Tell me 1 reason not to be all in!

Tell me 1 reason not to be all in!

Attached: Rtx41LM5.png (512x512, 42K)

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because going all in anything is a terrible investment idea.

>all in myself though because I want to pay off my moms student loans

you're a fucking idiot if you hold only one shitcoin. diversify it with aergo, it's also korean but at least looks more promising.

there is nothing diversify
im unironically all in

Attached: photo_2019-08-03_12-47-48.jpg (750x493, 34K)

You gonna get dumped on. This is a pnd rinse/repeat

its literally a shitty BEP2 token and americans cant even legally trade it. so yeah, its a shitcoin now. no one is using it for anything, keep being deluded and lose more of your money tho. i really dont care. just remember my post, its already been pnd'd months ago. if you are still holding, you are fucking triple stupid

first of all its and erc-20 token and a BEP-2 token
americans are only 13 percent of the volume
and have you ever heard of a vpn?

Actually knows math iq

>calls you a fucking idiot
>shills his coin


I’m all in and I’m gonna buy more. Trying to get over 200k

FTM protocol is a nice bet on something that can solve the blockchain trilemma.

If you do not hold at least a small suicide bag you are retarded. Only 1000 USD worth of FTM can make a huge difference in a few years.

270k. I've made it, not selling anything except stakings before $60-100

Attached: 1567469920476.jpg (1920x1080, 1005K)

i hold both

ITT: Pajeets who don't know what Kucoin is.

thanks for the hint Rajesh ;)

DAG Constellation is X5 cheaper and signed the biggedt crypto. LMAO at Fantom's Dunai seed group who also partnered with Jibrel.scam coin. FTM is all hyoe unlike DAG.

I invested in Telecoin and I do not regret it

here we go again with the faggot pajeet who calls it "DAG Constellation." We keep telling you, this is not proper English and makes no fucking sense! What you're saying is the equivalent of saying "BTC Bitcoin," "ETH Ethereum," or "XRP Ripple" in a sentence. CRINGE AS FUCK

You're a dunce, DAG is a fucking scam the CEO fired the entire team. Please leave you indian paid shill subhuman trash

dagfags will die. Don't you dare take anyone with you you fucks


Ryle Goehausen - VP of Engineering – currently a senior software engineer @ Bloomberg LP
Zac Russell – VP of Marketing is currently @ Camera IQ
Brion Hickey – VP of Product is currently the Sr. Director of Growth @ Human Interest
Sebastian Spitzer – Global Ambassador is now @ Shaeffler
Giovanni Valdenegro - Lead Product Designer is now Senior Product Designer @ Ease Inc.
Sophie Feinberg - Executive Assistant is now @ Virtual Mason's
Shreyas Kitty - Community Manager is now Community Manager @ Coinlist
Gina Rubino – Marketing Manager is now Digital Marketing Specialist @ Pegasus Protocol
Emily Arth – VP of Operations does not have a Linkedin profile but is assumed to be gone as well, she hasn’t posted anything or been mentioned since 2018.
Altif Brown – CCO and Co-Founder downgraded to Advisor on the teams own website, proving he is no longer a full time employee.
Brendan Playford – CEO/Founder mysteriously disappeared in 2018 and the team to this day refuses to discuss what happened and claim to be under a hush order from their lawyers. An insider accused him of day trading investor funds for massive losses prior to his departure. When pressed to explain the team pleaded the 5th.
*with exception to the 3 idiots left on the team scamming you, this was their whole team and they are gone. None of the above were replaced, and if you ask about any of them in their community chat you will be banned. You are all being scammed. Post this in every thread these scam artist make to ensure biz community don’t end up getting dumped on.

I also have proof their USAF "Partnership" was actually just a small business grant from the SBIR which was won by 600 other companies. THE USAF is not in business with Constellation Labs (DAG). Here is a direct link to the SBIR award they and 600+ other companies won. Maximum $250k grant but likely DAG got $50-60k which is the average. 30% of all SBIR submissions were awarded so its not even hard to win. .

They paraded this shit around like they just landed a DOD contract and taking over data management for the USAF. Its in their pinned message in their community chat. Its in their press releases.

Its all a lie. They are completely out of funding and doing one last pump and dump and using their own community as the bag holders to get rekt.

This team, their shills, and the dumb fucking noob investors who support them are the worst team in all of crypto. Please post this in every thread they create and stop this PnD team from exit scamming on innocent people.