this was extended till end of august so people who started nodes for the reward probably shut them down
Michael James
>this was extended till end of august
it doesn't say that... how do you know this
Liam Sanchez
Jeremiah Cook
^ this. Biz is so retarded sometimes. SENT ran an incentive promotion for the month of August to stress test the new Tendermint testnet. Promotion ended, so users took down their nodes. If 50 nodes were hosted just for a small promotion, imagine how many will be hosted once node monetization is enabled on main net.
Levi Clark
>SENT ran an incentive promotion for the month of August
James Kelly
Still waiting for relay nodes
Juan Hall
It will be extended beyond 20th August thanks to the increasing participation
search for this in the official tg
Robert Long
It also mentions end of August in the Incentive Program blog post
Dude, you are talking about the rank 344 coin with 5 million Dollar market cap. Who in the fucking world cares? Do you have heavy bags or are you just retard?
Landon Bell
>cause if people payed external infrastructure to host the node, you pay on a monthly basis, so it got terminated at the end of the month.
I just realized, this doesn't even make sense... Unless the 50 people who supposedly ran these nodes all happened to sign up for hosting on the same day. They don't just arbitrarily bill you at the end of the month. They bill you monthly based on the date you signed up. Like if you signed up on the 20th they bill you on the 20th every month... I know this because I actually have a hosting bill...
they set it up when the incentive program was launched yes. anyway its easy to understand no more free money no more free nodes its no rocket science
Dominic Allen
Then if you want to get technical it was launched on May 17th... not May 1st. And it doesn't even say anywhere that it ended today... ffs. It was going from the 20th to the next 20th of each month, so if anything it would've ended on August 20th. Why would it just randomly end today?
Hello homosexual faggot retard department? We got one of your guys out here, looks like he escaped again. Can you come get him? Yes... uh huh... yeah he fell for one of those scams again.... yep.... alright I'll keep an eye on him.
this was supposed to be a quick pump and dump from .000007 to .000018 and you held? jesus user
Levi Cook
i guess not all nodes launched at the same time, some of them launched in august when it got extended, what does node count have to do with anything ? i don't get why you are so emotional incentive ended node count dropped
Michael Baker
>what does node count have to do with anything ?
Why do you guys proudly parade around the fact that you have "100 nodes and growing" if it doesn't matter?
Charles Ross
You can't even prove to me that the incentive ended today. It wouldn't even make sense if it did
May 20th to June 20th June 20th to July 20th July 20th to August 20th August 20th to August 31st?
So then you try to make it, oh their hosting ran out, because all hosting bills on the end of the month or some shit, which I already pointed out isn't how it works...
I guess I'm really not going to get a straight answer huh
dude literally you have incomplete data, me too, to me the most rational thing is the incentive program ended and the node count dropped, it was obvious this would happen. it was obvious from the beginning that after the incentives would have stopped the node count would have dropped too it doesn't matter till its on main net and people actually get payed for the bandwidth