Long Tesla 100x

Long Tesla 100x

Thank me later

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it's like buying LINK at 4 dollar

Teslad is dead
was also run like shit (like Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times factory shenanigans, only not funny and on computer code) (also read on arstechnica a recent article about wallmart and tesla's solar panels)
but no, believe the hype
Not even short it, what if it'll get delisted while you're at it? Will is be shorted ad infinitum?

Listen gay retard when you have to ride in a Tesla cab to your daughter's marriage to a nigger, just remember you could have been rich

I have
no problems with black people
no problems with gay people

also, oddly specific, was the wedding cake good? Is your new daughter-in-law too dark skinned to your taste?

Tesla survived only thanks to investors and good marketing, now it's over

You have no idea what's coming, do you?


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I just sold all my shares on Friday. Mistake?

Musk is a bro and one of the biggest geniouses of this shitty era. He single handedly transformed internet money, electric vehicles and fucking spaceflight

Big oil trolls hate him almost as much as ULA trolls do, that alone is reason enough to know he's doing something good. Also, if the saturnalists at NASA think he is a fraud it probably means he's not a diddler

I honestly believe Musk was sent by God Himself to pull our collective sorry asses out of the shit river that humanity is currently drowing in

Sell all Tesla stock while you can

t. /o/tist

Correct. Tesla is at the moment cornering the luxury car market in the US. 25% of all luxury sales in 2019 will be Tesla sales and they’re going to go up further. The consumer isn’t willing to spend big bucks on gasoline or hybrid cars if they’re the same junk as 10 year old models meanwhile Tesla cars are literal innovation and evolving with every model.

Would your rather spend $150k on top of the line Tesla or $150k on a middle of the line Porsche/BMW/Mercedes?


TSLAQ nigga. Enron Musk is John Delorean 2.0.

>glow in the dark tag

I don't follow twitter trends broseph

7 incidents with malfunctioning solar instalations is hardly a reason to get delisted.

Holy shit. RETARD. Tesla will be 50 bucks by late 2020 early 2021

What a shitty shoop

I rather spend 150k from Porsche/Audi/Bentley with their decades of race pedigree, excellent dealer/service network then a get car made in a fucking tent you massive faggot.

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it was an hyperbole of sarcasm
smoke less copium

>sees tesla police thread on /auto
>hehehe im going to post this on biz theyll think im a genius
go back please faggot