wtf is he talking about
Wtf is he talking about
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Antibiotics. They will soon kill more people a year then diabetes will.
>Joe Suthe
user. get this clickbait back to kikebook
>it was vaccines all along
idk I guess he's not satisfied or something so he has to falsely convince himself his life has meaning or value and he's not going to die like everyone else by giving his opinions on macro straw man questions like "what do you fear most in the world hurrr durr". I don't give a shit, I like windows, it's great that Bill Gates has a lot of money, but his opinion on "biggest fear about the world lmao" is worth the same as anyone else's: nothing
Windows is evil, bunch of spyware and adware. Truly disgusting. Gates is a simpleton who used underhanded tactics to get to the top. He likes to suck Munger's dick. This man has no opinion, he's just saying whatever he's supposed to say like the good little puppet he is.
The next disease caused by the plastic jew.
could be a breakout of ebola thanks to refugees, super stds courtesy of degenerate faggots
or maybe just a return of the good ol medieveal diseases like bubonic plague in found in california
I dunno but Bill Gates met with Jeffrey Epstein even after Epstein was first convicted.
>but his opinion [...]
>is worth the same as anyone else's: nothing
Your opinion matters the least then
Not really. Plenty of means to get around and reduce Abx resistance.
Probably DNA targeted diseases produced using 23andMe blood samples.
Jew crashes economy, and releases deadly disease only they have immunity to
there will be a pandemic it's not a matter of if but when.. and it will decimate millions of people. you better watch those movies to understand whats coming
>I like windows
opinion discarded
the simulation is pretty scary
basically if you live in europe you should gtfo in the north of sweden or iceland asap, if you're in america you should gtfo to alaska. good to know
i hope. fuck the world. too many faggots. a good pandemic will kill off all the retarded shitskins and degenerate faggots first only those with enough wits and determination will make it. even ultra rich faggots will die if they're retarded. that is the beauty of a pandemic, it is non-discriminatory and plays beautifully with survival
He made his boat load of money and wants to spout random nonsense ever since he's been out of the spotlight. It just makes me cringe more than anything. More so to let the world know he still exists.
Linux is fundamentally flawed because the old legacy cruft, it uses deprecated, obsolate privilege separation based on users and groups which is a security nightmare.
No linux can whitstand any physical attack without encryption.
Its is a security nightmare, and lets say it frankly: impossible to audit.
It still advertised as „secure“, while it is nothing else just security by obscurity and it actually cannot deliver the promises, as the CPUs have many known and plenty not-yet-known vulnerabilities.
Windows, mac and BSDs also flawed because the same reasons.
Accept the fact that you cannot have secure system from any mainstream provider, even if you can have the sources and compiles it from zero.
What are you do to keep your system secure? What kind of strange OS do you use?
Is there anything what we can do?
Is there any way out, or do we have to force-feed us with false-security forever?
Capitalism is not the best, but thats the best what we have?
Linux is not the best, but thats the best what we have?
When will we solve this flaws or do we have to stay in fundamentally doomed state?
Our OSs doesnt even tries to maintain the consistency of the system files, and the *nix like filesystems are disgusting.
he is probably planning a thanos
>even ultra rich faggots will die if they're retarded.
Remember, Gates is pedo and flew with lolita express.
everyone in the 0.0001% did
Herpes. People with herpes will get it first it's part of the ZOG plan.
>Disease Vista
It's the new super pathogen they've been cooking up and trial running different aspects of with things like swine and bird flu, zika and the recent ebola outbreaks. should reduce world population to about 500 mil humans. I, for one can't wait.
yeah it's totally not because viruses mutate and have caused pandemia before. it's them.
He's worried that the Chinese will genetically engineer a disease to kill all niggers, thus permanently ruining the NWO plans to reduce population iq to the point where they can be managed like cattle.
That's just the Roman version of Windows 10
They don't even try to hide it. Every leak that's seeped out from spookland has this on the agenda. Fluoride has been known to be a neurotoxin for decades now and is still in the water. The origins of AIDS : two separate monkey populations on two different continents at the exact same time. Do you really think it's so far fetched?
How will they make all their shekels without their slaves? Cunt.
Went off on a bit of a tangent there, chief
checked and kek'd
take your meds tinfoil schizo, this is biz. it's not a conspiracy from the elite... fluoride has more benefits than risks that's why it's used
X = Lucifer
>take your meds tinfoil schizo
I am very much encouraging you to STOP taking your meds and to try herbal remedies for most things instead, try fixing your diet and becoming healthy instead of just treating the symptoms. Better for you and the environment.
>it's not a conspiracy from the elite
except it is.
White people are getting too uppity about the genocide so they are going to unleash some new lab made disease on us.
No such disease can be created. Jews don't have any special genes that are absent in the rest of the world. Whatever they would target, there would always be more non-Jew survivors.
>Children's Health Defense is an American 501c3 nonprofit advocacy organization founded and chaired by Robert F. Kennedy Jr, known for its anti-vaccine activism.
Schizo hippie cunts like you are the reason outbreaks of measle etc are coming back. Those diseases are more dangerous than the vaccines. gtfo with your herbs cunt.
>except it is.
some retard write something on a stone
just kys
The virus that kills white people. Ask /pol and godlikepro. A eww leaked it and was assassinated. 2020 they lock us up and exterminate with a virus. No more dissidents.
>fluoride has more benefits than risks
If you think having to spend less time on dental hygiene outweighs lower IQ and higher chance of psychological disorders.
You must be an American. You guys cut off part of your dick causing sexual problems because you can't be bothered to wash it properly.
>Schizo hippie cunts
>outbreaks of measle
>muh flu vaccines
>some retard
go read a book faggot. you're clearly incapable to let reason rule over your judgement.
Are you retarded? It's basically already too late. Drug-resistant bacteria already kills more than 25K people in the U.S. per year. The CDC has a policy where they do not publicize outbreaks, because they have no solution.
40k actually
Great benefits like skeletal fluorosis and demonstrated reproducible lowering of IQ in infants (at tap water levels), increased cancer rates, ADHD, all while not actually doing anything for your teeth. I suppose the slow removal of iodine from our food chain to facilitate its uptake was for our benefit as well. If you don't think your health is Jow Forums related I can't help you user.
Have some links:
fluoride in water may be a bad idea and if anything it was caused by bad science but it's not some schizo theory that "the elites" want to poison the population.
>it's not some schizo theory that "the elites" want to poison the population.
you're aware "the elite" also drinks that water and use the same toothpaste as yours ?
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux,
is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.
Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component
of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell
utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day,
without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU
which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are
not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a
part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system
that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run.
The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself;
it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is
normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system
is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux"
distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
That there is fluoride in the water is a result of a conspiracy. Not by the elites to poison the population, but by a few merchants to earn money. That it continues despite the health problems it causes and relatively little economic gain, doesn't make it entirely impossible that the elites now allow it because it's poisonous.
they use reverse osmosis for tap water (if they do not have their own source for drinking water), supplements (because of vitamin D benefits, also pic related) and toothpaste which doesn't replace the calcium compounds in their teeth. they rarely eat grains.
you really think rich people drink the same quality water they have in flint, michigan? you can buy a whole house reverse osmosis system for like 3k. 300 if just for your tap. brush your teeth with tom's or euthymol, you don't even have to be a richfag.
By 2050, antibiotic-resistant superbugs will kill more people than cancer and heart disease combined. That's what the fuck he's talking about. You literally timed the being-born market.
What he means he is scared the disease hes been working on wont kill every nigger in the world. He tried sterilizing them, Ebola and AIDS but they keep breeding
Or that his disease goes out of control and also kills humans.
Disease X is just a term epidemiologists use to refer to the next unknown pathogen to cause a major pandemic.
33m won't even put a dent in human population
>everyone who isn't a racist cuck useful idiot is a soiboi leftist
the literal state of this board. go read a book and learn READING COMPREHENSION jesus fucking christ
yeah ideally we would need to target pajeets and africans with a genetic virus. we should create a melanin disease that targets individuals high in melanin.
There was a good series a while back called Utopia that was basically this premise except the only race the bioweapon didn't kill was romani gypsies for some reason.
why couldn't there be like a right wing Soros, i'd fund the team who developed this with millions if I had billions.
Truth be told, windows is actually pretty based now.
You can even run Linux and windows SIMULTANEOUSLY with windows Linux subsystem
I use TempleOS and God protects me.
Btw use some spacing once in a while, faggot.
You can either write your own compiler or be Niggerlicious forever
>wtf is he talking about
Obviously GUILT
Where's the informed consent?
35,000,000 are dead since faggotry was legalised. And now they're doing it on purpose:
>Faggots make up 2% of the population, but 70% of new HIV cases
>Bug chasing: Men deliberately trying to catch HIV
>A man has been convicted of trying to infect 10 men with HIV in a "campaign" to infect as many as possible.
>Gay subculture in 'bug chase' sees HIV as desirable
>Chilling HIV undercurrent: Some want virus
>Bug Chaser Explores the Need for Dangerous Sexual Fulfillment
>In Barebacking Culture, H.I.V. Is Embraced, Not Avoided
And a clinical study proving that it's real, because so many deluded faggots screech that it's media lies.
Guess our ancestors telling us for thousands of years that these people are dangerous, perhaps wasn't so stupid after all.
HIV 2.0 will be airborne. Faggots will end the human race. Eating shit and being mentally ill is literally more important to them than the safety of life as we know it.
tell me the solution
>I like windows
wait, I didn't yet comprehend. how?
It's happening, bros.
you're supposed to spit out the toothpaste.
>elites drink tap water
lel. i'm broke and all i drink is spring water.
>total deaths: 32MM
not even a billion
>I lick windows
Ftfy pal
He just loves advertising his next moves, because he knows the general population are absolute brainlets that can't put 2 and 2 together (and when they do, it's 5)
would staying away in a neetcave with old food be enough to survive?
Stop falling for the divide and conquer tactics, the only metric that really separates you from (((them))) is your bank account
That disease x shit will target the same people that all the other shit targets: the fucking plebs
And if you think you're not a pleb... yeah buddy you are. When they said "500 million" they didn't mean the whole US and a couple more mil from all around the world. The decimation will be universal
>the simulation is pretty scary
It was obvious for a while that you are in fact completely retarded, but "the elites drink water from the tap" really sealed it for me
Throwing some really bad vibes your way, you piece of shit, species traitor cockroach
23andme uses spit, but nice try glowie
Back to Jow Forums you fucking nutter.
Wait... so you’re telling me you blindly trust the elite? You’re a simpelton.
This. Sadly HIV was not succesfull so the WHO is now trying ebola treatment to heal mankind of niggers. :
X gon give it to ya
not really but ppl that take antibiotics regularly when they get sick have massively reduced their bodies ability to let the antibiotics attack the viruses. bc of this antibiotics have stopped working on lots of ppl - they have used them too much, etc.
this user gets it.
do you idiots actually believe that these eliteists havent went to extroidinary lengths with their insane fortunes to develop pathogens to wipe out massive parts of the population? keep in mind that laws dont apply to these ppl as they are literally our rulers.
i same some HIV/AIDS chart data as recent as 2017 and theres only about 7 million with the virus even alive on earth right now. about 1 million die each year and another 1.8 million catch the virus. its not growing as fast as many ppll think.
>next disease
what about the actual jewish disease of now? you afraid of the plague that will kill 300 million people but who cares since we'll make more children? we'll give you the jewish disease, we'll wipe out a whole race because this whole race thinks muh won't have children too expensive... and they'll do it like you do any deal with a jew, smiling and thinking you won, and thinking him rubbing his two hands together is just an innocent twitch...
fuck this gay earth
JIDF needs a new playbook. Thanks for confirming which topic in this thread is true.