Men are killing themselves in record numbers

how to profit?

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buy rope futures

all in on life insurance

Buy helium futures

Don't kys. The more off themselves the higher my marketvalue will be.

Lol there's too big a surplus of humans for that to be true

with humans he meant white people

The white population is going to collapse in coming decades. Average age for whites is 50

Make fight club irl, in Minecraft

with that you can se bye bye to everything civilized, the chinks will take over

Ah, true. True

Chinks have higher average IQ though.

Whites would to if there were >1 Billion of them


I was literally thinking of how I'm done with this world today actually, but I'm too pussy to do it, and I don't want the people around me to be hurt. God I wish someone would just help me out

should I take a whole bunch of loans go long on btc and send it to my mother before I kms later this year ?

great stuff, less competition

>hurt durr I'm totally a leftist but I spend all my time pandering to conservatives

fuck tim pool

16 year high doesn't sound that bad 2bh


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Society has come too far and made life too easy for people.
NPCs were never meant to have this much free time to think about life. When they do, they start killing themselves because they realize how empty they are inside.

Not even true those souless bugman cheat on all their tests and flood our universities

Imagine being this retarded

id rather be ruled by chinks than joos desu senpai

Sad but funny

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I'll do it what's ur email

I'm unironically thinking of going to my GP and telling them I'm thinking of killing myself so I can get signed off work on full pay

henkdevlieg5 (at) gmail (dot) com

they do that at your country? wont they just put you in some mental hospital lol?

In the UK yeah. You can pretty much milk it on depression for a year then say your okay again and go back to full time work. Have seen people do it and really tempted to pull the trigger.

SuicideChain: decentralised depression on the Blockchain.
I even found a logo for you..

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SSC will easily 5000x during the next bull run

do it. if the system is stupid enough to let you then you're an idiot for not taking advantage.

This has been said over and over but white straight men are being targeted in so many ways. They're fucking us so bad in so many ways that we're becoming faggots, trannies, SJWs, liberals and all that shit. They demasculize us, toxic masculinity, small white penis, weak basedboys. They beat these thoughts into our head. GOD HITLER WAS SO UFCKING RIGHT. What have I become? I never would haven thought about being anything even remotely close to a nazi before. But it has to be done. Those who don't turn into a degenerate see how degenerate everyone else is and they realize they're alone in irredeemable shithole and they just kill themselves because they have no willpower to fight because ((porn)) takes control over their motivation.

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Lonely men don't by life insurance. Buy these instead.

Wake up 4channel. You're being brainwashed by artificially crafted threads to make you leave your job, embrace degeneracy and KYS. This site is being used against it's own community. Don't fall for the scheme, I love you.

love you too bro

general IQ does not necessarily encompass the ability to build and maintain civilizations in which people get what they earn, and in which you can expect the kind of honesty that was fostered by and prevalent in the american free market, prior to keynesian economics
if the day comes around that the chinese are at the helm of any western country's government-corporate conglomeration, you can expect the term "gutter culture" to adequately summarize the ubiquitous misery that comes with a collectivist government's enforcing of "economy-stimulating" consumerism, through regulating and intervening with the free market
every industry will strive to produce the "gutter oil" of their trade, to then get money either largely from subsidies or from private individuals who have ill-gotten money—cheap, low-quality goods that society has been trained from a young age is "unavoidable" and "for the greater good" to consume
in the chinese, this is instilled through fear, and the communist party's callousness towards individualism
in whites, through guilt—having it instilled into people from an age where they've not yet developed critical thinking that being "racist" is the ultimate and most shameful form of pure evil, and that asking certain questions and holding certain opinions—even if nobody is hurt by what you do, and your entire ideology is grounded in voluntarism and the notion that you should be able to freely disassociate from others as you see fit—is "racist"

in a way, this has all already happened to some degree—it could just get much worse
anyways—asians are great, but as a white guy, i prefer to be subject to white culture
don't much care for living in a drawer

I prefer to live in a cupboard.

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Have even more Chads fuck roasties.

Sell opiates

Oh shit the Jews beat you to it

>honk honk

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if it were that easy to cheat on tests then why doesnt everyone do it?

Way more profitable than crypto

Invest in anime and video games

if you want to get a prescription drug there are forums where people discuss what lies do you need to tell to get it and which doctors are the easiest.
trannies do it all the time.
some of these people take these drugs, some sell them.
why would it be harder to lie about depression?

Only white men. Hahahaha get rekted, this is what you Nazi fucks deserve. Lol. The future is brown!

Retard. China]see are soulless but people that have garbage societies compared to whites

I support white genocide. Long time coming desu

implying you dont jack off on white girls

Under Chinese rule, Whites would be considered second class citizens. It would actually be an improvement in overall conditions as Jews consider whites to be lower than any minority,

I'm just happy we're taking everyone with us.

You know how averages work, right?

> this is what you Nazi fucks deserve
You fucking retard. Whites killing themselves is one of the things that is gonna contribute to the rize of the Nazis. Then, you nigger, even innocent black people will get fucked, not just niggers like you. But I guess it's necessary.

Make a yard sale