Post ITT your retirement plan

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Investing in property and renting them out. Get passive income, retire


Start accumulating BTC every month. BTC will be worth millions before your retirement.

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Staking FTM.

running a stargate. $5k monthly income till death

10k a month from properties, 10btc and 10 million COTI

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when i can't wage one second longer, become a drifter and hope to not die.
not even exaggerating. s'all i've got.

how passive is passive when renting properties?

what about keeping up with reforms to fix potential stuff, what about mold problems etc, what about taxes? what about pro-okupation laws? (I live in spain and if some fucker gets in your house you have to wait for a fucking trial and it can take a long ass time, meanwhile you can't legally kick the guy's ass out of your property), how about potential communist governments with increased hate for people owning more than a couple properties thus massively taxing it or even confiscating it? (unlike bitcoins)

how much do you really make?

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I thought about renting out my flat in Central Europe. But after taxes, it's just not worth it. I already work more than full-time, meaning that the additional income would be taxed at 42-48%. At the same time, if I quit my job, I couldn't live off the rent alone as social security payments would be around 300-400€. And it's not truly passive in that you have to find good tenants and fix things around the flat if they so happen so occur.
I guess to really make this work you'd need multiple flats and hire someone to look after them.