With a $300k BTC price by end of 2021 we should at least see a $5 RSR price around the same timeframe. dyor tho...

With a $300k BTC price by end of 2021 we should at least see a $5 RSR price around the same timeframe. dyor tho, i'd rather not spoonfeed this thread, dont have much time.

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Other urls found in this thread:


you aight white boy

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that's what ur mom said when i jizzed in her pussy

with 300k btc rsr would be at 30 - 50 $

I don't even want to be that rich

Christ I know. Give me $100 chainlink and and $2 rsr. More than enough. I hate the rich for thinking they need a lot.

The only people who need a LOT are people who have ambition to make things happen, rather than simply living comfortably.
I for one would find a high-priced RSR very helpful.

where are all of us going to find the liquidity to swap our RSR into millions worth of stable coins? we'll be dealing with a stable coin shortage crisis if RSV doesnt enter the market with several billion in circulation.

you need to read the white paper, retard. RSR has a $10 max you stupid cunt

>i'd rather not spoonfeed this thread, dont have much time


I’m talking about those anons that are always talking about making it and just pissing it away on extravagant vacations and lady boys.


You shitcoins faggots need to die. Give me your money before you throw it away.

No. Only Nevin and Peter can have my money.

>Give me your money before you throw it away.
Reserve confirmed $50 2021 user. Stay poor if you want.

this is a delusional fantasy coin. you faggots thing parliaments will convene to pass legislature to decree a literal reddit shit-coin as their nation's national reserve currency. couple that with all this garish imagery of gay tuxedos and lambos, and you have yourself a bunch of fucking fairy tale faggots

It's not necessarily a max it's more so that the devs can mint and dump on us once RSR is above $10.

>Doesn't understand the mechanics of the world economics

The Bilderberg/Thiel/Masonic connections are undeniable user. They are telling us this is the coin they have been planning on releasing for 20 years. BTC was just an psyop to see if the population was ready for the Single Global Currency. Reserve is that currency. We are just lucky enough to be here now.

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same guy in every thread with the same garbage

he's never gonna make it

>this is a delusional fantasy coin. you faggots thing parliaments will convene to pass legislature to decree a literal reddit shit-coin as their nation's national reserve currency. couple that with all this garish imagery of gay tuxedos and lambos, and you have yourself a bunch of fucking fairy tale faggots
ignore this guy. people were saying exact same thing about bitcoin when i bought it at $2.70

This. /our/ interests and (((their))) interests have finally aligned.

>dyor tho, i'd rather not spoonfeed this thread, dont have much time.
laziest shilling ever. why even write a complete sentence?



the god has spoken
moving the rest of my btc into rsr

and there it is, the first of many biz mascots to bend the knee

The goal is to be the top global reserve/stable currency based on a pool of national currencies and other assets.

They have a former SEC commissioner on their advisory board.

Early stage investors include Coinbase Ventures, Peter Thiel, Sam Altman, Digital Currency Group, Crypto Lotus, Refactor Capital, Jack Selby(Paypal founder), Distributed Global and many more.

They are releasing a mobile app next month and will be testing it in various hyperinflationary environments, starting with Argentina.

One of their primary goals is government compliance and they clearly have the connections to accomplish that.

The 2-5% arb burn rate that will begin after mainnet launches will further reduce the supply of RSR which all but guarantees a $1 price. It might take a few years to reach $10 but if adoption rate is high enough then it could even surpass even that.

The investors are solid as fuck, the team looks solid and were invited to speak at Davos not sure if you've seen that video yet. youtube.com/watch?v=rb4e34btRbQ

The fact that big players like Facebook want to basically make the same type of stablecoin also makes me super bullish on RSR/RSV. Even Binance is trying to make a "local stablecoin" called Venus. Crypto demand is at an all time high in Venezuela and new companies like PundiX are installing point of sale equipment for retailers. Even their own shit government made their own crypto currency not that long ago and are accepting tax payments via bitcoin. That's just one country. Reserve also have a deal with 7mobile africa (look them up it's the 2nd guy from Nevin in Davos video) to add the RSV app to their phones for Angola.

RSV/RSR will have a diverse basket of assets, transparency, adoption in high inflation areas, burn mechanism and is currently selling for less than .0025. The only downside right now is that it's going to be annoying to buy it if you're a burger, until coinbase adds it between now and mainnet.

Why the fuck would btc go to 300k?

Why wouldn't it?

Based and R#pilled.

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welcome aboard

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Why meme imagenary is black&white succes-photos? When the project aim is to help poor people in Venezuela? Fucking millenials narcicists, go fucking kys...

Imagine not getting rich off funnelled funds from the third world. Its like the utmost success. Fuck you boomer

RSV =/= RSR, fren. The official branding is black and white, so why not? The new success is made by helping others in need at the expense of those bitch ass banks and shady entities. To invest in RSR is to support the system that liberates the oppressed from the banks. Their adoption and the success of the system will require RSR to grow. You can donate your profits, you know.

What's wrong with wanting to be successful while helping people at the same time? These two things are not mutually exclusive, most people in the world were lifted out of poverty thanks to capitalism. What are you, some kind of commie?

that's how money are made

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Where can I store rsr? I want to buy in via simpleswap but I don’t know how to move the rsr to a wallet. Do any software wallets support it or do I need to get ledger or a paper wallet?

yes sir project meant to help poor indian sewer cleaners via pump and dump

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I don't think I have what it takes for really moving up in the game so drastically, but I could try siring someone who does.

Honestly, I'd prefer the entire continent dead.
>It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.

All this has to do it take the place of tether and we make it. Fuck off retard.

My only problem with RSR is the tranny that's on the team.

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Trust Wallet is simple. Ledger works also, but you have to manually enter RSR. It's currently just erc20 which means you send it to your ethereum address.

>>Jow Forums

He's got a guy's name. Just low-T.

Thanks. Gonna start accumulating now. People are saying that 1 million coins is what’s necessary to make it which is about 2000 usd. Add to it over time.

got glasses, smart, will make money for us

Can't a guy just have some glorious golden hair?

its the token tranny user
you have to appeal to normies if you want to succeed

You're right, they're a plague.

I'll fully admit that I really don't have any idea how it'll work, but if they intend to be the reserve currency for the ENTIRE WORLD, won't RSV need to have a supply in the trillions?


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Chainlink x RSR AMA just announced, check official telegram.
Did you Reserve your Righs yet, gentlemen?

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Screenshot or kys

it's true


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>he doesnt know

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how btfo does this make u feel user?

Biz shoud get off its ass and really sell rsr to normie boomers that want to help the world. Its so easy to sell people on if you frame it as charity with possible returns.


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gonna have to stop u right there, moral fag.
i dont want anyone that isnt an autistic neet from Jow Forums having more money than me.
this bull cycle is about the empowering of the neets rising up.
dont get it twisted.
the literal boomers fucked our generation with their pensions, out of control spending, terrible politics, immigration, and general zionism.
we owe them nothing, so we made our own money so we dont have to pay into their fiat scams anymore.
dont tell them shit, they dont deserve these gains cause they need to just hurry up and die faster.

I think it's best not to invest then



this coin has the most classy elitist black'n'white jetset memes in the industry.

not those stupid "fren frog" -tier zoomer shit, including photoshopped fat-ass growing man defecating cubes or something like that,

RSR memes are adult-like intellectual elite jet-set memes.

better buy now then, zoomie. biz has had tons of chances to get in on this, the train doesn't wait forever.

im the OP of this thread retard and I hold more than 10 million RSR

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What a lame meme. Unworthy of further replication.

Ahem. Quick question. If I go the Huobi route, does it have to be all on mobile? or can I switch from mobile to desktop? This is very confusing to me. I get the coinwallet is a mobile app, but how do I copy and paste where the fuck the RSR is supposed to go? also what the fuck is USDT and why / how do I have to buy it?
Thnx bros. I wanna be living comfy w/ you. I was looking at Lamborghinis today.

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nice stack

i just upgraded my stack from 500k to 1M

You faggots are going to end up sticking sharpies in your assholes for pennies

how to buy RSR if Burger as of 9-1-2019
vpn is required.

step 1) download protonvpn free version
step 2) make huobi account claim some random country outside the U.S
step 3) buy usdt with debit card or something
step 4) buy rsr from exchange
step 5) send rsr to wallet of your choice

i used metamask for a bit, then i used coinbase wallet app because it was directly connecting to idex and ill be waiting for coinbase to list rsr anyway so ill hold it there for now.

alternatively, if you already have ETH somewhere you can do the same thing with IDEX

1) create account, claim some random country (i used canada)
2) link wallet (i used coinbase wallet app) and send ETH into wallet, then into IDEX via deposit and pay the gas fee ( you can start with a small amount of ETH to test it if you want)
3) create order or market buy RSR
4) deposit from IDEX into wallet and i believe it pays the fee in RSR usually takes like 80 RSR or something

if you use metamask you can add new token by using this contract id : 0x8762db106b2c2a0bccb3a80d1ed41273552616e8

im still buying until i reach about 25 million

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>step 3) buy usdt with debit card or something
>step 4) buy rsr from exchange
>step 5) send rsr to wallet of your choice
What the fuck is step 3?

Hello fellow goyims
Please do not purchase RSR

hello newfren, just buy ETH on coinbase, then send it to a metamask.io wallet then use a VPN to connect to IDEX.market - follow the remaining instructions in this pasta.

How to buy RSR if burger:
>buy ETH on crypto.com (register with ref code pwb8n4rhly for $50 in free crypto) app or coinbase pro
>send ETH to your ERC20 metamask.io wallet
>go to idex.market click balances
>deposit ETH using 4+ more gwei than the current gas limit
>go to RSR/ETH pair
>switch from limit to market buy, click amount so it auto fills you buy order, click buy
>repeat that process until all of your ETH has been used to buy RSR at market buy orders
>go to balances, withdraw to your ERC20 metamask wallet
>hold for 4 years
>reverse process to sell on a centralized exchange with much higher volume
>sell your RSR into RSV
>send RSV to your metamask ERC20 wallet
>login to the Huobi DeFi with your metamask wallet
>supply the Huobi smart contract with RSV
>earn a passive 13% interest on your RSV
>profit massively
>withdraw monthly amounts of RSV until you die and of course reinvest it for the memes
>buy Black Ivory Coffee and drink it on Sunday mornings recollecting the success that Jow Forums has brought you

thats as detailed as im willing to get right now.
but follow that and you should never have to work again assuming you get 1MM RSR right now

Poorfag with $2500 in chainlink and a small amount of ftm. All in reserve?

Would love to do fiat buys but am in sales with a long sales cycle to get paid which fucked me getting 10k link

Go all in I mean. Can hit 1 mill

never sell your Chainlink for any reason dude.
but take out a loan if you have to for at least 1 million RSR, its the official suicide stack.

My fear is of getting fucked when it comes time for filing taxes. If any crypto to crypto tx is supposed to reported, wouldn't it be illegal to use a VPN to purchase digital assets that are not currently compatible with burger (((regulations)))?

Tax man doesn’t care about that shit. Hell, they want taxes from drug deals if they can get ‘em.

what's Huobi DeFi?

they announced several weeks ago that they are building a DeFi, and Reserve has a special partnership with Huobi. so RSV will be supported and RSR swaps will likely also be included with the finished product.
if u dont kno what a defi is check out compound.finance - its the industry standard so far.
huobi's will likely be similar but using mixicles etc

just use a fucking MIXER if u have to to send the RSR to one of your kyc wallets for tax purposes. etc dyor tho but there are things u need to be thinking about more carefully.

Is Idex a good way to buy still for burgers? Heard some shit about kyc a bit back.

At least it's crashing now instead of crabbing for a month, that's an improvement

i love these pics post more

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RSR makes me fucking RIGID

I think what other user meant was that it makes him uncomfortable that he is attracted to the dude with the golden locks.

He probably just doesn't know how to process that. He definitely needs to suck a few dicks and get it out of his system.

Ugh, I'd rather not have RSR associated with such a unproven product. Link has no real investors and no actual use case. Sergey can't hang with people on RSR's level.

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Unless you want to ride link down to the basement with all these other retards.

700k a day.

Fucking why? Just buy back at 25 cents if you like LINK.

Anything below $10/RSR is FUD

will fap to this


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>if only you knew how good things are about to be for the gentlemen of Reserve

This only makes me harder

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Thanks for the tip. Never thought of using a mixer.