Forbes article below detailing something some dude said.
So it seems like a pretty great bet that a cryptocurrency will be adopted as a new reserve. But what I want to know is what sets RSR apart before I buy it?
What's to stop the world using something with a bigger brand backing like Libra instead?
Why RSR?
Other urls found in this thread:
Doesn't a dollar green ID mean anything to you people?
Libra probably won't launch because they are such a big and poorly behaving company.
RSR/RSV investors are unironically in the Bilderberg Group.
Coinbase Ventures are EQUITY INVESTORS
There is more but no other projects are set up like this.
I have 1,6 MIL which is around 6% of my portfolio
should I buy more?
50% is in BTC, 30% in link, 10% in eth and rest in yolo shitcoins
So I have HEARD that big names are buying into RSR. Do you have any proof I can see? Sorry I don't mean to seem accusatory I'm just sceptical until I see evidenfey and it's fucking hard to find any reliable sources out there!
Personally I definitely trust ethereum yo rise again. I don't know what I think of ChainLINK and the 700k dumps. I don't necessarily think it's a scam I just would like SOME reassurance on why Sir Gay is doing that
I’m debating if I should go all in before idex shits on burgers or if I should just wait patiently for coinbase. I’m a poorfag so “all in” is just chump change compared to you richfags but I’m currently 45/55 between Tezos and RSR. Was hoping Tezos would pump a bit so I could turn half my Tezos into RSR but I don’t want to miss out if idex post 31st becomes too much of a hassle. I only have 83k RSR so that shows you how poor I am but I’m wagging away until RSR moons to $1-2. Any thought? Should I dump my tezzies or hold until coinbase lists RSR?
Just to be clear I am by no means rich my man. That's why I need to know for certain if this is worth my money.
Currently I hold XRP (yeah hate me), and litecoin. Both of which I bought before I came to this board about a year ago.
I did buy ethereum when it was cheap and that turned out quite nice.
Any way why exactly will the burgers getting shut out be good for us? I don't understand everyone's logic there?
It won’t be good, but it also won’t make much difference in price since idex volume has never been anything special and we’re still early. Most of us can easily figure out how to buy more but it’s just more of a nuisance and I personally don’t trust Huobi gooks but if vpn idex doesn’t work I’ll be forced to use Huobi.
I also have a good feeling about Tezos though. Not many shilling it which has kept price down and it didn’t completely dump after coinbase listing which shows there is strong support. They’re basically done dealing with the opportunistic jews that tried to bring a frivolous lawsuit against them and they have unlimited funds to build the platform. I’m newish to crypto but I was well aware of btc since around 2013-14 but was much less tech savvy or financial free to invest. Still have my first wallet I made back then when I was trying to use btc to buy weed from silkroad lol fuck me
Lmao u guys are DELUSLOOOOOJINALL— Peter Thiel ONLY SAID YES TO THE SITE because he is fucking Little Nev Fairy. Nevin is his butt buddy.
I love gay people, and they love to suck each other off. I really wish them the best, hopefully they will get married too (yes progress!) but RSR is simply a way for Peter Thiel to keep Nevin sucking him off.
Keep in mind- Thiel has billions of $$. He only invested like a few $$ millions. So, barely a fraction of a fraction of a percent.
It is as good of an investment as a high-class whore. Nevin is his whore. Easy, he made one payment, gets some “fun money” so he can show pppl in his lil Ethereum wallet, and then he gets sucked off by Nevin without having to continually pay him his sex fee.
If you have this, I would sell IMMEDIATELY. Not that u can anywhere anyway because even the EXCHANGES know this is a (literal) gay scam.
if this was 2017 rsr would already be like $12 with no product.
this is the most bullish signal I have EVER seen on 4channel, the desperation is magical! the way you framed your appeal in a vain attempt to get one dip to maximize your bags before the app launch... bravo!
Funny story: I've met one of the lads from silkroad. He was a moderator. Got deported to the states and is gonna do life in prison now.
Any way when I met him he was a bleeeeeding heart liberal. Seemed to fancy himself some kind of revolutionary. Honestly I actually quite liked him but he was definitely a bit delusional.
Not trying to sound high and mighty but as soon as you guys make it a gay or racist conspiracy I just stop paying attention. Although I don't deny gay men running in quite close knit social circles.
Hmm yeah but it isn't. It does sound good to me but WHY is it better than any other coin? Couldn't they all be used as a reserve?
I mean, yes and no. It’s all about risk management. You could store your money in any coin but volatility will JUST you if you buy at the top because you don’t know any better and just want to keep your money away from hyper inflation fiat. As for other stablecoin coins; they can’t scale. It’s only now that MKR wants to diversify their basket of assets AFTER Reserve wrote an analysis of what they think is wrong with Maker DAO. RSV will have RSR also helping to stabilize the price in a way that’s much more accessible to the general public via arbitrage rather than through CDP which is a pretty confusing system for normies.
Forgot to mention app which will be widely available in high demand areas where said hyper inflation is occurring and people are in need of a real world solution that they can take to a store and use as money or send to their foreign bank to store as dollars instead of having to trade it for their failing fiat and deposit locally.
Theres not even proof that Peter Theil has ever even acknowledged the project, yet shills use his nake often.
Yes this app is out next month right? That does sound promising.
I heard before the big crash in Argentina that people in some south American countries were using the money on Runescape because it was stronger than their dollar. I mean that's nuts. Definitely seems to suggest the future is crypto - whichever one that happens to be...
Yeah see this is what bothers me. Can anybody just link any proof of anything they say? Even just a picture of him saying something about it on twitter.
Even Medium is more reliable now.
Reserve has a ridiculous system of failsafes to keep the price far more stable than any other tokens, which tend to have one method only. Reserve should remain stable even in the face of black swan events, like Tether collapsing
I know it isn't the best but seriously what IS a good source these days?
You have here which is basically literal chaos. Asking this board is like asking a Ouija board you KNOW is cursed.
You have about a million bullshit crypto news websites.
You have the inherently biased Twitter accounts of the people running the business.
I don’t see Thiel talking about his investments that often. He doesn’t even use Twitter. The question is, why would Coinbase Venture invest without using their resources to verify Thiel? Why would PayPal cofounders associate with Reserve at Davos if they were lying about Thiel? Countless articles online talking about Reserve and Thiel and Thiel hasn’t asked them to stop or sent a cease and desist. You don’t think a billionaire has the resources to drag them through the court system for years? There is zero doubt in my mind that they’re being 100% truthful about their investors.
its not 2017 anymore though a random association even a good one doesnt mean a thing
>countless articles
Really you are referring to two dozen or so crypto based news sites that aren't event hosted in the US.
>The company is backed by Coinbase, Peter Thiel, and Sam Altman.
So, no quotes, no attribution, no sources, no nothing? They are really publishing this shit in Forbes? Embarrassing.
Should I start posting Effective Altruism breadcrumbs yet?
Tulip bulbs
nevin used a screen cap from his interview with thiel as thumbnail for picture on reserve website. video starts with leverage research logo and effective altruism logo both companies get money from thiel.
for the "muh college" fudders. that one didn't last long though since most people with an iq above 100 know college is a scam.
I guess bloomberg doesn't count either.
I have invested in Telecoin and I have gained 10x returns with it.