She got engaged

>she got engaged

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get rekt you lil bitch

Move on, idiot.

why do you even give a shit it's over

>She got N-Gaged


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FUCK this guy


Shouldn't even be looking at anything to find that out

sell those Oneitis (ITS) bags

I am sorry, mate. You deserve better anyways.

better to move on OP, live your life



no contact brah

>you dodged a bullet

>she's loved me for a half-decade now but she left me for another dude and made me look like a cuck fag and she's perfect for me but never EVER

could be worse OP

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A small price for salvation. continue your link accumulation and persevere

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What a piece of fuckin' dog shit!

Oh nooo, that sucks.

At least you can cope by wishfully thinking that she will divorce eventually and won't be so attractive anymore because she will be a single mother with 2 kids, right?

The only person I cared for turned out to be a slut. I should probably neck myself.

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I know this feel but it took several years for it to really hit me that she was gone forever
The one that got away

I wonder if there are pills to turn myself asexual since I feel suicidal over it.

Mine turned around and got a master's from an ivy and got married.
I wish I got my shit together back then, but in hindsight, I never would have met her if I had my shit together

I also have strange fantasies that if things turn borderlands and BTC becomes God, I will have the chance to get her back when she doesn't have a choice

Just think, there's some mongolian cutie waiting for a strong American who rides a horse to rescue her from her ho-humdrum life. Western thottery isn't worth a pedastal.

Buddy you still have years to find someone else, you can even try to talk to her now before it’s too late. Don’t let your legacy be you dying for some bitch that doesn’t care about you anymore. Too many good men dying becuase of bitches but bitches never think we are good enough to die over. Get over it.

>it's gonna get worse when they all become pregnant

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FUCK. I hate being 27.


>Buddy you still have years to find someone else
nope, it's too late. they'll all be blacked soon.

This made me laugh, thanks user

few weeks ago I had a dream about this cute girl I met back in 2011. looked her up on facebook again.

>she has a bunch of tattoos now
>she has a baby with a middle eastern name
>bio says: "proud single mom"
>few days later not single anymore bio deleted



Are You Shpongled?

>she got engaged
>accidentally sends pic of his penis to you
>’sorry I dint mean to send you a pic of a penis that actually satisfies me’
>mfw it’s much smaller but has a trust fund

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wish her the best and move on you little faggot, better times are ahead for you

>former best friend is married with my ex
>they have kids

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I'm going to her wedding this weekend

Attached: download (3).jpg (225x225, 10K)


/ thread.

It's called growing up. We all go through it some way shape or form......

neck yourself over a slut, damn that has to be lowest IQ biz post i've ever seen. get in shape, meet another woman, fuck some hoe/prostitute and work on yourself. most likely you are a bitch yourself, cherry picking good moments with her, and not focusing on the horrible experience
>she sleeps around without being in a relationship

dont worry she will call you 5 years from now, after being fucked by 100's of men and you will crumble like a cookie you are.

want a solution
>delete her from all social media
>delete her from phone + block number manually
>delete photos
>try to remember BAD things first
>fast forward 3-12 months you cured

tfw you casually meet her and you both connect on a personal level really quick, but as time goes by she becomes distant and rude, and you get to put up with all that because she's special to you, she is intelligent, attractive, with traditional values... You are giving everything for her, but she just don't care about you anymore even though you tried to help her, you've been there for her, you even started learning her native tongue.

I still wish her the best, but it hurts me so much to know that I can't be by her side.

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Either kill them both and yourself or just forget her.

>Stayed pure for her my entire life
>She had pre-marital sex with someone else
>She got engaged with that someone else

Church girls are such a fucking meme

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Fucking Kek this has to be a larp. Who tf would she be sending that dickpic to anyway?