Matt gets rekt kek lol - Chainlink
He's right you know. But no token = no incentive to provide good data
no incentive to provide good data = no functional network
>He's right you know
explain to me how hes right?
He's a big guy over at reddit as well
Who tf is matt?
All i see from his twitter that he is obsessed with shitting on chainlink based on ignorance
>Chainlink doesn’t work because of reason x
>gets btfo
>well but what about reason y
>gets btfo
>it doesn’t need a token
>here are the reasons why it needs it
>those aren’t reasons and lmao didn’t even read
Why should we care what this brainlet thinks again?
A big brainlet for you
Why. Do. You. Post. About. Him. If. You. Don't. Care. ?
Got bored of posting about Zach Hess?
This is like r/t_d posting about what CNN is reporting
Twitter was a mistake.
Nothing good has ever came from twitterfagd
yeah, he certainly comes off as a redditor. they're eternally opposed to anything that gets discovered first by biz, which is to say they're eternally opposed to profit, knowledge and memes.
Last time he tried to fud Link he got absolutely dilated.
This. This. This. Why the fuck don’t people understand this? There must be an incentive to actually provide data.
he wants jannies to run NODES
>He doesn’t know what you get for free is somewhere between nothing and dog shit
Outted himself as a liberal imo
laughing out looud!
Fuck off Matt. And get a better fucking haircut, you look like Justin Bieber.
Once we make it the linkies will just create a smart contract to payout $1,000,000 to whoever can supply his death certificate. Maybe then he’ll be convinced of the tokenomics.
he's openly mocking him
if you say something retarded on twitter people will mock you regardless if they give a shit about you or not
>saying kek outside of Jow Forums
>saying kek at all in 2019
Grow fucking faggots
Link has no usecase its true, keep buying this shit so you can go broke sooner.
>kek has originated from Jow Forums
it's okay to be a delusional megalomaniac user.
But I'm still not buying your bags until Sergey can go more than week without dumping like it's an exit scam.
Kek is old and busted
Jej is the new hotness
>But I'm still not buying your bags until Sergey can go more than week without dumping like it's an exit scam.
>11 days 23 hours ago
time to put your money where your mouth is, tranny.
Kek started because a crane killed a bunch of mudrats in Saudi Arabia.
Oh and if it wasnt clear, it started on Jow Forums, before sargon stole it and turned it into a pro-antifa thing.
kek is orcish for lol
He's right, you don't need a dedicated token, any other currency will do the job just as fine.
It started with koreans on starcraft dumbfucks. "Kekekek" is the the Korean version of hahahahaha.
For you
because laughing at retards who think they aren't retards is fun