Nigger here

Nigger here.

How do I acquire one of these using devilish methods?

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with a flicka da wrist

checked. you already know how, it's in your blood

You can find ads on your local Craigslist looking for people to pick these up and charge them. Sign up with fake info maybe you can snag the charger plus a couple scooters

How to hack into scooter though vato? It's just a xiaomi scooter. I imagine I'd need to do some hotwiring.

dark web nigger

its actually stupid easy to turn a bird scooter, and the other brands, into a personal scooter for a meme $20 total. Very easy with hardly any work. But it's illegal and immoral. But you can also sometimes legally buy "abandoned" good working bird scooters from police auctions for as low as $20 then easily turn them into your personal scooter for another $20. They are also easily customization, the power, acceleration, when they kick in, the cruise control, everything, very easy to modify and flash your own custom ram or flash a premade custom ram. You lose a lot of range when you increase the torque and power though.

I don't condone stealing them but the info is very easily accessible all over the internet.

What the fuck are these and why did they pop out of nowhere. I went outside today for the first time in months and some multiple of these in random spots in the streets. Not even parked in spots. Do you pay for like 30 minutes of use and whenever it's done you leave it in the middle of the road instead of returning it?

you pay a dollar to start a ride then you pay 10-15 cents per minute after that
you can leave them literally anywhere and they all have GPS so other scooter users can find them using the app
yes they dump them in metro cities, sometimes without any permission. which is also why some cities have banned or temperarily banned them and in some of those cities the police have taken them, or abondoned ones in those cities and are auctioning them dirt cheap, as low as $20 a scooter.
for reference, a personal scooter of the same exact brand and type costs $400 new.

then at night random people collect them and take them home and charge them and get paid $5-$20 per scooter to charge them at home that night and put them back outside anywhere in the local metro

Check your local river.

yeah some faggots throw these scooters into the water. even some videos of this douchbaggery on youtube

kinda neat desu

I lovee my scoots.
Just buy it fucking nigger.

A good business opportunity would be to collect these scooters and redistribute as needed.

These fucking things are all over the place, what's to stop civic minded folk from destroying them?

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>illegal and immoral
Fag these scooters are immoral to the city landscape

It’s a fuckin cancer. As if cities weren’t ugly enough and now we have to be reminded how plebeian humans are by their scooters that are eft on street corners. America is turning into fucking Vietnam


So what the actual fuck? How do you take it for personal use?

I got so many of these around where I live. I want to have one of my own lol.

Hate those
Have wrecked about 50 since they appeared.
simple crowbar and some force at night. And if a fag on those crosses me I fake a jump in their direction, it is glorious to see the soibois and 50 year old zoomers fall flat on their face


I've thought about how people could do what you're trying to do OP. Off the top of my head i assume you could load em up into a truck/van. Access the battery, disconnect it. Access the logic board, remove any other power source you might see. The goal being to disable the GPS. Once you do that you can easily fuck with it on your own time. You know, remove decals, paint it, etc.

absolutely based