I'm gay and I hold chainlink.
I'm gay and I hold chainlink
It's none of our business what your sexual orientation is. If you want attention look in the mirror faggot. It's a shame your parents didn't love you enough.
Same, I buy another bag every time I blow a load to some cute twinks
Based and aidspilled
Sell your link. We don't want you.
Pozzed and linkpilled
faggots attack biz
Thanks, Colonel Poz!
Unironically a quality post. Thanks for the laugh user.
Vegeta is not gay
You hijacked that meme quite nicely. BOSED!
should i long gays then?
I'm literally a faggot and I have HIV and I hold 80k LINK and my only regret is being a faggot that was dumb enough to get HIV. I'll never live long enough to spend my fortune now.
you can though spread your disease by selling your cum to bugchasers
HIV fags confirmed as bad
I'm an AIDs denier and would fuck you, no qualms. I look good, too. Don't be let HIV get you down!
Welcome, friend.
NOBODY GIVES A FUCK. The sooner you learn that the sooner you can start to put value on the parts of your personality that are actual personality traits.
It's like basing your worth on your gender or your race. EVERYBODY HAS A SEXUAL ORIENTATION. So the fact that yours is different from someone else's doesn't make you interesting, it's not even meaningful.
Nobody gives a fuck (except homophobes, but fuck those faggots).
It's OK to be gay.
We love everyone here!
Money keeps us all close!
I am hold and I gay chainlink
I and I gay chainlink hold am