Why aren't millennials having sex?
Why aren't millennials having sex?
If you look at the stats, some men are having a lot of sex. women are about the same or slightly higher and most men aren't getting shit.
Bet the 'news' didn't mention that
nobody knew what the internet was and it got thrust upon milennials who dived into it and every milinnieal man got addicted to pornography immediately and has not been able to break the habit since, which is why they don't care about having real sex with real women
humanity buried by capitalism once again
Women have become JUST THAT insufferable. Not even good for a lay anymore.
Just lift and have a non-shit personality and you'll get laid
real women only go for the top 20% and that is true
Hello Jow Forums, I'm the guy dropping you the daily reminder that boomers and their following generations had unsustainably high amounts of degenerate and anti-social sex (also related to ), and is along the lines of environmental destruction (global warming), the consumption of obscene amounts of junk food (obesity) and other degenerations. And this "expert" is likely a cancerous corporate shill trying to "liberate" you such that you buy toys such as vibrators and other shit (to be used during intercourse) that is of exclusively physical pleasure.
the internet raised expectations to unsustainable levels. every cunt mistook 'life' for instagram, a naturally unacheivable state of affairs. the result was a gradual (but inevitable) extinction
Im married for a decade just explaining this.
social media, apps, etc. has made it easier for women to fuck chads, while beta male(and very insecure female) feel insecure and just jack off to porn.
What does "non-shit personality" mean? I'm a terrible person. Is that just code for social and speaking skills?
Only white men. White women and black dudes are having plenty of sex.
Well think about it:
1. Knock up some girl by accident - your fucked for 18 years cause you know child support costs plus your other shit you gotta pay for. Why bring that shit down on your head?
2. Some Girls will do all kinda shit to get you to take care of them - You fuck them, next thing you know they'll cry rape. These days thanks to "MeTo" its basically over for you no mater what. It doesn't mater if she consented, all that maters is how it looks on video which you can be sure she's got it all recorded, just omitted the part where she's all for it that is.
3. Girls are more open now than ever - so every pussy you fuck you increase your risk of getting some std.
4. Some girls will get knocked up on purpose cause you know Welfare and shit. So she may poke little holes in the condoms or claim she's on the pill when in fact she's wanting to get knocked up.
Just be remotely normal.
Just bee yourself, but fucking normal-adjacent, you fucking weirdo
Inability to afford houses to actually have sex in.
idk nor do I care.. only queers or virgins or trannies care about the sex life of others
we're going back to the glory days of pre-history before religion and monogamy when most men were unable to reproduce and thus have little incentive to do the work to build/maintain civilization. things are going to get very bad
Since you can't see me or talk to me: what about my personality do you imagine is so weird and repugnant? Be specific.
why were men unable to reproduce before church and monogamy?
something about your theory doesn't make sense
if anything after society collapses, twitter won't work anymore, and the metoo movement will come to an end
Condoms and cunts.
I don't want kids and I hate condoms. So I just fuck my fleshlight watching porn.
user's having what is known as an educated guess. you're on here, for a start
>Just bee yourself, but fucking normal-adjacent
- is actually fairly sound advice, for this vicinity
literally this, if you can't figure out what this means there is no hope for you and its only your own fault
just be athletic and have not $0 and act normal like you see other normal people acting
"involutarily celebate" is bullshit unless you are fucking handicapped, you are just choosing to not get laid by making shit choices about your habits and behaviour or you are choosing to get laid, both ways are volunatary
Again: what do you assume I'm doing wrong? What am I meant to correct when I'm trying to follow what normals do?
Did Jeremy Meeks have a good personality?
Does Sam Hyde have a good personality?
millennials are not having sex because relationships literally don't exist anymore
men watch porn
women take selfies and surf instagram
there is no more relationship / family
Not everyone is as fucked up as you dude. Real sex is not comparable to porn
This. I'm 6' 6" (two measurements) and make over 6 figures/year. And I don't have sex cause I don't want aids. Why are people who are voluntarily abstaining from sex being called incels? And why are people so insecure that they make fun of incels?
if you can't figure it out, you're not gonna be having sex any time soon
>Why are people who are voluntarily abstaining from sex being called incels?
Those are called volcels
>what is the pullout method
>in before it doesn't work
You fell for the condom company propaganda
humans are a harem species like other primates.
Men can impregnate many women every day but women can only be impregnated every 9 months. Connect the logic.
When no one goes on dates anymore or seeks relationships, women will just flock to the guy with the best genetics. Less millennials have sex because less of the men are having sex. that's it.
I hate that shit so much user. I could never bang another roastie now that I know what it's like to have sex with someone you truly love. I just want to have children and raise them on a ranch far away from this Jewish hell.
it's directly related to the cost of property. men no longer have their own homes or even apartments to bring women back to.
"Have sex"
Millenials: No
>and have your own place and nice car that you take care of impeccably
>and then just avoid rape accusations and common law lawsuits bro
>and just hope some girl you slept with a month ago shows up and says your the father without a DNA test bro
>and spend most of your income on clothes, food, supplements, and gifts to make sure the one you like sticks around
>just long enough to pop out one or two of (hopefully) your kids
nah I'm alright, going to save all of my money and time and use it on an artificial womb in 15 years. its the much better business decision.
either find a wife, or get a vasectomy if you want to be a degenerate manwhore
Based response
>I don't know history so let me debate that it totally wouldn't have happened
Only the strongest men got to fuck. They'd keep most of the women in the tribe for themselves, the other 80% of men weren't allowed to fuck their women and the women were into that because it got them stronger children.
>tfw 1 inch shorter (2 measurements) and 1 salary figure shorter
feels bad man
sounds like bs to me, the guy taking all the woman and not sharing would wake up dead with his throat cut
How you gon wake up dead nigga? If you dead you don't wake up. Stupid motherfucker.
Ive had 4 sex this summer.
Not great not terrible
This is such cope... just be normal and work out a bit, incel
it's an old meme you faggot zoomer
except he's right you onions-fueled fucking retard
the only cope here is yours by pretending that shit is not just like said
i just don't care. most "females" nowadays barely qualify as female. they're slobs, whores, lack responsibility, lazy and bitchy. if you're lucky, you might find a woman with only 3 of those traits. the traditional male/female dynamic has been dead and buried for 50 years. only until society burns down and collapses will i even consider finding a woman, because at that point she'll be the submissive dog that she should be. want to fix society? get rid of women's rights. until then, i'll be sitting pretty in my sailboat all by my lonesome
Just jack off my dudes. You don't gotta worry about where to take them. What clothes to wear. What to lift. The metoo. How much money u will spend before sex or if there will even be sex. If you will get emotionally crushed for chad. ect...Save money for vidya and just fap my dudes keep it stressfree.
Except I get sex regularly with my hot gf in a monogamous relationship, so clearly you're the "onions boy" here with your incel cope. Keep whining about muh harems and alpha males
>source: dude trust me
life is not like in the vikings series you stupid motherfucking room-iq nigger
all types of males got to reproduce in the past, societal collapse will just sort of enforce that once more
Based and redpilled
>implying i'm an incel and got no gf
>implying i cope
nice LARP btw faggot, watching retards like you pull all these cope out of their asses is sad, but also great amusement
keep coping and replying while i get my dick sucked, nigger
>humanity buried by capitalism once again
humans never did as good as under capitalism, kys fucking commie.
That show started sucking when they killed off Ragnar
>hurr durr capitalism can never be critiqued ever
based gigachad poster
absolutely based
>getting reverse baited
Turbo based
1. Internet porn
2. Technology is unironically ruining our social abilities.
3. Economics: Men are earning less and have less confidence in the dating field.
hint: you're doing it again
Not this fucking thread AGAIN. Millennials are having sex. The ones that congregate on the internet instead of the real world, (aka biz) are the people that are not having sex.
And then they circlejerk eachother why they don't.
> muh women are bad nowadays. They are shit. They are supposed to love my autistic fat disgusting porn addicted non-achieving ass for no good reason
dumb faggots
This. Modern "women" are a liability.
you made me laugh irl user omfg
I honestly just don't give a fuck anymore. I'm so tired of hearing people talk about where their dick is or isn't going and hearing about whatever shitty depraved fetishes they have. I'm so tired of hearing about sex.
This generations woman has to compete with internet pornography like no generation previously has and I don't know if humans are capable of winning that competition.
Jesus. Get outside for a while. Thank me later
can't tell if roastie or reddit
this. its almost impossible to have a conversation with a woman now and not just cringe and get disgusted at how fucking retarded and brainwashed by the media they are.
>t. incel
This is true, but the same could be said about schizophrenic incels.
social media made women's already unreasonable expectations even more ridiculous
I don't think what I'm saying is all that controversial. Some of the provisions that yesterdays relationship provided can be substituted with social media and pornography both of which is more widespread than ever before. If you strip incentives off of a relationship, what reason is there to pursue one?
I'm not going to spend an exorbitant amount of time and resources trying to lay some hoe. It usually involves getting into a relationship with them, and they are mostly insufferable. I do sometimes envy the chad who can easily jump from woman to woman, but that's like 5% of the male population, if that.
I just wanted a wife and children, but finding a girl who hasn't had 50+ sexual partners, is STD-free, doesn't have BPD, isn't swimming in debt, and hasn't done nastier things than the foulest of porn stars is a near impossibility.
Wait what? Aren't they the tinder generation?
Why in my day you needed to spend money to get a woman to put out. Now you just upload pics and immediately drown in pussy.
T. unironically married boomer
1. porn
2. disgusting hookup apps where your only choices are bottom of the barrel roasties and roasties only go for the top 5% of men
3. money is better than sex in every single way
4. marriage is a scam
5. #metoo
>drown in pussy
Ok boomer, you know when you were in your teens and 20s there was always that girl who was too good for you? Too good for everyone, for that matter? Every single girl is that girl now.
more like commies gave us feminism and ruined women so thoroughly that pictures on a screen are superior to them
pure cope
Porn is a big business and it pays to actively prevent people from having sex. Nobody uses condoms anymore and birth control will be publicly subsidized so who gives a fuck.
Based & tradition pilled.
Not that many men have the looks to just hook up with sluts on Tinder, and who the fuck wants to waste money on a date?
Is it tinder roastie hypergamy? No, probably not
20 per cent of men are geting 80 per cent of women.
Sucks to be a beta.
Here's the FOMO of sex. Go MGTOW!
this kills the incel
Being born that way basically forces you to have a good personality.
The sexual revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Women as the natural gatekeepers of relationships are being brainwashed into thinking career matters over family and hedonism in the form of a friends-with-benefits with Chad is the in thing to do. A return to culturally enforced monogamy is needed which can only be accomplished by a vigorous reactionary movement.
Of course this is the natural progression of every society, history is cyclical after all.
Hypergammy unrestrained
You radically misunderstand the root of the issue, plenty of "incels" I've seen on the internet have been moderately attractive and a few of them actually attractive. It doesn't have to do with men, it has to do with a post-monogamous society with no religious authority to dictate human relationships, the only religion that dictates our relationships is consuming.