Reserve /RSR/

29 days left

Attached: RSV.png (300x300, 3K)

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Ampleforth general?

Ampleforth and every other scm coin trying to ride the RSR wave, yes.

til WAT

RSV release

App release, testing, moon.

Poorfag here, finally bought my first 100k. If things go well this month I’m buying another 200k. Just hope I can make it before the app release and before Tether news causes RSR to moon.

thanks just bought 200k

when delay? when postponed?

Cope.. better get in quick.

guys do you have any sauce on the release date?
I hold over 3,5 mil btw


Will I make it if I hold 1.5m RSR?

almost certainly

That's a good stack m8. 1.5 is my goal. Currently at 1.2.

Plan is to sell 500K or so at $1 to get a nice house and then ride the rest to Mars.

Captain reporting in (2.5m). Haven't bought any more RSR since IDEX introduced KYC. Any other dex has RSR?

isn't everyone going to invent their own stablecoin?

yes user, all big platforms will have their own - these bagholders are high on hopium and delusion.

im am the master shill. i will only start shilling rsr once the exact launch date of the app is announced. i will then shill this fucker 100x like i did with chx. rsr isnt a scam like chx though.

based af

checked and secondarily based

where you can buy this shit and whats the price atm?

Best investment of 2019, easily

>where you can buy this shit and whats the price atm?

i was thinking about put 50 bucks in... how many coins i get

LOL isnt this at Coinbase? ... literally no future then... sorry... i'll save that 50 bucks

Consistent with the decisions that led to you to have little money to invest in the first place

>LOL isnt this at Coinbase?... literally no future then... sorry... i'll save that 50 bucks
>Can't be bothered to notice that Coinbase Ventures are EQUITY INVESTORS
>50 bucks

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about to go full ape shit

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how do you think small projects like these can ever rise if money from the masses cant find it... It needs to be on Coinbase/Binance... Is deadend if nobody can find this... sorry about harsh facts...

>this guy only invests in tokens AFTER they pumped
why don't you like success

>It needs to be on Coinbase/Binance... Is deadend if nobody can find this... sorry about harsh facts...
Maybe you forgot to wear your helmet today.

Coinbase Ventures are equity investors.

What do you think is going to happen?

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so we have to endure 29 DAYS of discord pajeets on here making 3 threads a day? great. filter added.

buy cruzbit and stay away from this shit.

True that. This feels scammy cause nowhere to buy...

No worries user, I'll sell you mine for $3 when it finally hits Coinbase. Since they are, you know, EQUITY INVESTORS IN RSR.

can you buy my something now if i send money paypal?

is hotbit legit?

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huobi use a vpn -

Here we go

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stop spoonfeeding normies

Why doesn’t RSR have any insiders posting on Jow Forums with breadcrumbs for app release?

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Once it moons it'll get more popular and the LARPers will come out. Honestly the team is quite responsive on telegram, they'll answer most questions.

I'm a brainlet can someone explain the huge outstanding total supply

How else will they become the world's reserve currency? Also, slow wallet with 30-day advanced announcement. No 700k dumps.

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Required reading:

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This. It’s built to actually work unlike Tether.

>everyone plans on selling hundreds of thousands if not millions of tokens at $0.5 and $1
I wonder what will happen to the price

Everyone? More like your usual Jow Forums wankers.

Why is the MC still so low?

CMC reported mcap is incorrect.
check coingecko for correct market data

Product isn't even released yet. It's still very much under the radar

It's a pajeet shitcoin


I’m not shilling until release desu

Because people don't know yet. Coinbase Ventures, Paypal Founders, the fucking Bilderberg Group.

Delete this.

So you guys have sold me on reserve but no I need to be sold on hotbit or huobi. I mean, can we trust 'em? How are they able to offer the coin already but a place like coinbase is not?

between RSR, LIBRA, and VENUS think RSR going to be adopted by the mass? Facebook and Binance have huge user base already think about it you fags. RSR just a lil bitch startup company that cant compete

>Libra wont lanch
>Literally who
>Peter Thiel, Coinbase Ventures, Paypal Founders, Y Combinator founders, Digital Currency Group, the motha fuckin Bilderberg Group.

You do you user.

How are Huobi and Hotbit offering the coin but no one else?

RSR cant even get a Binance listing and had to list on Huobi shit that should tell you something

>RSR cant even get a Binance listing and had to list on Huobi shit that should tell you something

>Doesn't know Coinbase Ventures is an EQUITY INVESTOR
>Never heard of Digital Currency Group

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this needs more listings after the app release / RSV release upcoming

since it's decentralized once RSR launches there's nothing they can do to stop it, LIBRA will be shut down and was already directly targeted by congress after announcement. Sometimes it's better to be the little company under the shadows.

>you think RSR going to be adopted by the mass?
No but RSV will.

How do I buy? Idex needs an api supposedly and huobi won’t allow me to deposit anything.

isnt RSR a $1 coin?
>t. brainlet

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generate an api key in idex account settings, or change wallet then generate if you already have one. if you're a burger, idex kicked us out as of yesterday, so it's idex + vpn or huobi+vpn.
On this topic actually, what vpns do you guys recommend?


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For every post about RSR, i am getting another baggie...when RSR hits $10, I am going to be a millionaire

tell everyone to only use huobi for now. its the only exchange with no KYC + liquidity

I've been buying RSR / accumulating since July using IDEX, recently I made a new account and used VPN to bypass the restrictions, everything worked fine, even linked my same wallet from before with no issues.

My question is, if I do this on Huobi I can buy USDT with bank card -> Use it to buy RSR and then instantly transfer RSR into my wallet without waiting like on Coinbase? (as long as it's under 5,000 usd value?)

I see a ton of posts about where to get RSR. Hotbit works great.

how is the bilderberg group linked to this coin?

Peter Thiel is a membre/participant

I’ve never used a cc on Huobi. You can send USDC from Coinbase to Huobi and trade that for USDT. Obviously you pay whatever commission hbg charges for trades, but that’s still better that the premium you pay to buy bitcone via simplex on Huobi.

fuck it, tossed another .1 btc in this. up to 1.4m RSR now, am I gonna make it biz?


How to i buy it? i signed up to Huobi but i dont see the coin?

The Jews are hiding it

Yeah a bunch of beaners are already super hyped about it down in Caracas. It's the talk of the town, I am half Venezuelan and my family lives there. They called me up telling me everyone is super geeked up for some random shitty stablecoin mobile app release. Maduro is going to give the key of the city to Nevin. You guys have to understand how huge this is gonna be for Venezuela. The marketing has been non-stop.

Trusting a chinese company that compromised your actual identity with your money when China is in economical distress and the company itself is seeing significant decreases in profit
Trusting Face fucking book as a non boomer when their system is tied back to centralized banks that will collapse on your ass again anyway
Yeah, I could see people adopting RSV now over centralized vaporware that's years away.

How am I supposed to buy this as an American if Huobi makes me verify ID documents?

use a vpn for huobi, say you're from antarctica or something, download the app, withdraw 2.5eth worth of RSR daily with no KYC

Yeah I'm using a VPN on Huobi but I'm a bit of a brainlet and don't understand the last part of your post.


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the withdrawal fee at Hotbit is the equivalent of $2000

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They bought a stablecoin in the 100 billion count and think they're going to get rich. Better hope everyone doesn't just invent their own stablecoin

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28 DAYS LEFT!!!!

slap a reserve logo on this

clearly doesn't know anything, RSV you're talking about is a stable coin, do your research pajeet, and you might make it in the future

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Can I only get this bullshit on IDEX?

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