Hey biz, a month ago my brother got diagnosed for some terrible sickness. He needs to get a surgery done withtin 6 months but the costs for the surgery and everything is just too much to afford for our family.
I’m in urgent to earn an large amount of money and am not sure what the best and safest way is. Is there anybody out there that could help us?
Hey biz, a month ago my brother got diagnosed for some terrible sickness...
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sure post address ill send 10 btc
your life is not worth saving or living
I hope you all die niggers
Just pray user, hopefully god will provide with what you need
Man that’s very unfortunate, what sickness did he caught tho? And what about your insurance company
So you want biz to start spoon feeding you? FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING NIGGERS
Lol you’ll need to win the lottery for that. There is no such thing as fast and safe way to earn big money
Well, there is a powerball lottery thing going on, on the bitcloud exchange. Tho idk how it works
Whats the difference between traditional lottery and the bitcloud lottery? Like is the chance of winning higher or is it just as rigged
What if you guys just borrow money from your family members and local financial institutions and banks? And pay back slowly in small parts
This is bait
If you bought link you would probably already be retired
What is urgent? 1 week, 1 month?
Your best bet here is UOS. They are listed on bitfinex and ethfinex. Lots of things happening the past couple of days. The volume went up 4x. i think whales and insiders know something. I am invested myself. Now let me enjoy my risotto. Goodluck user.
Bro just move to Canada. Free Health care.
Why don’t you steal bikes and resell those kek
Thats why we need obama, we need people to stand up for us, the minority
What is this uos thing? I have been noticing it more and more often on Jow Forums and twitter. So many ppl talk about it lately
Have you tried crowdfunding? Usually hospitals will let u pay back later in periods don’t they?
Lol idk where you live bro, but here in the US, the hospitals doesnt give a fk about you or your family. All they care about is the cash money, we living in a fucked up society and messed up world
Maybe sell one of your kidneys, it might sound weird but it is actually the fastest way to get the cash ready, and you can still live with one kidney
What kind of shithole do you live in without universal healthcare? USA?
Bro, become a rapper, you look like travis scott, just make some old town road songs and you’re set for life man
Fuck yall racist fucks, black life matters. Every human is equal. You people will get striked by karma eventually, just you wait.
Uos as in Ultra that gaming platform?
First of all, UOS is the shit, it is an gaming ecosystem that is going to compete against steam with some special features that can outshine steam, for example sell old games and in game items for their tokens.
Second of all, UOS will publish some positive announcements and partnerships within the next few weeks. I’d go with this call
Yep newest kid on the block this month. Flavor of the month. What else?
shut up kike
I had +300 women penetrated by my uncut dick
I inherited 250,000$ when I was 3
I'm 6"1 tall and ripped
I hate niggers you are not going to do anything and gtfo of my board
Holooooo to the mooooon
>Every human is equal.
This guy is a joke lol, yeah 99% of the people on the internet is millionair and slept with somebody’s mom right?
go back to sleep incel
my father is dead and I had so many women I can't even count
Hahahha yea right, and my dad is steve jobs, i inherited all his wealth
Nice photoshop on some google image bro hahahahahahahah
Probably another virgin that haven’t talked to a woman in 2 years
Stop jerking off to hentai and get a job kid
What else? It’s the next chainlink mate
Dude move to europe, everything is covered by health insurance
fuck off we are full of niggers already
Stay strong brother, never give up
Every human is equal just niggers are less equal.
This nigga needs to get some Coti i think. Good support with 2million mcap so far. Outbreak soon?
kys pajeet