>TFW there are people volunteering to moderate a balinese shrimp tramp assembly board



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jannies are cvcks but they can't even have a gf
they are so pathetic
if i meet a janny irl i fucking stab him

How could one post be so based, if not redpilled?


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OwO id fucking nice

Applying to be a janny right now, AMA

will post application results momentarily

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>they literally and unironically work for free in 2019
Jannies are subhumans

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Im gonna say it bros

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You need to have sex first

Gentlemen, this applicant is undeniably and equivocably BASED. I believe we just may have found ourselves not a mere janny but in full-fledged MOD! And not only that but, date I say it, a friend as well. Let's all give Mr. Parser here a round of applause!!!!

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Does the person reviewing your application at least get paid?


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someone post the full size version of this please

Imagine having to moderate a Belgian rollerblading forum populated by autists, incels, mentally ill, pedophiles, potential schoolshooters, felons and weebs.

For free. They fucking work for free, in their spare time. This is a mad world holy fucking kek.

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>he does it for free
>he takes his job very seriously

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Wtf why did mods pin this?

If Hiro the only one making money off this site?

another decent meme hijacked by link faggots.. the bronies of crypto

Sorry I don't think you are qualified for the very important, very serious post of Jow Forums janitor.

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jannies are alright

Jow Forums has notoriously been impossible to profit off of.
moot was never really able to turn a profit with it, but hiro is selling user data so im sure its profitable now.

>tfw hired

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He does it for free? Without being paid at all? I’m not sure I understand...

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