Hello Jow Forums, to any intraday / short-term (= positions are closed within few days-weeks) traders, I was wondering: >what is the average monthly % profit of your portfolio? >how much loss % do you allow before you close a position? >do you use trading bots? >do you use algorithms for testing? I'm trading as a hobby (aka small capital) and I had a decent performance in the last 6 months (= 2.5+%, on average) and I was wondering if this is considered good / ok / bad AND if these numbers can be maintained in the long run.
Long-term traders are welcome, but obviously, what you do is fundamentally different from a short-term trader.
There's a compound generator online. You can make a shitton more money like this than hodling due to compounding, BUT this shit is inconsistent.
Bentley Roberts
Like ya, you can look at the history of a coin, but all it takes is some random shit to fuck it all up. You also have to pay attention to fees.
Sebastian Torres
>compounding effect My profitability was referring to the difference in price, not the capital. The capital will start compounding in the long run but this is not what I'm asking.
Cooper Flores
I trade in stock options. Usually play with monthly contracts. you can expect big % returns if you are good. Risk is also bigger, so put a tight stop loss on your orders. I average 35 to 50 % return monthly, but Ive also had better and worse months, obviously.
Samuel Cooper
wow you must be rich
Robert Sanders
>trading instead of buying SNTVT
Tyler Martinez
I can not complain.
Jacob Hughes
How do you spot opportunities? I've recently started to play with options (with little amounts of money and I limit myself to simple calls/puts) and my track record isn't that great. Everytime I think a stock is sure to drop it goes up and vice-versa.
Matthew Allen
Calls and puts are fine, no need to make it complicated. I usually spot for earnings or news regarding the stock, and scan for weekly declines in stocks. Imo you dont need a lot of money to make money with options, just make sure you dont get greedy regarding options. Don't take OTM's if you are not experienced. It's better to take ITM's and get a little less return. Stock hunting is something you should focus on first before actually investing money into it
Juan Martinez
> monthly average 35-50% >start with $1K >2 years later: millionaire >4 years later: billionaire >6 years later: trillionaire not even bad e-scammers larp that bad. Is this the power of Jow Forums? Larpers and crypto holders? You disappoint me, Jow Forums.
I only trade with a fixed amount, the net profit goes straight to my income. But I understand your frustration.
Isaiah Thomas
not an argument. If you were making that % profits, you could easily put aside few Ks and let them compound, thus become the next a trillionaire in 6 years.
The fact that I had to explain something this basic says a lot.
Jonathan Perry
this guy gets it. the rest of you retards are embarrassing yourselves.
Nolan Myers
I dont understand how that is not an argument. The net profit is used for expenses. Sure I have some money compounding on a boring fund. But I'm not goign to argue because you seem so so certain of yourself.
Jeremiah Gray
is Jow Forums like that, usually? I'm new here and I'd like to interact with other decent traders but this tier is just disgraceful.
It's like a trading thread I once found in a forex forum that were discussing about an obvious scammer (offering monthly returns of ~ 20%). They were so oblivious of the scam, it was almost sad observing them. Few months later the sham was over and they all lost their money.
Easton Myers
Kevin Rodriguez
Then I'd suggest you get the fuck out of here before the shitcoiners show up
Ethan Collins
it's probably 50/50. a lot of 3rd worlders here, as well as traders who have one month experience and think their luck will last forever. the stock market general thread is typically a little better, but it's dead on the weekends
Angel Rodriguez
I see. Thanks for the input.
William Scott
Bagholder detected, I have flashes of this guy posting about Sentivate in the Sentinel thread. Look at Sentivates website, they have literally nothing while selling logo's t-shirts and informing journalists about all the things they haven't achieved or put even 1 step into.
Angel Butler
Does anyone actually make a living off of day trading besides people that don't do it but write books on how to do it?