I spent 660 on a prebuilt desktop and 300 on a monitor. Did i spend too much? I feel guilty for spending that much

I spent 660 on a prebuilt desktop and 300 on a monitor. Did i spend too much? I feel guilty for spending that much

Attached: 1566667562870.jpg (500x454, 140K)

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too little imo but you do you.

too much on monitor if not 240hz

>prebuilt desktop
one part of you knows you're a noob

What do u think of this?
Im not a heavy gamer
It was a pretty good deal. Plus all i wanna do is shitpost while watching netflix

Was it worse than pic related from logical increments?

Attached: Capture.png (1381x668, 87K)

who the fuck still gets 4gb ram? i can't run most of my software (editing) without 16, and i just got a new computer with 32

oh that monitor is great deal actually. I'm competitive gamer so 1ms response rate matters but for you this is perfect. 144hz is a great compromise.

make sure its 16gbs ram, microsoft seem to be screwing windows 10 with alot of background stuff. If you upgrade ur gpu, make sure to upgrade the power supply before you do that.

With that you should be good for another 5 years ~

>who the fuck still gets 4gb ram?
People who would rather put the little money they have to something that matters more.

nothing wrong with prebuilt, but learn your internals over time so you don't have to later on. you'll get so much more out of your parts! :D

fair enough

Im not sure this is what i got
Thanks for your feedback

With Ryzen 5 1600, rx 480 and a genius motherboard you could have got 8 gb ram and still would have been below 500

How retarded are you to buy a fucking 500 gb ssd when you are low on finances?

Whats wrong with 500 gb ssd?

Why the fuck would you need that. You are paying x3 the price for a small increase in speed. It only makes sense to install the system on it, but for that 120 gb would be more than enough. Just get two hdds and run raid on them and it will be pretty close. Also gtx 1660 has very similar performance to rx 480 and is twice more expensive.

Yeah I hope those people put the 40 bucks to work!


Thats true but i cant choose the components, i just figured it was a pretty decent deal so i have to settle for what it comes with. Do u think i could build a better rig with 600?

That's a fine deal, you could have saved like 50-100 bucks but it would have taken you some time and effort to learn about building a pc and there is also a high chance to fuck up if you have never done that before. So you did ok.

> 600 on the core
> 300 on a monitor

This question depends on your income and what you would like to do with the computer

Im a visual person
Normie stuff 2bh. Stream movies while i shitpost. I wanted to keep my budget under 1000 but this purchase was closer to 1000 than i wanted

>buying a prebuilt desktop
unironically worse then plebbit, even they know how to build one. you not only could of saved money, but for that much you could've had a way better desktop
>overpriced monitor
why the fuck would u spend that much for only 144hz? Theres near identical 144hz's for $200

But i want 32 in and at least 1440. There is a dell with same specs but its 60 hz

Your gpu isn't going to be able to push to 100fps at 1080p, so buying a 144hz monitor is a waste of money.