2 weeks into new job

>2 weeks into new job
>already the quiet creepy guy at work that nobody talks to

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I know that feel too well brah

Get interesting loser.

dont worry user, you are doing the world a favor by making others feel better about themselves

w/e u do dont carry around body armor and an assault rifle

So talk to others more. Not about creepy shit though.

I've been that guy, and my boss said I "need to be more social" because people are starting to talk. So I asked him "well, what exactly would you suggest that I do?" and he said just go stand next to his desk or someone's desk when people start gathering around talking. He said eventually someone will clue me in. I tried that and it was very awkward but it kept me from getting fired. I don't know. I do well with alcohol though, and they've noticed that I think.

> I love thinking of new ways to interact with my colleagues
> Hello, hey, yo (reserved only for black bruddas), good morning and so on

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>I do well with alcohol though
what nigga

At least not concealed, anyway

Buffett said that the only reason he was successful was because of a college course he took to overcome his fear of public speaking. If you're anti-social and can't communicate ideas then you will never be successful. Fix yourself, mate.

Literally me.

warren is a load of shit

My thoughts are too complex for most people.

Ye me too, just starting week 3, I'll just roll with it, im just not good at approaching people

>one year into my job
>literally no one knows me because I work by myself and never see or talk to anyone
>I also don't have an office or shop or w/e to show up to where people are

When I did work in an office though... Hoo boy did I have the imposter syndrome bad.

>assault rifle

Why do almost all my jobs even when I'm quiet draw the attention of others who try to get me to "open up" when I'm purposefully staying quiet?

Also I'm not handsome as I only attract very few women on dating apps who are extremely ugly albeit I have better odds out of online dating.

t. Over 25 and never had a gf.

>I do well with alcohol though
sorted, just show up drunk every day
>and they've noticed that
oh oh
>I think
I think you overthink these things. That with the 'stand next to someones desk..' - please tell me you are not literally doing this all day ?

what a load of bullshit, you realize this nigger was born the son of a Congressman? The only reason he is succesful is because of the connections and life handed to him from above

A lot of people think complex. But that should not interfere with your social interactions, very basic rules apply there. Only way to get better is to pratice this, even if ackward at first.

I've forced myself to overcome this when starting a new job, and i'm now a small talk grand master. Shit is easy once you get the flow of it, don't overthink it.

And yes, it's very beneficial if you are not the office weirdo.