Just read this on cointelegraph, implications of the US Air force contract are a lot bigger than I realized. Who DAG here? Price eoy?
Bullish as fuck on Constellation
Other urls found in this thread:
This part in particular. Blows my damn mind
> tfw the F35 prgram was a fiscal black hole designed to actually develop a universal connectivity adapter to enable holistic military data interoperability
check this user, diggles usaf slide ripped open
my body is ready, mainnet this month
wait what
The maximum award amount is a grand total of $250k, which it is likely the DAG team received a fraction of that.
30% of all applicants received SIBR funding, so not even hard to win this contract.
This piece of shit team ran out of money, brought in a PnD crew and told everyone they are now partnered with the USAF. And now we find out its nothing more than a teeny tiny contract anyone could have won.
They just let you all get scammed pumping the price up on yet another major "partnership" that ended up being absolutely fucking nothing. When will you people learn?
if half of those are true thats a 10 b marketcap.
Where did you get the 30 percent figure? Any proof at all? You posted it ten times yesterday and avoid that tricky component.
>that image
I didnt post it, just copy pasta from someone else. And you are more worried that % of chances they won a tiny contract is lower? You dont care they lied to their community about the "partnership"? There is no partnership, the SBIR website makes that abundantly clear. They are not a customer, this is just a small business grant to explore hundreds of new technologies.
Does it bother you the team misconstrued it as acceptance of their technology as approved by the DOD?
Unless you are running a pump and dump scam, this should be a huge red flag.
At this point DAG is officially a scam. The team perpetrated this USAF partnership rumor personally. I think they dump to zero after this finally hits the community. No way anyone would be stupid enough to hold this with the team operating like pajeet scammers
You and your pajeet friends seem to have an unhealthy obsession with Constellation. I am worried.
I suggest you visit a shrink, this guy can help you. He is a child shrink, and his rate is only 75$ an hour.
Amir Rehman, MD
McLean Psychiatry – Center for Wellness Ways
1340 Old Chain Bridge Rd., Suite 402
McLean, VA 22101
Office: 1 (571) 236-8516
Fax: 1 (703) 462-8884
>Can't argue their position better start the personal attacks.
Why do you think DAG is dumping so hard right now fren?
It is called a correction. People taking profits. I am up 350% since I bought your bags. Thx pajeet!
Ahhh yes a correction. It pumped $30k on a lie about a deep partnership with the USAF. I wonder what the USAF would think about that?
And no you arent up 350%, nobody is. You and your team came here and lied to everyone to pump your bags. Now its over, go back to your curry shop and GTFO of biz
all you can do is spread lies, $dag is up 510% since you sold the bottom.
please post some proof of your allegations. hear say wont do it in a court of law pajeet.
Here is your proof. I will wager $20,000 you cant get the team to make a one sentence statement debunking the FUD that killed their token in 2018.
I am not the insider, he has the proof. But his proof becomes obvious truth when the team avoids it like the plague, claims to be under a hush order from a judge, and claims they arent allowed to talk about it. Plus they ban you if you bring it up.
But sure, nothing to see here folks, keep buying my shitcoin made of lies and misinformation
I asked for proof not some BS wager.
You pajeets never keep your word. Just like you promised to say sorry if $dag would get the USAF contract. You said the chance of $dag getting USAF contract was 1% … LMFAO.
Keep fudding, nothing is true until you prove it. Call the SEC, do it now.
Serious question
If the team did commit investor fraud what happens to our tokens? Is there a similar case we can reference?
So it says paid engagement. Show me how much they are being paid. Oh that's right you can't because you will be banned for asking this question to their community.
Someone research this
pretty sure the US air force has done their dd over a Jow Forums presale buyer who got rekt in a bear market
wheres my 20k? that is directly from ben about ten months ago
Its a small grant you brainlet, they dont do DD for a tiny grant, one of 600 others.
HAHA funny. He says he doesnt have time to debunk random rumors. The same random rumors he already said he was under a hush order from a fucking judge. At the same time his CEO disappeared mysteriously for 3 months without a word from them.
LOL fuck yourself pajeet
post evidence about the hush order
I posted evidence now its your turn
ben already debunked your its a shitty grant fud before you even came up with it
No need faggot, we are bringing in an investigative journalist
See here
When they are done asking questions it will be 100% clear they are broke and lying to all of you. This is going to be fun. Your team of lying faggots will either be vindicated and you moon or your shitcoin dies forever. Lets do this
LOL it was already proven to be a small research grant as part of the SBIR. How do you not understand that. Do you want me to believe the USAF own website explaining what the program is, or your fucking lying CEO whos been caught hyping partnerships for 2 years?
Read motherfucker
Go ahead, I will wait for you. If it isnt 100% clear this is a small research grant then you are fucking illiterate
targeting the contract is a really bad idea because I just looked at SBOR twitter and its bullish as fuck: mobile.twitter.com
tons of these proposals are implemented as real af tech, and there they are retweeting constellation. bullish as fuck.
scroll down that twitter bro
holy fuckin shit
thanks for the fud because you just hyped me twice as much
You forgot to turn on your VPN you lying shitsack scammer.
we are gonna make it brother, the pajeets are giving $dag free airtime on chan
pajeets cant stop it at this point, report is about to drop with a 75k audience, t1 exchanges coming forwarded, mainnet and who knows what else. they should be getting a bag and using their energy shilling instead
This investigative journalist report is going to get more traffic than all of that bullshit. They are PnD scamming their own community and guilty of investor fraud. Lets see how that impacts this shitcoin.
i didn't even realize the team was actively pushing this lie. it's public information what SBIR is. I guess they're trying to filter out smart people from buying like nigerian scammers do with bad spelling.
They are in hot water for pushing a lie on their community. They are shilling a publicly traded asset with misinformation to increase their token price. That is against the fucking law.
The army will never use such blockchain/crypto in their system and sub-system too risky for the nation.
They don't have any plans to just like all the other SBIR contracts. They do this just to see what's out there. Constellation Labs wouldn't qualify to be a USAF vendor even if they got the tech to work. They don't outsource something this big to a broken startup that just laid off their whole company and has no revenue. You have to be insane to think otherwise
everyone will use blockchain. the memes are true.
youre in for a big surprise
fuck shitcoins
How would you know?
similar meme to chainlink, data is the future and cant be stopped. the tech is incredible.
you did actually look into it right and care about more than money I hope
No, how would you know we are in for a big surprise? You speak for the team constantly here in Biz, but you are just a moonboy autist from their TG.
Surprise we lost all out money day trading and laid off our workers because we are out of cash.
because they have a massive amount of partnerships in the pipeline, exchanges, news, and mainnet. You cant stop DAG anymore. Youve been threatening to go to the press and the SEC for 12 months and you never did. time to wave the white flag troll. You lost.
Im not who you think I am. Announcing future exchanges, partners, etc doesn't relieve them from investment fraud or lying to their community
okay then, prove it with evidence that the team committed fraud. all you have is magical thinking and conspiracy theories.
It will be submitted to the journalist, don't worry about it. I notice you really want to see it first, not going to happen.
LOL i caught you deleting and switching your samefag proxy. You are fucking weird bro
its weird they fucking fud every thread
What's weird is when your shitcoin gets what's coming. Spammed a few investigative journalist. You can't back out now
"the one psychotic fudder wouldnt say that, the other should"
It is like you jerk off to how meticulous your fud is
You just proved youre Raphael, congrats
Blockchain already being used and getting adopted slowly, take coti for example. They’ve set up a payment system already and is pushing forward
Lol keeping think that retard. It's going to be fun watching you and the team back away from the investigative journalist exposing your scam for what it is
they are investigative journalists on this project?!
DAG Shills agreed to let an investigative journalist interview the team and look into the allegations the team committed investment fraud and spreads misinformation in their community to pump their project. Fudders agree to disappear forever if they are vindicated. If the shills are wrong, there wont be anything to FUD anymore.
You can pretend you called the SEC, but ya ain't done shit ICO Fudder. Now bump my thread you thirsty bitch.
Can you be more obvious your running a pump and dump.
i think this is fair, good work user
>more than 800 million in circulation
>daily volume only $500k
>project older than 1 year
>pathetic 2k something hodlers
wtf bro
can you please explain what this is about? why would you do that?
dag fudders itt