What the hell is going on biz? Why is Charles Miller (Yes, THE Charles from BBC) covering a BSV bootcamp? What's going on? He has always been BBC's go-to guy when they want credibility and serious reporting. I don't understand why he's suddenly making documentaries about this scam
Charles Miller and BSV!!???!?!?
Other urls found in this thread:
he got bought out by calvin and craig
nothing to worry about OP its obviously a huge scam and craig will go to jail soon. go back to sleep.
>he got bought out by calvin and craig
Seriously? got sauce on that?
fucking kek that first guy
>we're gonna make charities more accountable by introducing more middlemen
it's the middlemen that bleed charities for every cent
he's a journo, they'll do literally anything for money.
Well thanks for shattering my faith in humanity even more. I always thought highly of Miller and had the impression he's a respectable and trustworthy guy. Money trumps everything I guess
Pretty sure he's been working for coingeek for quite some time now. Seen him interview Ayre a few months ago.
>his opinion is swayed by 2 bold claims without source from an anonymous user on a cambodian goat farming forum
I mean
BSV is shit
but you're a fucking retard
well, you get what you deserve for placing emotional stock in a journalist - even worse, a BBC 'journalist'. this is what you get for worshiping false idols. emotional cuckoldry.
>Charles Miller
>(Yes, THE Charles from BBC)
I believe you'll find Mr Miller is employed by Coingeek, NOT THE BBC. Which is why he's whoring himself out producing trash for conmen, and he'll never get another BBC gig again, no with anyone else who has to watch out for the reputation of their employees. Sucks to be you Charlie. Tell me, how does it feel, watching your rep swirl slowly down the shitter, alongside the bsv price ?
Charlie now spends his days as an nChain employee 'interviewing' other nChain employees, then liking his own 'pieces'. Well, someones got to , ah s'pose. Hard-hitting shit this Charlie. Long way from the BBC days, eh ?
>sad cunt
forgot pic
>Charlie liked this
More sv specific apps means bigger blocks means higher tx reward. Guess what happens when the tx reward exceeds the block reward?
SV has a bright future.
Have you considered the possibility that it's not actually a scam?
It makes sense if the "middlemen" are blockchain based, because everything is transparent. Every single cent from the donator to the reciever will be accounted for. A service like this will be able to provide confidence and accountability to charities again, it's actually an extremely good idea.
I have been naive and this has been a valuable lesson. I looked into that congeek thing and they really do nothing else than trying to lure people into the BSV scam. They are totally cynical about it and they have bought Miller for his trustworthy demeanor.
I have reported both of them on Twitter for scamming people and they have already taken down the Coingeek account. Millers account is still up, but not for long I think.
Please explain how BSV is an scam? It's working as intended, unlimited block size and cheap transactions.
The only problems are cregs antics, but it will be very easy to get rid of him by claiming they were scammed too if he is not satoshi, so its a non issue.
What is there to explain? Everyone know it's a scam
>but it will be very easy to get rid of him by claiming they were scammed too
as opposed to doubling (and trebling, etc) down on the by now obvious to fucking everyone con, claiming shit like>'oh creg got fucking btfo'd in court (again..) - the MUST mean hes Satoshi..'
- jog on Calvin, your boys a bust. As you will be, soon
Ignore the Greg fud drones, bud. They're more desperate than a starving dog these days to suppress the price. You and I along with other smart anons know what's up, and that's all that matters.
But soon everyone will succumb to the light, and these bots will vanish.
But that feeling of being wrong and overall guilt they'll feel for their actions will always remain
On the blockchain.
>But soon everyone will succumb to the light
the native hash in pajeetistan must be A-MAZ-IN, eh ? You could probably just live on that and $5 a week, up a tree somewhere. Bear that thought in mind bsv hodlers when the REAL FUCKING ACTUAL COLD LIGHT OF REALITY dawns, finally. sudoko is not the only answer. I'm hearing there's also a class action against bsv in the bush ? maybe seize some assets before they run for Antigua and wherever else all the main bsv players seem to have carefully organised themselves convenience passports for. Strange that. isn't it
Man you must be the same dumb cunt that's on here everyday all day spreading low tier outdated mongoloid fud. I hope they're paying your Indian ass good because that's some serious dedication. We like the tease that Greg posts here, but even that neck bearded fuck tard sperg wouldn't shit post as much as a vile creature like you.
I hope you're secretly investing in bsv and just trying to buy in lower, because at least that's intelligent.
wow, is t-that.. DOCUMENTS ?
a-are they.. real ?
>just for a fucking change
srs - what has creg forged this time, and, why would ANYONE still gaf ?
>low tier outdated mongoloid fud
lel - I s'pose when you creg, a Judge calling you out for being a blatant fucking perjurer must be 'so last week', even when it (literally) was
>'b-but , I've got NEW documents this week !'
If there is anyone ever been sentenced to jail for contempt on three different continents before, I'd be surprised. I won't be surprised when creg is however, he's virtually 2/3rds there already. And still too fucking dense to know when to quit
Nah he's not going to jail, and he hasn't forged any documents. If he did there would be proof, and there isn't any proof, all bs fud. It would be posted in literally every bsv fud thread and all over twitter at all times of the day. That whole metadata forgery shit was debunked long ago so that's out of the window now. If proof existed, it would reflect in the current price of bsv, and nchain/Calvin Ayre would be heading for the exits. But they're not, they're actually doubling down now (finance.yahoo.com
Craig is playing his autistic game with the courts and knows they're too low tier intelligent to even begin to fathom just what is being shown to them. He just challenged reinharts recommendation so we will now start to see what cards Craig is really holding.