Motivational guru scam

When I was a teen I was happy just being me, doing what I loved, living a simple life. Around age 25 I went through an insane depression, and I ended up discovering those instagram business/motivation guru memes and completely buying into their bullshit. Not by giving them money, but in their ideas about hustling 24/7 to get money and fame and how that's the meaning of life. I almost got recruited by Scientology because a couple of them are Scientologists.

Lukcily I've figured out it's a crock of shit and while it gave me some drive during a tough time, that mindset has not made me happy.

I want to go back to just following my passions for the love of it, living a simple happy life, and not striving for fame or money. If I am financially successful doing something I love I want it just to be something that happened, not the intention or the primary purpose. I want the love and fun of it to come first.

I'm wondering if you guys have any advice on how to switch my mind back after it being poisoned relentlessly for about 3 years (not joking; I've listened to some guru's books on repeat hundreds of times).

Attached: GC-boyscouts.jpg (1920x1080, 1.02M)

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sort of the same, except i didn't buy into motivational bullshit. i just wanna get back that feeling of happiness desu.

How do you set the paradigm? Repetition of information.
How do you cause a paradigm shift? Repetition of information.

I knew a lot of people who had a group chat and sent those guru memes to each other everyday and jerked each other off to it. Now they're in mcdonalds serving fat niggers

That's a bit vague but it seems you're trying to hard to find something. There's nothing to find, it's how life goes. If you're not happy doing something, do something else. If something is bothering you deal with it immediately.

>fat niggers
there called repeat customers

I highly recommend learning about neuro plasticity

you're definitely not a repeat customer to english classes were you faggot

The only thing you need in life is God.

they're you go

Attached: 1566324271994.jpg (996x984, 85K)

Lmao I fell in the same boat fell for the starting a online business meme.

Lately, I’ve gone back to my passion of producing music and djing. Made a grand total of like $20 from my music in half a year so far but much happier these days

neuro plasticity #1

Look at memory reconsolidation, it's extremely powerful. Triggering it on old beliefs I had changed my life.
Memory Reconsolidation in a Nutshell

set distinct goals only you define, simple things like "today i'll give a stranger a ride"
make it a point to disconnect yourself from the internet for hours every day
pick up literature, dostoevsky, balzac, everything that was worth writing about people was written in the 19th century and there's a lot of material out there. once you really get those books you can apply the psychology to modern life and business fairly easily, no ponzi bullshit required

I relate to this so much. Honestly I feel completely lost in the world, I know there is some great direction out there for me but I don't know where to turn. Honestly I am willing to hustle and grind, whatever it takes, but the direction is what's keeping me down.

I would look into something called CPSTD. Especially the Fight/Flight/Freeze/Fawn trauma responses. I felt like you once I healed my trauma responses I could think more clearly.
Also do any work with computer programming and you'll be better off.

Thank you. I don't think I have ptsd though, I wouldn't have done anything like that

I am lost. No direction, no dreams to turn to. I'll be 28 next Friday. I have no passions. What drives you guys? What are your dreams? How did you find them?

I feel like a ship lost at sea in the dead of night, no sign of coast in sight, and there is a storm coming my way.

I avoid advice from successful people and motivational speakers in general, survivorship bias is too powerful.

To add, I just look at the failures in life and the people who disgust me, and try to be not like them. The contrarian approach.

They are biggest pieces of shit on the internet