How do I make 1 million dollar. I have $58 to my name. No dick sucking

How do I make 1 million dollar. I have $58 to my name. No dick sucking

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>No dick sucking
not with that attitude. back in my day ......

Try cock riding then

Let your ass get fucked for 1$ a pop


suck 58,000,000 dicks

Option trading is all you can do to make good money with that little amount. You'll probably lose it though as it's tricky

On "robinhood" app

invest in link

Buy brapper 69 eoy

Think of some simple complete service that you can provide online and go with it. If it's cheap, that's okay, you can do a lot if it's easy enough.

Start a porn company and find ways to montetize

Learn technical analysis and trading psychology.

Not sure about 1 million but if this was 2 and a half months ago, I would have asked you to get VID and now you would have $5800 from that...

>trading psychology

Literally do the opposite of what your first thought is when investing. You see a pump and first thought is to hodl? Sell. You see a dump and want to sell it all? Hodl. Majority of the traders will follow their first thought, your trick is to do the exact opposite.

There, saved you dosh on trading pyschology books and classes.

Get your hands on a couple grand of disposable income. Then we can talk. If you can’t go out to McWaggies or wherever for a few months, you will never make it.

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Vidt 100x in 2 months??

This is only for elite-level autists.
99% of traders fail, there are countless buildings full of people competing with you.

get a 10k loan and buy lottery tickets

This is how spending on lottery tickets goes.

Nobody is gonna make it. Let the void consume us all.

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Best call/put to throw $58 on right now?

>no dick sucking

The entitlement of this generation is astonishing

Sell your boipucci for $1 a fuck.

Get an income of $65,000 and deposit 10% gross each month in a stock portfolio that shows 10% annual growth. You'll have a million in assets 30 years later.

Turn 58 into 200 by cooking cheapo fatty snacks you can sell on the streets of a big city. Turn 200 into 500 by scavenging pc parts, and selling a gaming pc to a zoomer, do that at least twice. Then to get to 1000, do both those things a couple more times. Once you get to 1000, sell one more pc to get a comfy 1k+. After that, put it all into Chainlink and wait.

Alternatively, suck 1 million cocks for $1 each.


Also if you had that income and got a mortgage right could reasonably buy a house worth 250,000 and spend 30 years paying it off with monthly payments of $1,200. Assuming the value of the house appreciates 3.375% annually then it'll be worth $676,715 by the time you pay it off. Just selling it gets you 2/3rds of the way to having a million in liquid assets. That takes a lot out of the amount you would need to invest and it's money that would go nowhere for the most part if you were renting.

Just for reference, to make 1 million in a year, you'll need to be bringing in $3,000 per day. That's a lot of cash flow.

And that's all I know about being a millionaire. I make $3,000 a month.

Sell your virgin asshole. Resell it another month later. Stipulate that you don't suck dick. You're welcome.

> 15 AMRN calls 9/4 strike
> $47
> Leaves you $11 for a cheap bottle and a burger
You could do worse

The easiest way to make money is to create a business or something that’ll help advance world Jewry. Jews will make sure they invest in you and make you successful if they also benefit from it.

The only cost is your soul.

That channel is such a spoiled brat. I hope God smites him down for being so wasteful

Can confirm. Worked for a jewish family for some years and it was the most money i've made on a job.

aftershock token

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