This was one of the most spot on, coherent posts ever made on this board

discuss niggers

Attached: every kind of crisis.png (1849x894, 112K)

Other urls found in this thread:

unironically chainlink is the answer

is this going to be the peak bubble, the last breath of fiat money?

how far are we from this happening, 5-10y?

The government will solve this by rolling out a one-time credit reset for uncreditworthy people.

the thought of this being a possible solution didnt even come to my mind
dear fucking lord

Honestly, I see a credit reset as more likely than something like total student loan forgiveness.

It's something barnie sandals would suggest.

If governments continue to act as if their credit is limited, there could be trouble.


As someone with 100% of my net worth in BTC since 2017, it'll be delicious watching all the other debt-fueled asset bubbles get revealed for the ponzis they really are, after weathering unanimous abuse from left, right, center, boomers, zoomers, everyone trying to paint BTC as a pyramid scheme these last few years. All while their houses kept doubling in value every 4 years and their stonks kept going up all day erryday with no corrections for years on end like the pre-crash bitconnect chart on steroids.

Watching the boomers' nest eggs go up in flames in realtime will be the schadenfreude event of the millennium.

based af

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Lel no. It would be every 10 years at least. Liberals will DEMAND it.

Jow Forums is right but this could take 15+ years from now to accomplish. That's the problem. Most of us aren't going to just wait 15+ years for this. Jow Forums always thinks the next thing is right around the corner. It's not, and despite Jow Forums and Jow Forums thinking Civil War is coming, the central banks are collapsing, and we're nearing the end of times, we have probably like 20 years before anything on that level actually happens. Honestly.

credit strikes are already forgiven after 7 years. 10 seems unreasonably too frequent. But, I see what you're getting at.

You think they don't have negative interest rates and helicopter money ready to go? If any market begins to decline, they will step in as a buyer of last resort. See: 2008

Debt exhaustion doesn't matter. China is already running an economy like the one described. Every "expert" has predicted their demise for the past decade because of this and they've all been wrong.

Central banks don't exist to fix anything. They're here to prolong the inevitable.

You really don't understand. In the not-so-near future, well within your lifetime, there will be a randomized year set every 40-65 years for a debt jubilee. It will not be known in advance, intentionally so that people will be tight and loose with credit in relatively knowable, but not perfectly predictable phases.

Cool, but they still won't get a loan.

>thinking /x/ tier doomsday bullshit is intelligent

>trying to look smart by dismissing the post instead of doing research on your own
a lot of what he said is backed up by actual macroeconomical trends, verifiable by 10 minutes on google

that sounds kind of far fetched and I dont see it resolving the underlying issues that the average person is financially semi-retarded, and about a third of the 1st/2nd world population is plain retarded when it comes to managing their own personal finances

>we have probably like 20 years before anything on that level actually happens. Honestly.
this is great
it gives us time to prepare
within those 20 years things will get systematically worse in every way
there was a post from a south american user who said when his country went to shit things just stopped working, one day the bus system and subway, the next the electricity

I want to buy land, work it, and establish a community and have my philosophy dominate local politics
I just want freedom, free markets, guns, and only white people
can't have that until society rips at its seams and I create the solution
I'm just rambling but man this is great we have the opportunity of a societal collapse in our lifetime

Im not a burger so I wouldnt know much about american politicians to be entirely honest
the US has to go through some kind of reset or a default, that is for sure, they cant just infinitely inflate the debt away because at some point it will be counter-productive due to them destroying the dollar

People being retards with their finances is a short-term problem that has a short-term answer: the implementation of this system. The long-term answer is to make it so no more than two to three generations can even benefit from or be harmed by spending tendencies. This will be how the ladder gets pulled up while making the elites look like heroes, and giving us the trappings of a market economy.

what I meant by this, is that making retards appear non-retarded on paper would only kick the can down the road by a tiny bit and the drawback from such a thing as a credit reset would far outweight the benefits

implementation of what system? What you suggested? that doesnt resolve any of the underlying issues, the economy would just keep being what it is now - a big fucking lie, and eventually collapse

What do you think an engineered reset is, if not controlled demolition?

>implying that Bitcoin is not just another asset bubble

Sorry, user, but it really is. And I write this as someone who put some pocket change into it in 2015 and watched it turn into 80% of my net worth.

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and no, it is not a short term problem
people always were and always will be retarded, a portion of the population at least will be
problem is the way modern banking works and gives these retards means to broadcast their financial retardness into the broad system of todays economy. its a house of cards

>thinking hard resets aren't a perfect damage prevention mechanism
I can only say it so many fuckin' ways user, work with me here and use your brain a little bit.

Correct, it's already happening. Not enough people to take on the new debt. Everyone's tapped out.
The biggest test of central banking is coming up.
Helicopter money or debt deflation?
They'll have to choose between the angry masses and the elites.

okay, can you explain this to me?
say america defaults, or to use your words "reset" on its debt
theres gonna be so much political unstability on a global level and unrest of the average citizens its going to cause a fucking collapse anyway
in such cases large scale military conflict could still happen, and that I believe is the only way they could happen because otherwise war is just not worth it for anybody with todays levels of globalization where one sector takes a shit and 20 other sectors of the economy snowball downwards with it

"we are just gonna borrow money and reset on it every half a century teehee" lmao nobody would make an effort to develop long term prosperity with the US if the US government put such a policy into effect

The US doesn't give a single solitary fuck about what the rest of the world wants. The US has the guns and the distance and the self-sufficiency to walk away from everyone else. That said, the likelihood of America defaulting is hilariously low; everyone else will default before America does. And I suspect the debt jubilee will be what the US gets in exchange for actual material assistance after the fires get extinguished.

You hilariously overestimate what people consider "long-term prosperity."

"central banks cannot make uncreditworthy borrowers creditworthy"

this is correct, but the banks have two options:
1. reduce their standards full well knowings that the "too big to fail" con can be played and they will be bailed out in case too many default. Remember all is well as long as the government guarantees the loans and the interest keeps flowing.

2. compounded high GDP growth - This is what the Trump administration is banking on. The hope and prayer is that the uptick in GDP growth when compounded will generate enough creditworthy borrowers to keep the circus going. It's a Hail Marry pass, but arguably based on real w: orld fundamentals.

pic unrelated

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I think you hilariously overestimate how capable the US is as a nation, as a military power and as an economic power

Feels good being supremely right a year later. Fuck the haters

Have you done your research on US military capabilities? I know I have.

Dilution is the solution to pollution, my friend.

And then the power goes out ...

nee, he's got it about right, although the clarification is that the US is a hilariously powerful MARITIME military power, not military in general. On land burgers are average, but on the sea and to a lesser extent in the air they are unrivaled. This is of course by design as the US became the Shepherd of all maritime transportation after Bretton Woods.

Also he's right about the US not giving a single solitary fuck, but that's very recent. Honestly that's probably only true since the shale revolution in the US that has made it energy independent. Since circa 2015 the US can pretty much piss right off and not give a flying fuck about anyone else. Its the single most centralized and self sufficient major economy in the world. It's exports accont for less than 8% of its GDP and its imports are only around 12% of its GDP value. In short the US has very little skin in the world game now and especially now after shale.

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Based optimist. I want you in my rifle squad.

Don't forget: of that 8% of GDP from exports, two thirds of that are just from NAFTA, which doesn't go away even if the US tells everyone to eat a freedom dick.

very true....for the banks that is.

regular jackoffs will eat the cost.

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true that. I always forget about leafs and burritos. They will get to hang out with the US even if Washington tells everyone else to piss off.

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based predictionanon
Just read that whole thread and you gave me a supreme boner.

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And underestimate the israel lobby

We will make it, brother

Man I wish I saw threads like that back then. Most of the TA threads at the time were guessing a bottom in the lower $2,000's so I waited for that with the other idiots and ended up getting bitten in the ass during April. My bookmark for Cryptowatch still has a price around $3,800 in the title so that I'm reminded of my failure every time I jump on to check prices. I know we still have a long way to go and I can still make a lot of money in the long run, but I'll always be thinking in the back of my mind about how I had the opportunity to buy at below 4K and how I could have already been at over 2x right now.

What's your take on the upcoming Tether decision?

funny how much can change in a year

what tether decision? My current position is that BTC remains in an uptrend and I won't think of reversing my thought process until the weekly 20 SMA is broken and closed below. I think we're in a period similar to late 2015 when bitcoin finally broke out of the year-long consolidation at 200-300 and rallied to 500. It then spent 6 months flagging sideways gliding along the 20 week

Attached: 20 week SMA test.jpg (1699x889, 104K)


>what tether decision?
Tether might get fucked on October 27, 2019, I'm expecting a major movement at around that date like how there was a major movement the day that Bitcoin Cash split away from Bitcoin since that was another day when a lot of people expected a massive dip and the exact opposite thing happened

I mean maybe it does, I try not to think of any individual events as being themselves large enough to change overall trend direction. It could very well end up being like the mid-2016 Finex hack that pushed bitstamp down to 465 and well below the 20 week support before rallying back to close above. At the time I remember how horrifying the prospects looked and now looking back it's just another candle on a chart. I really try and maintain a larger perspective on things now

bonus: rare bottom pic I had to snap because it was so nutty at the time

Attached: the bottom.jpg (1600x741, 142K)

This is old news. Literally everybody here knows that Bitcoin will be $1,000,000+ within a couple years. Anybody saying otherwise is larping.

it will most likely hit 6 or 8k at some point.

Imagine if the country didn't even have debt, how would your life be different? Imagine no country had any debt, how would they function? The amount of debt is entirely meaningless. It's just a meaningless number used to scare the population.

Around $6,000 is the value I'm anticipating if Tether ends up getting fucked. If it doesn't get fucked, the price will get pumped to whatever is the next number that Asuka predicted. I'm expecting the former to happen but am keeping around 1 BTC as "insurance" in case I'm wrong (again)

You wouldnt have done anything anyway.
All the 3k bottom buyers were like "muh 200ma" or some shit like that. There wasnt really any good reason it should be the bottom, they got lucky.

People who call others lucky are usually doing so to cope with missing out and refuse to believe that not everyone out there is as dumb as them

There was a short while when I was considering buying in the 3K range just because I knew it was close enough to the bottom given bitcoin's potential in the next bull run, but I listened to the 2K fappers too much. It was a valuable lesson in how greed can fuck you up not only when trying to sell high but when trying to buy low as well.

What about europoors

true, but lucky people calling themselves smart is the exact same thing

Learning a valuable lesson has value even if you didn't get a chance to buy the bottom. The point is continuous improvement through personal experience

> government declares loan forgiveness
> lenders get hosed and become extremely selective in the future
> credit evaporates for all but the most qualified buyers

this would only work once and then wreck the economy. if the government wants to do that they would be better paying off the loans for them

They dont necessarily need credit, they just need spending, which has for the most part been fueled by credit. They can make uncreditworthy people able to spend by giving them money directly like Australia did in 09. Their hubris is matched by their "ingenuity" to manipulate finances, which will only become more "innovative" the more options they exhaust.

Debt does not matter.

If it gets too high and creditors want their money back, the government will simply print money to pay it. If this causes inflation, the government can issue higher taxation and just burn the money to decrease money supply. If heavy taxation causes a market downturn, the Fed can sell zero interest Treasury bonds to spur the market. If that fails, they can print more money to spur the market, or instantiate a federal jobs guarantee that would do much the same.

So on and so forth, with fiscal policy in perpetual ebbs and flows to control inflation and debt to it's liking while keeping full employment constant.

You can definitely get the creditworthy to borrow more, by lowering interest rates. If interest rates are too low, print money to decrease demand for cash in relation to demand for debt.

You can definitely loan to untrustworthy creditors, by just spiking their interest rates. If average interest rates get too high, the government can 1. print money or 2. literally just force people to lower their interest rates. They're the government.

If the government is heavy in debt, it must mean some market is having a heavy surplus. They spent that money somewhere. If that market is domestic, fantastic, how could you be expecting a crash when the country's doing so well? If it's foreign, then you can increase import tariffs. The foreign country profiting off of you can either comply or the wealth can come back stateside.

DEBT DOES NOT MATTER. The only thing you have to make sure of is that interest rates remain lower than growth rates, so that people aren't going to be expecting more money by debt closure than was made. And since you entirely control the interest rates, and as they are right now, they're already pretty low, it literally does not matter how much debt you accrue or keep in perpetuity.

Yes, it's entirely a fabricated Jewish scam, but like most Jewish scams, it's very intelligent and designed to exist in perpetuity. (1/2)

ITT: Larpers


Time correlates with interest, nothing can survive in perpetuity.
Admittedly the current scheme can run a long time yet, of the controllers so decided.

I was looking at buying a place to rent out. None of the math works. It is impossible to buy a place and rent it out at market rates and have a profit. In every case it would cost you money.

It makes zero sense. It means the only people that could make money renting would be those that bought before real estate prices went up, but those same people would make their money back quicker if they sold for the higher prices now instead of rented it out.

This is a major dilemma and clown world studies. You can't rent out if you buy and if you own you are better off selling. Something is wrong.

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What? That means everyone is doing what they should be. New buyers shouldnt buy and old buyers should keep renting because they cant sell.

The government can *buy zero interest Treasury bonds.

There will be periods of instability, when the levers of fiscal policy haven't changed fast enough to deal with moving markets, as happened in 2008's liquidity trap.

Make your money in crypto during these periods accordingly (like when BTC spiked during the Cyprus crisis). But do NOT expect some kind of massive, society-upending CRASH, where people will lose faith in sovereign currencies and move to crypto. It will not happen.
Ultimately, things will return to normal, and the crypto markets will as well.

Crypto's long-term usefulness will be 1. various applications of blockchain/smart contracts in fintech that consumers will not be exposed to any meaningful capacity, except for maybe stablecoin payment apps that are ultimately still pegged to sovereign currencies and have to go through central banks for transferals between those sovereign currencies and the stablecoin, 2. immutable, decentralized databases for websites that don't care about speedy response times (I can imagine a Jow Forums on the blockchain blowing up if aspects of the scalability trilemma are solved), and 3. blockchain video games. I can definitely imagine digital card games with open trading markets moving to Ethereum.

It'll be an important technology, but *a lot* of scam artists and their plebeian bag holders (Bitcoin SV, EOS, and Tron being the first that come to mind) will be liquidated. Bitcoin will -not- replace any sovereign country's currency, and blockchain is -not- Internet in the 80s. It's more like Linux in the early 90s : yes, it's cool, yes, it will have some uses, most of those uses will be backend shit that normies will never deal with or even see, and no, the prevailing order will not break under the weight of it's autistic supremacy.

(2/2) I meant to put in.

"Time correlates with interest" .... wat mean?

there was an Adam and Eve on the 4h chart that bottomed succesfully around 3.5k and bounced up V-shape to 4,4k. Then it got justed down, but the same pattern emerged on the daily chart and V-shaped from 3k. By mid march you should've realised that the weekly chart was printing THE SAME PATTERN which is like top 5 on any list of reversal patterns.

My only concern nowadays is that algos might try to do yet another gigantic Eve near the existing Adam on the monthly chart. Boy would that be a funny prank, teeheheh....

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what say now? what's your prediction for the future?

How dumb are you? As bitcoin increases, tether must naturally print more tethers to keep the price at $1 as more people buy them as a natural increase from additional fiat inputs. Basic fucking economics.

BTC price prediction eoy 2021 & eoy 2022?

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Fucking linktards and their copium.

Read blackrock's latest newsletter

Long way to go before liq. crisis

And buy gold and silver before all your ameribucks become absolutely worthless.

Ya if the global economy goes into massive recession people will pull there money out of btc quickly. Btc will fall just like everything else but probably even more as it is not trusted.

>double bottom
Wut, it was an ascending triangle.

>listening to (((blackrock)))
user I...

Once the debt fueled economy ends it's a simple fix. Revalue gold overnight somewhere between 10k-100k per ounce which purges all the debt from the system... then all prices of goods are effectively gold prices.

The fix is literally 8th grade division

it's a dead cat bounce, this is the top

isn´t that the same?

>he doesn't understand

"Digital gold" and the best-performing asset in human history is exactly what people will be trusting when literally everything else society told them is "trustworthy" is imploding. You're also overrating the impact of retail on Bitcoin's price -- institutions, which happen to have massive capital to throw around, understand its value far better than the average joker on the street. Gold and Bitcoin, user. Gold and Bitcoin. Get your ass ready.

>they understand its value
I think they understand their ability to affect its value. Its what they decide to do that makes the difference. Bitcoin is worthless if nobody has it, and extremely valuable if everybody does

>I think they understand their ability to affect its value.

Basically the same thing, since any "manipulation" plans only play into Bitcoin's boom-bust-biggerboom narrative. It's a runaway train and at this point no entity on earth can stop it -- only choose when to jump aboard. Everyone makes the same calculation eventually: "If I don't buy in and everyone else does, I miss out on virtually unlimited gains. If I buy in and no one else does, I suffer a limited loss. It's been ten years and Bitcoin has continued to grow at an unprecedented rate. What's more likely, that it dies or that it lives? And even if it were more likely that it dies, does that outweigh the potential for 1000%+ gains?"

At this point in BTC's lifecycle, it's a gamble the rational person or institution HAS to take. The potential cost of NOT buying Bitcoin is unbearable.

How is it a runaway train if the gatekeepers decide to close the gate?

Nothing makes me comfier than knowing all of us linkies on this board will never have to worry about any of this gay shit

Do you think that will be a coordinated, global effort? Or something a few gormless governments will try and then regret in a year or two as the rest of the world shoots ahead of them? I mean, I have little doubt the US will try to ban crypto on-ramps at some point, at least for "non-accredited investors," lol. They'll claim it's to protect the poor wittle consumer, since you KNOW there are going to be a shitload of boomers buying at the peak of this next cycle and losing what little money they have left after their stocks and houses blew up on them. But this is game-theory stuff. Even with a total, collective, UN-managed effort to kill Bitcoin, the advantage always goes to the one country willing to break the embargo. So while I won't be surprised to see first-world countries try to soak their citizens while surreptitiously buying Bitcoin with Treasury dollars, I don't see any conceivable way, outside of one-world government, they can stop BTC. (Which is kind of ironic, since universal adoption of Bitcoin as the new standard probably will pave the way for one-world government, but that's another matter entirely.)

lmao, OK. Listen to zerohedge brainlets instead

I've also experimented with fermenting my own feces. Why you might ask? Short answer is, weed was getting a bit too expensive for my liking. I've researched ancient methods of achieving a natural high and I've found that ancient african cultures would allow there shit to dry out on the hot sun and the heat would ferment it over time. They would take a piece of the dried kaka and smoke it, and this would give them a mellow high that allowed them to talk to the moon. I've gone a bit further with my fermentation as I've not only allowed my poop to sit out in the sun but I've also urinated, vomited and cooomed inside the mason Jar the waste is currently residing in. I can already see cultures forming at the top. This is gonna be so amazing guys will keep you posted when I'm finished.

Nobody can stop btc. That doesnt mean it cant be contained into mainstream irrelevance

The inter-generational theft we have been subject to is starting to appear more clearer to the average user.

Everyone is talking about crashes and a sharp drop in markets and other asset classes.

Reality is the poor will just stop playing along. They will stop going to work and instead riot, or even take up arms.

The Hong Kong riots happening are more economically motivated than politically. Thanks to "Welfare for the rich"-policies of central banks, the youth of Hong Kong know they will never be able to afford their own homes. Faced with re-integration into China they will also see their wages drastically drop as they have to compete with jobs from the mainlanders they've looked down on their whole life. What little money they earn will go to social welfare for their parents to relax. The same parents who will berate their children until they die for being incapable of attaining the same social status as themselves. Their future looks like like absolute shit and they know it so they revolt.

This is how it will happen in every nation: Faced with a dogshit future the youth will stop taking shit and revolt.

Damn, based

>But do NOT expect some kind of massive, society-upending CRASH, where people will lose faith in sovereign currencies and move to crypto. It will not happen.
But it will.

Now that the cat’s out of the bag, there is NO logical reason to NOT use bitcoin as the base of the future monetary system.

I like your points user but I think you need to think bigger, way bigger. This will become one of the most major turning points in history. Period. Suspend your disbelief and look at it from that’s an awe-inspiring concept but honestly the craziest outcome would be that exact thing somehow NOT happening!

Attached: grief.jpg (357x500, 101K)

Everything is a bubble. Centralized states. Table manners. Marriage customs. Everything.