I will post important chainlink info in this thread and try to defud the fud. I will do this until I get invited to the Link Discords. Send the invite to: [email protected]

1. sirgay is speaking on a stage with vitalik and dawn song in octobre. Dawn Song is the codirector of ic3. So the oracle solution of ari juels that will be announced tomorrow is a part of chainlink, or working closely together with it.
2. pic related

Attached: ch microsoft cryplets.jpg (863x389, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:

There is a high probability that sirgay is Satoshi nakamoto, or that he is part of the team that constituted Satoshi.

Attached: satoshifound.jpg (1764x800, 396K)


>still fudding chainlink

Attached: psd2 chainlink.png (815x664, 120K)

Not true, too young, but it is highly probably that he was mentored by the satoshi group. Alone that Ari coauthored the white paper is like a flood light

Warning you have posted in a delphi magic tranny thread. Forced gender reassignment will come to you if you engage with the larping trannies in this thread.

Delete this. You are fuddin link yourself

>Hey everyone, I just learned the fud from the ic3 tweet wasn't real.

>defud the fud
>posts fake meme picture made by og linkers as joke

what are you even doing

>4D Fud

Attached: IMG_20190829_111422_914.jpg (1192x962, 126K)

Sergey was the voice behind the Satoshi bitcointalk handle

Isn't it this month?

You come in here with this mediocre info like any of us haven't already seen 1000 times. Post something good or fuck off pip squeak.

Typescribe -> truffle suite -> MICROSOFT

Attached: 85E748E1-6525-4196-80B5-5D19A873DE90(1).jpg (2048x1245, 882K)

What makes you say this?

well, now you fucked it up big time.
Delete thread and try again

You realize that niggers tongue my anus and typescribe is just another piece of software right?

what a pathetic attempt to get access to some gay ass discord channe

you are dumb bro, you have a folder with these images that are posted here everyday, you have no new info

niggers like you are the reason this board went to shit

this doesn't even mean anything

Chainlink was mentioned BY NAME by the BILL GATES FOUNDATION

Attached: noice.jpg (1282x1697, 301K)

>That spacing
go back to your safe space namefag
and always log in with your phone ;^)

There was an user here who was on this financial expo. He told us that Link was mentioned everywhere.

Attached: 20190718_154134.jpg (2585x3561, 1.64M)

what is typescribe?

From one retired boomer to god's ears numbnuts

Attached: 1564090702041.jpg (832x868, 44K)

extremely obvious

Sergy Nazarov
Satoshi Nakamoto

... N.S
... Nationalist socialist

Hey, Google is a thing - use it. Why do you expect people to spoonfeed you every single thing?

There's a legit breadcrumb that retards like you missed already falling to page 7

The absolute state of Jow Forums

More breadcummies

Attached: GS1VXLI_d.jpg (640x1069, 77K)

Old. And so what. We need people actually using link.

You continue to out yourself as a fag. That whole thread was a nothing.

Attached: 1564121273598.jpg (2700x1800, 926K)

Give moooaar

The discord trannies don't seem to be happy with this breadcrumb. Let's spread it

Attached: images (5).jpg (530x579, 57K)

I just want you fags to know that out of all the fags that come here you are by far the faggotest

Breadcrumbs??? Ohhhh

Attached: calvt.png (376x394, 271K)

See what I mean?


Attached: trump link.png (1626x837, 93K)

Is this why Sergey is always so chill?

His chillness is based on 50%Bic Macs, 25%Being Satoshi, 15%steaking, and 10%Luck

Attached: wensmile.jpg (1901x1080, 426K)

This, sergey will make the Holocaust real this time. The kikes days are numbered

>Hey you, yes you spread my shit for free, do it
Yep, shilling pajeet nu linkers are worse than the copenhagen fags. Go back to shit twitter or your little namefag discord circle jerk, stay there and never come back

Moar CUMMIES for the nulinkies
No:) I already told you how you can make me stop. I will post this thread everyday until I am invited.
Send the invite to:[email protected]

Attached: 1533149104775(2).jpg (948x2293, 484K)

same fag

cringe af

Cringe. Posting literal retard tier "breadcrumbs", most of which have been thoroughly debunked. And you don't even know how to use google. The discord link is public. But it's probably best you don't go shitting up the place there, too.

Debunk it then, faggot:)

>Coping stinklet

I wasnt even samefagging, brainlet

Attached: Explained(1).png (949x854, 97K)


Attached: john-wolpert-name-drops-chainlink.jpg (1000x423, 82K)

openlaw is a literally who lmao

Okay ranjeet

Attached: WEAREALLINTHISTOGETHER.jpg (2500x1300, 465K)

kek this timeline is amazing

cringe, sergey is satoshi
t. real og linkmarine

Attached: Screenshot_20190902_153053.png (1537x235, 43K)

oh no no no! what if sergey really is satoshi!? what would then happen??

Attached: 1563088314970.png (416x258, 24K)

This checks out


Attached: OMG.jpg (435x580, 43K)



Attached: chainlink sibos PoC slide.png (728x538, 224K)

I don't know what to make of this, but if true it explains a lot. It's too mind-blowing to be true. But if Sergey really convinced cfb that he is Satoshi--it explains a lot, is all there is to say

Chainlink just helped swift with their OWN enterprise grade oracle. You’re a brainlet if you think fucking swift will be using one of your neet nodes. Just look at the CL network now. There are like 8 live nodes that’s just feeds eth prices lol. Also this whole thread you’ve posted breadcrumbs we knew two years ago

>obvious linkmarine fudding

you are nigger

>you are nigger
pajeet detected

Attached: detectivepeps.jpg (247x204, 9K)


Attached: 1551265518190.png (500x622, 139K)

Corda settler uses chainlink oracles

Attached: cordaswiftsettler(1).gif (2852x1378, 740K)

kek, security backdoors and 700k dumps

you're not getting invited to any good discord with you shit tactics you stupid nigger

Great thread, fuck all the fudders

You can stop posting now

They will be interoperable, it's a moot point

all these retarded nulinkers acting like this thread has brand new info


[email protected]


[email protected]

Maybe because its new for them? Shut your face man. I want Jow Forums to have the biggest stacks possible.

I still don't see why anyone would use the chain link system when they can make their own Smart Contract system in thirty minutes. Also why would companies pay eight cents to use chain link nodes when they can do it themselves for free?

Who is cfb

Come from beyond

Also where is holonaire? He shilled on Jow Forums Real Gems and helped out allot

Where is holonaire

how is it new for them if they aren't redditors or tw*tter implants

Bitcoin only went up because of media hype. Chain Link will never get any media hype.

>what is decentralization

It's fucking decided. I will post a /CCLG/ ComfyChainlinkGeneral every day from now on, starting tomorrow. We will share infos with the newest of nulinkers and and have some good comfy times. We have made it already and the constant fudding is just annoying. Why can't we just meme, laugh and have good times until we are billionaires?

Attached: 1546561050108(2).png (1387x1020, 332K)

>Jow Forums is bigger than Jow Forums mate

Chainlink doesn't rely on the masses to buy the coins. It was never meant to be in the hands of normies or neets. The big corporations will pump our bags to alpha centauri

Bro you have no idea


Attached: Cope.jpg (1439x352, 364K)

I was promised a Lamborghini or a Rarri at least!!

Attached: 1538941599290.png (960x612, 319K)

Nice one OP, might as well contribute.

Nulinkers who care about whether their Link are worth 1.5 or 2$ tomorrow really need to zoom out and see the bigger picture. If you think like this you have no fucking idea what you have actually bought. This isn’t a pump and dump shitcoin, buying Link today is more like buying oil before the combustion engine is invented. Also link value can’t be measured by looking at market cap since majority of coins will be locked up in nodes and the eco-system really promotes holding since you can stake for even more link.

See pic related to get an idea.

Attached: 77DF451B-241C-4C01-9926-C3B081053022.jpg (1024x683, 210K)

It's shadowfork link
>Their own smart oracle


All the crumbs were fun to obsess a year ago but now it's clear it was just another pizza gate delusion instead of another Trump meme magic


Debunk it you worthless sub human

>implying you aren't a newfag

When was it posted?

>This isn’t a pump and dump shitcoin
Swing trading at least SOME of it isn't a bad idea either (at this moment, it feels too random tho)

Prove it

he never tweeted this


You know there are cross borders right?/please kill yourself

Prove it.

Jesus loves you

Attached: 20190902_142245.jpg (1062x1149, 441K)

Attached: lambo (1).jpg (4032x1960, 2.2M)

Stop posting your cringemobile ranjeet

Why does this anger you ?

Attached: 20190721_002535.jpg (2629x1770, 2.32M)

Attached: Rareest.jpg (1079x1220, 974K)

You're going to get kidnapped and held for ransom.