Why the fuck are wagies so retarded?

I'm always at a loss why people complain about having /no money/ or never truly retiring until 65. Are people literally retarded? You simply just use your money to invest in things for the future.

I don't know why no one seems to have this mindset. The most likely thing they do is put their wagecheck on monkey tier entertainment shit: netflix subscription / eat out / shopping at the mall / buying a new phone / etc. instead of figuring out ways to reduce their spending costs or perhaps find ways to increase their money through investment or business purposes. Maybe I'm the Jew here but if people knew how to save money they wouldn't be complaining.

Anons what are you planning to do for the future? Fuck the boomers saying 1 million is not enough. I don't plan on staying in America for longer anyways because it's going to get fucked in the long run.

Attached: uhhhwtf.png (250x250, 161K)

it's not better abroad, the true redpill, the hardest one to swallow is:

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

t. inherited 300,000$ and made 120,000$ with cryptos

no amount of money can heal us

>that huge wall of text

Back to redit kid

flash news, the retarded is you, no one in this generation is going to get past 35 year old without health issues at all because cancer will be so rampant that everyone will die before 40

it's programmed to be like that, the elites want depopulation and they will get it

be merry and use your money, health is going to be more precious than money in the future

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>tfw gf and I can't stop eating out and ordering delivery

I spent close to $100 just today and this weekend on overpriced junk food

shut the fuck up. you're no better with your poverty mentality. smart people focus on earning more dollars not saving more nickels. 1 million is straight poorfag tier even if you live in shitty ass middle america.

yes women are expensive and you only have one bro, be thankful...

>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

Post hand

Dear god that confirms it. This is a Jow Forums thread. Gtfo
Reported. Zero tolerance

You can cook a steak dinner for like 15 dollars. Stop being lazy.

im not being an ultra jew and living so scantily as to not be in a healthy style of living. I actually go out and exercise, make my own food, and this is ironically cheaper anyways so it's not a problem for me. The only end goal I have to spend my money is for solid assets like a home which I'm waiting for the boomers to fucking kys so I can finally get one in this shitty country for a reasonable amount.
You know in 2008 you could have been rich as fuck if you bought a bunch of property that was foreclosed because of the economic crisis? I'm waiting for that moment and not spending my money recklessly

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Your time is counted little slave

I bought my first apartment at 18(had enough money for it at 16 though). This mentality is what separates the elite from the working class.

We're all gonna make it.

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What mentality? You were just born in a rich family lmao

>I don't plan on staying in America for longer anyways
just remember to renounce your USA citizenship, pay an exit levy and final tax bill.

my dad makes $50k and my mum $40k
they have been living in the same apartment(renting) for the last 20 years
i broke the cycle user

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Yeah I'm sure you made $100k on your own at 16 y/o

Not at the regular grocery store.
Kroger 3 Ribeyes ~ 3 lbs=$45
Nam dae Mun Ribeye ~ 4 lbs=$8
Anyone else farmers market Master race?


Wages are stagnant in many fields and costs of living keep going up in many cities. In some cases people are really dumb but for a lot of people it's not their choice.