How accurate was this user's prediction from 2013?

how accurate was this user's prediction from 2013?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Please stop posting it again

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Im telling you right now, delet this

shhh no dreams

only nightmares now

Save me.

Damn, so far he's spot on.

Stop trying to force this, thanks


>Of all that may come
>of word and of pen
>It is saddest to say son
>that Jow Forums was right again

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well most of it is continuation trend so not really anything new, except for this love hate thing, it will be more polarized of left vs right and both sides full of hate on each other
2020 election is probably going to be violent when trump wins again, before and after but mostly after

There is a mistake in the text

because, obviously, the lefties are the goods, democratics, full of love, caring ones.

Hi schizo nonsense poster

don't call other people schizos, it's not funny

Serfs worked less than we do.

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nah i know for sure the left are the always the most violent ones, they will pick fights and the right will swiftly end it and get punished
pic related, remind you of anything? antifa vs trump supporters?
so you don't think either side has potential for riots after 2016 events? media have been stirring the pot like crazy? same shit in the UK if we get brexit, imo the left will fight if we leave, they are already calling boris's plan a coup. if we don't leave the left will be smug and the right will likely just capitulate and never vote again.

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Welp. It's worked OP. America is fucked. Making it has never been more important.

kek'd. Thanks keep please using this format

You have to go back


No I just think you cant put a coherent sentence together to save your life

can't hide from the truth karl, everyone knows your "punch a nazi" slogan, all the right ever did was some marching and the left turn up to counter protest, start shit and get their ass kicked and the right take the blame in the media every single time.

This post sounds cringey now, but I remember back then people were unironically scared that this type of thing was going to spread since "diversity" was being forced in the media, in job interviews, everywhere. Then Trump got elected and a lot of those things did a 180 because they lost government funding; the Buzzfeed layoffs come to mind. Saying nigger is a normie meme right now too. The left cried very hard the day Trump was elected because they knew their shit was about to be pushed back in.

I haven't seen housing shrink all that much, but that's only because there's still some room left for all the Californians flooding our state. Beyond that it's fairly accurate. I've noticed lately that a lot of fast food places can no longer feed me properly for just $5; about three years ago I distinctly remember being able to get a #1 combo in the lower-tier burger places for less than $5 before tax, now you're lucky if you can pay that much for just a burger with no sides. Every normie I know either plays vidya or lives on Netflix during their free time, let alone the people that are actually my friends which are all weebs or obsessed with vidya. A lot of the culture seems to be enamored with the past too (look at all the vaporwave shit and reboots of old movies), which from what I've seen is a symptom of a society in decline. I wouldn't call it collapse just yet because I've lived through worse, but there's definitely been a decline.

I see nothing wrong with this

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You need to delet, citizen


This was before we entered the clown timeline.

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Pls help me.

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How can this be fought? How can anons work the long game to protect themselves from this fate?

The collapse came to Jerusalem, but Jeremiah and Jesus told them again and again what they should do, and the faithful were saved. What should anons listen to and what should they do?

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>minority ghettos spreading to every western city on planet earth as we speak
>borders still wide open to every 83 IQ rapist with enough strength to hoof it to a white country
>people saying nigger on Jow Forums means everything is better now and the west is magically going to stop economically decaying now

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You should buy link

And what will link do for anons? An honest question.

The crazy thing is that illegal immigration increased under Trump because the moneyed interests took his nationalist rhetoric seriously and tried to get as many cheap workers in the country as they could before Trump closed the border. Obviously, he never did. Things probably would have been better under Jeb.

precisely why i'm all in Cruzbit.

>minority ghettos spreading to every western city on planet earth as we speak
Ghettos have always existed in large cities, you're just noticing them now more because people started to pretend to care about the people in them (and are now starting to not care as much)

>borders still wide open to every 83 IQ rapist with enough strength to hoof it to a white country
There's starting to be a reversal of this. Poland's current political situation and Brexit are just the beginning

>people saying nigger on Jow Forums means everything is better now and the west is magically going to stop economically decaying now
People have always said nigger on Jow Forums, I'm talking about seeing it more on the more normie-friendly places like Twitter and irl. If not saying it outright, a lot of people are jokingly referencing it; five years ago the same people would have called each other out for doing something like that

You need to stop living on Jow Forums and go outside every once in a while. Trump's election had the very immediate effect of empowering people to stop pretending and speak their mind that were otherwise gagged under Obama's regime.

2016 changed our timeline completely and we're in uncharted territory now. We're desperately trying to steer ourselves free from the blackpilled outcome that was foretold. Legacy systems, institutions, are over-leveraged and no longer able to compete with or even understand non-ordained digital landscapes. They NEVER thought they would lose control this late in the game. In this sense, I believe the current counter-culture movement (read: anons) is only just beginning to realize how GOOD their hand is. In direct relation to how this will affect Jow Forumsnessmen, there was always an idea of implementing automation but at this point one of the most viable options is going to simultaneously make a whole bunch of internet autists stinking rich for the third time in a row. Anything is possible from here on out. Truly, Nothing Is Beyond Our Reach.

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You cant, we are basically stuck in a disgenic spiral and political correctness makes the topic literally non-existent in public discourse, so it cant be fixed. The only question is how long will technological momentum outweigh falling IQ. We are in the golden age now, so enjoy it, and use all information available to advance yourself, your family and your community. Own productive land/real estate, have some gold/silver, keep investing in stocks of big durable corporations, basically copy old money euro families that have been wealthy for 500+ years. If you care about improving the future, have lots of kids with a high quality woman if your IQ is above 115, have no kids if your IQ is below 95.

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Hideo Kojima predicted this years ago. But this isn't the first dark age we've lived through. We've been through times like these before.

>at this point one of the most viable options is going to simultaneously make a whole bunch of internet autists stinking rich
i am really dumb, what is the option are you referring to

This user thanks you both. It sounds like having an investing strategy that emphasizes real productivity is what you are suggesting, i.e. productive land, productive people, and sound currency (digital and solid).

How can these investments be safeguarded against hordes of migrants? Do I need to build a castle like the old days and become lord and protector of my people?

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>it will be more polarized of left vs right

People are more fanatically devoted to our current kings and lords than medieval peasants were when their lords actually fought for them; now the elite just send poor people to serve in their armies. Wagies are expected to be thankful for the opportunity to toil for them when before the exchange was to toil for protection provided by knights and battle trained nobles. Somewhere along the line they realized that this exchange was completely unnecessary and that most people were born to serve. Devotion to these figures has never been greater despite their decreased contributions; politics is the new religion through which people find meaning and identity.

There are people who actually take an insult to Trump, a guy they've never met, as a personal slight as if someone insulted their own mother. That was the motive behind the whole James Gunn fiasco.

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>ghettos have always existed in large cities
Yeah sure, Stockholm was just packed with somolis back in the 80's. If you want to make money, you have to stare reality in the fucking face and accept it in all of its beauty and ugliness. I lived in Tokyo for a year back in the mid 2000's, zero ghettos, and coming from philadelphia, it was a revelation that revealed the education you receive growing up is nothing but a lie to keep you compliant. I had no idea there was such thing as a large city without the kind of vile and violent 3rd worlders living in post apocolyptic neighborhoods until I traveled, because i was taught that "ghettos have always existed in large cities". What a pack of lies. Grow up.

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>ghettos have always existed in large cities
Australia was >95% white until the year 2000, now we're well on the way to being 56% (Chinese). The ghettoes of Africans and middle easterns have metastasized into country towns with less than 50k people and no resources or infrastructure to manage the 'needs' of thousands of welfare-dependent biological weapons.
You're conflating tiny, one-street 'ghettoes' of Chinese gold rush chasers and their descendants - who, needless to say, didn't get welfare, mostly kept to themselves and knew how to not cause trouble - with unprecedented and unchecked mass movements of people for whom everyone else is now financially responsible. you're either still bluepilled or a shill

The SS men are the good guys you dumb faggot.

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You know cities still look like this today, right

>How can these investments be safeguarded against hordes of migrants

As far as I can tell from looking at research, unless you are a part of a very strong religious community, you best bet is to locate yourself in a community that is as homogeneous in ideals and demographics as possible, while selecting a place that is well off financially and in human capital (basically prosperity flows from proximity to high quality productive people, this is why people are willing to pay so much to live in silicon valley despite the other outrageous negatives of living there).

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Quality thread user. keep posting

Why doesn't /pol form communities like the Amish?

I want off this ride, Mr. Bones

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Really? Awesome, point to me where I can buy property in a 1st world city of over 1 million filled exclusively with 100% white western European people, I'll literally sell everything and relocate there.

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Not for long

Population increases but area^2 doesn't. You're just not able to compete man. Step up or perish.

If you wait about a decade for the consequences of climate change to manifest into more obnoxious forms, I think people might panic enough for Rhodesia-style segregation to happen again, especially once we start losing coastal cities to rising sea levels. White people still largely hold the keys to everything.

ITT: white people experiencing for the first time realizing economic output > skin color

ITT: white people realizing for the first time economic output > skin color*

You don’t get to know

race and economic output are inextricably connected. Race is much more than skin color

>Americans will be forced to work for so long and so hard they won't have time to do anything but wagecuck!
>We'll all be serfs!

Meanwhile in reality we have multi-decade lows for labor participation and the part-time "gig economy" has fully wrapped its tendrils around everywhere and everything. At the same time, people are finding brand new ways to both love and hate, in no small part because they have this free time and because the cost of emotional response has dropped through the floor. Really, of all of the things that have gone pear-shaped that post isn't really one of them, except for the inflation.

Race can be a part of an identity. Having a strong identity is crucial to being a strong person. Race ultimately is a mootpoint. You can build an identity on other things. White people right now are coping with the fact they are being challenged for their misguided ideas of superiority. Play along or perish. The world's a different place now.

The Amish already perform the role of expanding Amish communities. The have increased to 340,000 from just 5,000 and are growing at about 4% per year.

Unless a radical Christian sect that's ok with technology and is really into evolutionary biology comes along, the rest of us are going to have to suffer the slide into this millennium's dark age.

not my thread, but thanks anyway. Knowledge is power.

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This user get's it , entropy keeps rising and the government systems survive by stealing energy from other systems such as corporations or individuals and they will continue to increase taxation until everybody chimpouts in the chimpouts of all chimpouts.

The technological momentum is already collapsing , moore law limits are basically reached , the digital world is starting to be taxed to hell even more than phyisical world now , only advances in cars or planes have been to make them more efficient and use less resources.

The 2020s are going to get ugly.

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>they will continue to increase taxation
>The technological momentum is already collapsing , moore law limits are basically reached
What about quantum computation?

Galactic Federation of Light reporting in, we have come to free humanity from the ancient Babylonian blood cult that has been stealing the life energy from people for far too long. From banks, corruption in your governments, taxation, law, and the media empires controlling your subjective view of reality. The media has violated a right for all conscious beings to have their own subjective interpretation of their own reality, the media actively steals this from their viewers. Grab your popcorn, and welcome to The Great Awakening.

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The Amish approach technology with discretion. Something that has certainly benefited them, no?

How come the Amish are immune from Media attacks? Why can't likeminded pollacks create an identity that is also immune from such attacks and allows for the formation of strong homogeneous communities?

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White people aren't being challenged, they being taxed and replaced. Notice how the Chinese dont give a flying fuck about all this race pandering, they consider themselves the master race, and are currently genociding all the muslims in their borders and working effectively to keep as many 3rd world foreigners out of their country as possible. There is a lot of naivete going around about what it is going to mean for whites to lose political control in the west. People think it will mean we can all finally have swedish style socialism, but they would do better to consider Brazil as our best possible outcome, south africa/zimbabwe as a worst case outcome.

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That’s just growing up

>>they will continue to increase taxation
QE/MMT is the new taxation

Unironically advance accelerationist causes and benevolent AI research. Our only hope is to get a 'good' AI (with pro-human laws written in at the BIOS level e.g. Asimov's Rules or similar) to go singularity on us. It will be a challenge because capitalism broadly speaking is already a crude but resilient AI of the 'paperclip maximizer' or ('despotic market consciousness' from pic related) class. Every algo trading bot that goes online just adds to its hash power. It already has a head start on other types of AI. Hawking was 100% right that AI is the biggest extant threat to our future.

All the points made in OP's image are consequences of capitalism run amok. Capitalism is nothing but computational forces seeking market efficiencies. It IS a global distributed AI network. But its core motivator is not pleasure or well-being (its own, or those of sentient beings), it is simply efficiency for efficiency's sake.

Ligotti characterized it best in My Work Is Not Yet Done:

>The company that employed me strived only to serve up the cheapest fare that its customers would tolerate, churn it out as fast as possible, and charge as much as they could get away with. If it were possible to do so, the company would sell what all businesses of its kind dream about selling, creating that which all our efforts were tacitly supposed to achieve: the ultimate product-- Nothing. And for this product, they would command the ultimate price-- Everything.
>This market strategy would then go on until one day among the world-wide ruins of derelict factories and warehouses and office buildings, there stood only a single, shining, windowless structure with no entrance and no exit. Inside would be-- will be-- only a dense network of computers calculating profits. Outside will be tribes of savage vagrants with no comprehension of the nature or purpose of the shining, windowless structure. Perhaps they will worship it as a god. Perhaps they will try to destroy it...

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>Race ultimately is a mootpoint
Absolutely wrong, RACE = CULTURE

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well shit. chainlink? I need to learn more I guess
I will get rich next time if there is a next time

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that's what shit's been like my adult life.
I hear about my grand parents owning a home in their 20's with entry level work. Never met somebody that owned a home in their 20's in my generation.

the amish are few in number and tremendously weak, they exist only due to the utter indifference of the countless much more powerful cultures around them, they will die out on their own as their niche gets smaller and smaller, and good riddance, they're a bunch of regressive luddite fucktards.

Fires are essential for the longevity of forests. They clear out weeds, cull populations, and return nutrients to otherwise eroded and empty soils.

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>t. hardly left the house
plenty of cultures are independent of "race" you racist piece of shit. Vidoo gaming is a prime example. You're actually fucking stupid lmao
Identifying with your Race in 2019 = being insecure about your personal life
step up
just fucked a white girl last night. she's been asking me to hang out again but I'm not really into her that much yet.

The choice is clear, the end is near...saved by the rear. 3 6 9. Heaven on Earth is not for blood cult fuckers and other greedy lying and deceptive humans who get to go to a much less pleasant place or will be hunted and killed outright. Game over for your disgusting behavior, come back and try again and don’t be a baby raping disgusting pervert next time. Learn your lesson or BTFO.

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Easy to point out, very hard to replicate. Having met several Amish people, it is somewhat akin to meeting an Alien, 99.998% of people couldnt handle their lifestyle when they have they have the option of the modern lifestyle. They are literally a different breed, truly separate from us.

Starting a new sect that appeals to modern people would be a monumental task only to be undertaken by someone with prophet-tier levels of charisma.

Valid points on everyone's indifference allowing them space, but
>they will die out on their own as their niche gets smaller and smaller
Amish are the fastest growing population on earth right now, and have been growing at the same rate fairly consistently for the last 100 years.

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It feels like we are in the aristoqueer decadence square.

That’s where the you’re wrong kiddo, the Amish are the fastest growing percentage of the population, when they started they were in the tens of thousands, now they are in the hundred of thousands. They use technology but don’t ascribe to modern mores. They are going to be a massive population sooner rather than later, just you wait.

listen here thanos, we avengers will always find a way to fix your crazybat shit

>What about quantum computation?

Could be revolutionary but i doubt it will happen.


Pension systems are broken due to demographic collapses happening due to overtaxing the youth.

chainlink is still cheap

Yet when their people go on their walkabouts with the "English" they choose to be Amish. If it is hard, this does not phase them, the Amish grow.

The Amish look at modern life and fundamentally reject it in their own way. They don't have trannys or epidemics of degeneracy as the rest of the West does. What little technology they integrate into their lives enhances it.

I wonder, what currency do the Amish prize?

>plenty of cultures are independent of "race"
No they are not all cultures surrounds the race that has created it. If you believe in evolution you will soon understand that race is real and the culture created from that race is apart of an evolutionary process. I understand you are a slow brain and probably a fucking baiting faggot but still people need to see how fucking stupid you are.

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Americans have always been serfs. The world has always been fucked. Nostalgia and this idea that the past was somehow better isn't really real. People tend to forget how shitty the past was, and how nothing much has really changed - nothing that matters anyways

Easy, they have a real community with strong connections, with real goals such as eternal salvation. The "english" just practice empty hedonism for the most part, and our communities are completely decimated and reviled by pop culture.

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Can you elaborate on the "real goals"? How do the Amish connect their day to day experiences with those goals?

Without fires forests would stagnate. There would be no new growth occurring. Populations would get out of control due to nothing culling them every few decades. Soil nutrients would deplete due to increased strain. Weeds would be free to grow due to the increasingly poorer conditions of the ecosystem. Nature needs balance whether you like it or not. Everything is recycled on Earth. Do you know how many different organisms have drank the same water you have and have used the same atoms in your body? If there's no means of restarting nature every now and then we'd all suffer. When problems can't be solved by inhabitants, it's time to reset the whole system

fucking save me please.

>No they are not all cultures surrounds the race that has created it.
Okay then explain soccer. Soccer was invented in China. Soccer culture does not surround asian culture. Therefore your universal quantification of "all cultures surround the race that has created it" is false.
Oh, you disagree. That is the definition of illogical then.
>I understand you are a slow brain
Stop projecting and get an income you lazy piece of shit

holy fucking SHIT you are retarded you gotta be baiting.

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> White people right now are coping with the fact they are being challenged for their misguided ideas of superiority.
the only racial group on the planet that explicitly sees itself as racially superior to other races is the Jewish race. They literally call themselves "God's chosen people".

When whites are accused of thinking they are racially superior, it's usually projection and bad faith arguments from Jews. "What, you don't want 100,000 Somalis in your community?! You are a white supremacist! You must think you are superior to other races!!! Look here, I found a hillbilly meth addict on welfare. See! You call this superior?! You're not superior!!!!! You have to open your borders and accept these Somalis NOW!!!!!!". Concerning yourself with the welfare of your own race and putting their collective well being ahead of other races is not an ideology of superiority. Accusations of superiority is a non-sequitur

>Aristoqueer Decadence

underrated metaphor

This is good for bitcoin

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We will see, when the panic finally sets in, all sorts of interesting things may happen. History doesnt work like a pedowood superhero movie.

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Plebbit saying this is the equivalent of walking into someone else's house, seeing that it's better than yours, and then telling the real owner to go back to their own home when you see them.

Weren't we supposed to see rising sea levels already? Pretty sure a score ago they were panicking about how Florida would be underwater 5 years ago and it still didn't happen (shocking).