam the banks!
Brody Edwards
Agrotourism. Staking RV's on my land for 20$ a night. Already am building a 2bed1shared bath commune for pricier nights. Helps to live near touristic places.
Jack Lee
shotgun to the head
Angel Morris
What is wrong with you?
I have a messed up immune system that has given me psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, and some unidentified bronchitis. All auto immune disorders.
Zachary Ramirez
Buy a nice gaming PC and spend all day in my room. Invest in gold/real estate/bonds to preserve my money
Ocasionally hookers + cocaine
Eli Sanders
ulcerative pancolitis. its current habit is to incapacitate me for a couple of months at a time. since 2017 i've lost 6 stone and have so many deficiencies i can barely open a vitamin supplement bottle. is what it is. happening to loads of people in the uk. like this story today...
Caleb Flores
100 eth
James Reyes
I have a lot of knowledge on how to survive ulcerative colitis. I dealt with it for many years without health insurance.
At one point I even smuggled in cheap drugs from China.
Austin Martin
nice, good luck
Angel Miller
> All these delusional anons not aware that by in 20 years we're full on roadwarrior dystopia
I don't see a comfy retirement for anyone who visits Jow Forums regularly
Connor Jenkins
We all know if hell exists we are going to it.
But some roadwarrior fantasy is just total bullshit paranoia.
Brody Rodriguez
I'm 25 and have $30K in my 401(k) right now. I'll just keep maxing it out for as long as I live with my parents. I'll probably stay with them until I'm 30 or so.
Carson Cruz
All in NECK.
Carson Gomez
Your sacrifice is needed for the algorithm.
Thomas Phillips
I'm actually at that point right now I have excellent credit and at least 80k in unused credit on credit cards, but idk how i could maximize this potential and escape the US
Brayden Collins
If we get a Wiemar, you're fucked.
Jose Harris
Not enough credit. You need to get some loans.
Justin Reed
20 ETH staked on the X
120K FTM staked on the X
Grayson Edwards
live off dividends and bond coupons, duhh
Nathan Peterson
Benjamin Hughes
I too invested in the jews, safu bet. Look at their connections. Holy Kosher.
1million Coti cold stored and no touchy
Jayden Rivera
Connor Hall
Uos is revolutionizing the gaming industry. Imagine buying it before it went mainstream.
David Gonzalez
Españita se va a la mierda
Lucas Gonzalez
My 20k LINK stack ofc
Carter Robinson
Luke Allen
>I'm 25 and have $30K in my 401(k) right now
James Wood
Writing the names of terrorist attack victims on my rifle before heading to the range
Landon Williams
And I'll for more wealth than you will by the time I retire. You're gambling with shit coins.
Liam Rivera
>You're gambling with shit coins.
kek, you wish
Kevin Collins
At this point it's honestly more of a hope than any of the realities we are actually likely to see. I see it more as the vastly underappreciated film 'Brazil' but with way more brown people.
Jace Cook
Max out 401k for 10 more years
Acquire 10+ bitcoins
Acquire $1m stongks
Connor Russell
We arent buying your shitcoin bags dumbass
Gabriel Perez
monetizing my stepdaughter
Josiah Watson
Christian Hill
the fees will leave you with nothing unless its with vanguard your just giving them money
Eli Johnson
Lel this is very not true
Also if his company matches it's literally free guaranteed 100% ROI
Lincoln Turner
most mutual funds charge 1% but with the wxtra fees ends up around 3%
not so bad until that 3% adds to a bad year
makes that match pointless
Ryan White
360K $ is enough for me. At least I can still eat steak
Hudson Clark
Buy houses with my cryptogains.
Sold xrp for 3 usd my biggest bag bought 2 houses so i am fine
now i invested heavily in coti, i believe they will be the new payment for the whole fukking world
Xavier Fisher
Coti is making big progress, wait till live guys
Kevin Gonzalez
sirs never again
Andrew Sullivan
Time out can you stake FTM? That sounds like bs. Unless youre talking pure interest?
Lincoln Williams
where do you live that anyone would want to live on your shitty RV?
Gavin Russell
Try eating only meat? Seemed to work for JBP
Nolan Anderson
Youre pathetic - I just want you to know that.
Angel Ortiz
Hook up to a simulation about farming rice.
Lucas Howard
Not sure why nobody is talking about a new treasure coming up , called ultra the STEAM KILLER.. They are at many events , if they finish the event in KOREA then major announcment coming up
Ian Robinson
fuck btc retirement
i just bought big in UOS , , i met them at gamescom really nice guys and they got me i am a fan
Jackson Gomez
Oliver Lee
>earn 0.6btc
>use 0.3btc to buy entry to Citadel
>live the boomer life with remainder