27 doomer

>27 doomer
>salaried at $55k
>tiny bonuses + no paid overtime (time in lieu)
>hate my job
>3k credit card debt
>15k in bank
>~25k in crypto (BTC/ETH/STINK)

anons i want to career switch
can we spitball some good fields to look at?
I'm in IT currently, looking to branch out potentially toward more of the cyber security field, potentially do a trade in electrotechnology.
I'd like to get involved in more programming, i just dont think my brain is big enough for compsci
all advice welcome
>in b4 this isnt Jow Forums - those fucking tumblrinas are useless, I want cold hard logic and retardation from Jow Forums

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Have you considered a promising career as a freight broker?

unironically i worked in a warehouse in a similar role during college

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Brokering freight is a different kind of beast than what you would have done.

stop trying to rope him into your hell, freightbrokeranon

I feel i understand the gist of it, and I'll say straight up - all i was doing was assisting in the office (read: getting coffee and running errands) for the actual brokers.
Lunches were good though, I picked up little bits from the conversation.
However they never really sold me on the idea, and the kind of people they were (i understand not indicative of the entire industry) - I don't feel like i want to be in that space

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follow up; do you have a pitch for freight brokerage?

I was just joking user it's pretty shit only a few people make bank as freight brokers and they work hard 24-7 and/or get lucky landing a few big accounts.

>I'd like to get involved in more programming, i just dont think my brain is big enough for compsci

You don't need a big brain really.
I recommend learning about AWS serverless and React.js, you could get paid twice as much and work remote. Teach yourself to code it's never been easier. Then from there look at doing AI programming.

Unironically freight brokerage

>3k credit card debt
hope you are not low iq and actually carry a blance

>25k limit
Im in australia, credit score is not affected by payment frequency or amount - it makes financial sense to make the minimum monthly repayments, avoiding interest

>Teach yourself to code
ive been half-assing codecademy - it feels a bit slow, any other resources you could share?
also is python a meme?

python is good for datascience

if you want something thats rock solid learn javascript.
I recommend listening to the podcasts and watching the conferences for example React Rally.

Coding is about thinking and you eventually figure out no one is that good. Its just a matter of trying and failing for everyone. Use codesandbox.io to start making apps.

thanks user
will check these out
would you say going back to school is pointless for coding?
I hated uni, work much better alone - plus the costs involved in going back to school.
Does the industry take proofs of work/portfolio over degrees?

i have a 2 year degree in electronics op

ama about the field

>Does the industry take proofs of work/portfolio over degrees?
It's 50/50 you can get degrees online now though.
If you can show that you can build what they want they'll hire you. There's people who code at Facebook you started off as desginers for example.
Your best off just doing the freecodecamp stuff its equivalent to the Uni work and its free.

the barrier with electro is in my country its a 1-4 year apprenticeship before you can be full accredited
that being said, im not averse to a hybrid of things - I feel there is a fair amount of crossover between electronics, telecommunication, IoT, blockchain etc.

In the next 5-10 - do you see fundamental understanding of electronics to be useful/critical to starting an enterprise along the lines of the aforementioned?

nice - thanks user

Does anyone think that this cage is for the safety of the worker and not some communist cage meme?

>for the safety of the worker
>(((for the safety of the worker)))

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I dunno about commie shit, more like greedy kackling Jew shit

Get certification on SAP and become SAP consultant.

it's all the same stuff but I can't really give you advice on australia.

While yes to master a certain subject involving technology or electronics you'll need to be focused but a master in one subject should have at least a very basic understanding of all the other subjects or picking up on it quickly.

understanding electronics will be helpful no matter what, I feel like everyone should at least understand basic stuff. Of course there will be opportunities, consider the subject as hardware, software, do you really think there won't be opportunities in these fields?

Everything is limited by physics or chemistry though, so consider that your only opportunities will be to use existing stuff and iterating on it. Plenty of opportunity to start a business in the U.S. but I would say don't expect to invent something radically new at this point.

as a supply chain fucktard. Do you have any idea the idea of knowledge you need to be successful at that? it is MUCH more than just programming.

>3k credit card debt
>15k in bank
Why don't you just pay off the cc debt with the money you have in the bank?

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Because his $15k makes him feel safe. Meanwhile he’ll keep borrowing like a retard.

Building a credit score is needed to get a loan for a house

What? I pay my card off every month and I have a credit score of 763.

Same, op is a faggot.


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>credit card debt while you have savings to pay it off

what did he mean by this

It's a common misconception so don't feel bad, but this is the most wrong thing I've read today and I've done nothing but read hentai and browse /b/.
Carrying debt like this does not help your credit score. You can look up what goes into a FICO score and things like payment history and credit age do factor in, but on-time payment in full counts just the same as a minimum payment. Don't carry high interest debt if you don't need to.

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